Tom Donohue – He even lies about his member’s positions

Shouldn’t they fire this useless puke.

The Know Nothing
Tom Donohue
President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

As the de facto chief of American business and industry, Donohue has turned the biggest lobbying presence on Capitol Hill into the biggest friend of climate polluters. In the first nine months of last year, the Chamber spent $65 million — three times more than ExxonMobil — mounting a campaign to block Congress from placing limits on carbon pollution. “Not only has the Chamber spent decades denying the existence of the climate crisis,” Al Gore observed, “now it is dedicating a significant quantity of resources and money attempting to prevent Congress from taking action.”

The extreme anti-climate position staked out by Donohue runs counter to the position of his own members. Of the 23 companies on the Chamber’s board that made their position on climate legislation public, only four are against it — and three of those are coal companies. Yet the Chamber claims, in scaremongering language, that climate legislation threatens to “completely shut the country down” and “virtually destroy the United States.” For his part, Donohue is proudly ignorant of the risks that a changing climate poses to the business community: “Is the science right? Is science not right? I don’t know.”


Like I have been saying all these last 2 weeks everyone should read Burn and Climate Killers in the Rolling Stone.


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