How The Future Is The Future Of The Grid – The future where Grandpas never die

And Tomorrow never comes. Yep, it is just like Flying Cars and all those other thing you saw on the Jetson’s and still haven’t happened yet. Why because the Power Structure doesn’t want them to happen. Imagine if you will – electricity is like a crude spear made of rock and a stick. Nuclear Power is the pointy rock on tip of the spear and society is a human body. That spear is plunged in to the human body NOT so that it dies, but so it heals. Now whoever controls the shaft of that spear controls the human. THAT is the way the power grid was DESIGNED. To change power grids you have to pull the spear out. The human dies.

The grid needs to smarten up to reach clean energy goals

Smart grids were supposed to come to the rescue a long time ago

In the future, our vehicles and homes will be in constant conversation with the power grid. Smart thermostats will send information about how much energy the home is using or potentially wasting to heat or cool itself. Solar panels will say how much energy they have on hand, while electric vehicles will share information about when and where they’re charging and how much juice they need for their travels. Solar and EV batteries might even offer up the energy they’re storing in case it’s needed elsewhere.

“You just plug it in, and somehow it automatically talks to its nearest neighbors,” explains Ben Kroposki, a director at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. “[It] says, ‘Hey, I just want to let you know I’m out here. I can provide these kinds of services back.’”

That conversation is the backbone of what’s called a “smart grid.” While America’s aging grid system was built to send electricity in one direction — from power plants to homes and businesses — smart grids are a two-way street. Homes and buildings send information and electricity back to the grid or to other homes and buildings. An electric vehicle battery, for example, might be able to provide power to an area in the middle of a blackout. A smart grid also listens for directions from the utility, so that it charges whenever solar or other renewable energy is most abundant.

It’s a simple enough idea that for more than a decade has been sold as a way to improve the efficiency, environmental impact, and resiliency of the power sector. But electricity grids still have a long way to go to get “smart.” They’ve managed to fail spectacularly under the stressors of climate change and more extreme weather.


Go there and read a whole lot of extra stuff. More next week.


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