Bird Friendly Wind Turbines That Love Turbulance



New Wind Turbine Harnesses Aerodynamics of Buildings

by Justin Thomas, Virginia on 10. 2.06

Science & Technology (alternative energy)
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A company called Aero Vironoment, has unveiled a compact wind turbine that sits on the parapets of a building rather than the roof. It catches the wind as it travels up the side of a building, which, in some cases, results in a 30% increase in energy production. The “Architectural Wind” turbine is 6.5 feet tall, and weighs 60 pounds. It requires only a 7 mph (3.1 m/s) breeze to start up, and produces roughly 55kWh per month per unit. There are two available optional extras for the turbine: a canopy, and an “avian protection” option, which is designed to keep birds out of the turbine. it was recently displayed at Green Pavilion of Wired’s Nextfest. :: Via: EcoGeek

Merry Christmas and a Wind Powered New Year!

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