Trump Wins And The Environment Loses – Here comes big oil and big coal

The things the Donald says about the environment are insane. I am sure he will try to get rid of the EPA and put an antienvironmental lawyer on the Supreme Court. We are going to have to be very aggressive with this man.

There’s no way around it: Donald Trump is going to be a disaster for the planet

This is happening. Donald Trump is going to be president of the United States.

And there’s no way around it: What he’s planning to do looks like an absolute disaster for the planet (and the people on it). Specifically, all the fragile but important progress the world has made on global warming over the past eight years is now in danger of being blown up.

Trump has been crystal clear about his environmental plans. Much of the media never wanted to bring it up, never wanted to ask about it in debates, never wanted to turn their addled attention away from Hillary Clinton’s email servers to discuss what a Trump presidency might mean for climate change. But all the indications were there:

  • Trump called global warming a Chinese hoax. He couldn’t have been blunter about this.


Go there and read. (probably more like cry) More next week.


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