Illinois Department Of Natural Resources Is Afraid – They be sceardy cats

Ya why don’t you stand up and tell the truth instead of hiding behind their hearing officers. Come out and take a chair. Raise your hand and take an oath.



Day 33   12/17/13.  Tonight is the Decatur hearing.  Please plan to attend and, if possible, testify.

Today’s Topic: Requiring the Department to Testify Under Oath at Hearings

  • Go to:
  • Click the button: Subpart B: Registration and Permitting Procedures
  • In the “Section” dropdown box, click: 245.270 Public Hearings
  • Submit your comment/s (below)
  • Click “Submit”


Section 245.270 requires the Department to appear at hearings but does not require that the Department testify.  The rules should contain an express obligation that the Department testify—and testify under oath—and be available for cross-examination. Without such testimony, a primary purpose of the hearings – to vet the permit application and ensure transparency – is gutted.

Revisions Needed:  Subsection 245.270(g)(6) should be amended to specify not merely that a representative from the  Department appear and “be given an opportunity” to provide evidence, but that the representative “shall testify under oath.” Furthermore, considering the specificity the Department requires of citizens at each hearing, the Department must be equally prepared.  In other words, the Department must provide a person or persons (with appropriate knowledge of specific areas) who will be able to address any issues that may arise at the hearing.

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