Alternative Energy Will Never Work – They said

The wind doesn’t blow all the time.

The sun only shines during the day.

Geothermal can’t be done everywhere.

Heat Pumps only work in certain temperature ranges.

There will never be enough storage.

Storage will be too expensive.

You can’t power an industrial society like this.

Then there is the big LIE, Nuclear Power is carbon free.

So much CARBON goes into a Nuclear Power Plant the it would never be carbon free…Not in a hundred years.

The feasibility of 100% renewable electricity systems: A response to critics?



Large-scale electricity systems based on 100% renewable energy can meet the key requirements of reliability, security and affordability.

This is even true where the vast majority of generation comes from variable renewables such as wind and solar PV.

Thus the principal myths of critics of 100% renewable electricity are refuted.

Arguments that the transition to 100% renewable electricity will necessarily take as long or longer than historical energy transitions are also refuted.

The principal barriers to 100% renewable electricity are neither technological nor economic, but instead are primarily political, institutional and cultural.

There is this as well:

100% renewable electricity is viable  


Go there and read. One is a book. So you may have to check it out of the library. More next week.


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