Happy Labor Day Everyone! Remember when?

I walked in the Labor Day Parade today and it brought back memories of the times when we did not try to burn up this planet and squandered every energy resource we have.

. Remember when we used to walk to go to the store to get groceries?

. Remember when we used to walk to church. It was great because we met people along the way who were going to the same church or different church and could talk?

. Remember when we made things ourselves and everyone had a job if they wanted one?

. Remember when kids played outside until dark or later?

. Remember when we threw the windows open in the spring and fall. The air never tasted so good?

. Remember when we had a snow storm every year before Thanksgiving?

. Remember when you could get cars that went furhter than 30 miles to the gallon?

. Remember when it was safe to swim in the creeks and streams?

. Remember when there were butchers in every town?

We have taken a wrong turn and need to change.

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