Weird Bird Friday – Thank God

This post as always is dedicated to John and especially Susan the weird bird goddess at the Drunkablog listed to your right. They are dedicated ethnographers that have collected Native American articifacts for years. I believe they have been involved in the underground market in Australian Aborigine artifacts as well. 


The Smaller you are the More it matters.

Weird Bird Friday

Thats right its the day that Susan Kay and I find the best bird images we can and plaster them all over the web for you to share…and ardant civil rights advocate John Martin comes along for the ride. Actually this post is one John “should” read cause its all about effectively shooting (bang bang watch out!) in the wild. You can see John’s blog about all things native american and Denverish at our links section.


Whoa does it make the landing or not?

By the way, this photograph was taken by the guy who claims to have sighted the Ivory Bill Woodpecker so now you know the rest of the story:

Weird Bird Friday On Monday

Everyone hates bloggers that make excuses BUT through my own ineptitude I thought I had posted this Friday. Instead all I had done was save it. So when I fired up the blog I found I had a saved page and instead of checking to see why, I deleted it. You know I had already posted it. Well then I went to “View Site” and there was nothing there for Friday!

Susan had been out arting me and since I posted a gross weird bird last Friday I thought I would make up for that. These are beautiful and weird birds as well by an Indian poet who has art displayed on 6 continents. I think he lives in New Zealand now.



And these are many weird birds.


As John Martin says, better late than never.

Its Weird Bird Friday – we all TGI(WB)F every week

If you drop in at TGIF and show them this page they will give you a free drink!


Or maybe they will just throw up! This is our first grizzley weird bird Friday but not our last.

I know this is the second week of Daily HAHA pictures but these guys have great pictures…take a look.


What’s so weird about this bird? Well for one it is sacred. Yes it is the sacred Ibis of Iraq. But even weirder, it was thought to be extinct after Saddam Husein drained the southern swamps, their only known habitat.


While we are on the weird birds of Iraq travelogue:

  Parakeet with large tumor.


Below is the more traditional Birds of Iraq.


Finally, a quiz for points…which one is the male and which one is the female Iraqi Barn Owl?


Picking Your Nose The Winged Way – TGI(WB)F!

You thought with the weighty Bali Summit on my plate that I would forget about the funny and light hearted tradition started by Susan Kay and my friend and respected scientist John Martin’s blog about all things Denver and recently Native Americans (yes he is part Illiniwick if anyone asks). See Links list for more info.


I know its small but it is a crow apparently picking a ewe’s nose. I guess if you can’t pick your own…nature prompts you to pick some else’s…now thats eeeeeewwwwwwe.