Federal Energy Tax Credits For Residential Housing – What’s in your Stimulus Package

What’s up with the Feds for the new green economy?



Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency


Frequently Asked Questions:

How has the new Stimulus bill affected the tax credits for energy efficient home improvements?

What tax credits are available in 2008 for energy efficiency home improvements?

Are installation costs covered by the tax credit?

All Tax Credit FAQs

UPDATED May 14, 2009

Quick link to this page: energystar.gov/taxcredits

Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency includes:

**Please note, not all ENERGY STAR qualified homes and products qualify for a tax credit. These tax credits are available for a number of products at the highest efficiency levels, which typically cost much more than standard products. If, for whatever reason, you decide not to purchase a product covered by the tax credit, you may still consider purchasing an ENERGY STAR product. ENERGY STAR distinguishes energy efficient products which, although they may cost more to purchase than standard models, will pay you back in lower energy bills within a reasonable amount of time, without a tax credit.

Tax Credits for Consumers:

Home Improvements

Tax credits are now available for home improvements:

  • must be “placed in service” from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2010
  • must be for taxpayer’s principal residence, EXCEPT for geothermal heat pumps, solar water heaters, solar panels, and small wind energy systems (where second homes and rentals qualify)
  • $1,500 is the maximum total amount that can be claimed for all products placed in service in 2009 & 2010 for most home improvements, EXCEPT for geothermal heat pumps, solar water heaters, solar panels, fuel cells, and small wind energy systems which are not subject to this cap, and are in effect through 2016
  • must have a Manufacturer Certification Statement3 to qualify
  • for record keeping, save your receipts and the Manufacturer Certification Statement3
  • improvements made in 2009 will be claimed on your 2009 taxes (filed by April 15, 2010) — use IRS Tax Form 5695 (2009 version) — it will be available late 2009 or early 2010
  • If you are building a new home, you can qualify for the tax credit for geothermal heat pumps, photovoltaics, solar water heaters, small wind energy systems and fuel cells, but not the tax credits for windows, doors, insulation, roofs, HVAC, or non-solar water heaters. More.


Or you can go here:


Consumer Energy Tax Incentives
What the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Means to You

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 extended many consumer tax incentives originally introduced in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT) and amended in the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-343). Businesses, utilities, and governments are also eligible for tax credits.

See the summary of the energy tax incentives included in the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.

About Tax Credits
A tax credit is generally more valuable than an equivalent tax deduction because a tax credit reduces tax dollar-for-dollar, while a deduction only removes a percentage of the tax that is owed. Consumers can itemize purchases on their federal income tax form, which will lower the total amount of tax they owe the government.

Fuel-efficient vehicles and energy-efficient appliances and products provide many benefits such as better gas mileage –meaning lower gasoline costs, fewer emissions, lower energy bills, increased indoor comfort, and reduced air pollution.

In addition to federal tax incentives, some consumers will also be eligible for utility or state rebates, as well as state tax incentives for energy-efficient homes, vehicles and equipment. Each state’s energy office web site may have more information on specific state tax information.

Below is a summary of many of the tax credits available to consumers. Please see the ENERGY STAR® page on Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency for complete details.

Home Energy Efficiency Improvement Tax Credits
Consumers who purchase and install specific products, such as energy-efficient windows, insulation, doors, roofs, and heating and cooling equipment in existing homes can receive a tax credit for 30% of the cost, up to $1,500, for improvements “placed in service” starting January 1, 2009, through December 31, 2010. See EnergyStar.gov for a complete summary of energy efficiency tax credits available to consumers.

Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credits
Consumers who install solar energy systems (including solar water heating and solar electric systems), small wind systems, geothermal heat pumps, and residential fuel cell and microturbine systems can receive a 30% tax credit for systems placed in service before December 31, 2016; the previous tax credit cap no longer applies.

Automobile Tax Credits
Hybrid Gas-Electric and Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Individuals and businesses who buy or lease a new hybrid gas-electric car or truck are eligible for an income tax credit for vehicles “placed in service” starting January 1, 2006, and purchased on or before December 31, 2010. The amount of the credit depends on the fuel economy, the weight of the vehicle, and whether the tax credit has been or is being phased out. Hybrid vehicles that use less gasoline than the average vehicle of similar weight and that meet an emissions standard qualify for the credit.

This tax credit will be phased out for each manufacturer once that company has sold 60,000 eligible vehicles. At that point, the tax credit for each company’s vehicles will be gradually reduced over the course fifteen months. See the IRS’s Summary of the Credit for Qualified Hybrid Vehicles for information on the status of specific vehicle eligibility.

Alternative-fuel vehicles, diesel vehicles with advanced lean-burn technologies, and fuel-cell vehicles are also eligible for tax credits. See the IRS summary of credits available for Alternative Motor Vehicles.

Plug-In Electric Vehicles
Plug-in electric vehicles also qualify for a tax credit starting January 1, 2010. The credit for passenger vehicles and light trucks ranges from $2,500 to $7,500, depending on batter capacity. The first 200,000 vehicles sold by each manufacturer are eligible for the full tax credit; the credit will then phase out over a year.

Plug-In Hybrid Conversion Kits
Hybrid vehicle owners who purchase a qualified plug-in hybrid conversion kit are eligible for a 10% credit, capped at $4,000, through 2011.

* Sources: ENERGYSTAR.gov and IRS.gov
** The IRS will determine final tax credit amounts. As more information becomes available, it will be posted on our website.


I am getting tired now. So you can go here:



Federal Tax Credits For Energy Efficiency Now Extended In 2009

by James K. on January 14, 2009

Good news for consumers who are energy conscious and using energy efficient appliances. Last October, Federal tax credits for energy efficient home improvements have been extended into 2009.

The recently-signed “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008? includes an extension of the residential tax credits for energy efficient improvements. The previous tax credits expired at the end of 2007.

It’s important to note that the new tax credits for installing energy efficient improvements are only good for 2009 installations. There are no tax credits for improvements installed during 2008.

The tax credits are available for insulation, replacement windows, water heaters, and certain high efficiency heating and cooling equipment. However, be aware that not all Energy Star rated improvements are eligible for the tax credit. Be sure to check EnergyStar.gov for rules and more details.

Here are some examples of the federal tax credits that are available to homeowners:

– Windows: 10% of cost, up to $200, for qualified ENERGY STAR windows, skylights and storm windows
– Doors (exterior): 10% of cost, up to $500, for qualifying doors (most ENERGY STAR doors will qualify)
– Roofs (metal): 10% of cost, up to $500, for qualifying ENERGY STAR metal roofs
– Insulation: 10% of cost, up to $500, for qualifying insulation (not vapor retarders or siding)
– Air Conditioning (split or package systems): $300 for qualifying systems, not all ENERGY STAR systems qualify
– Water Heaters (tankless only): $300 for qualifying systems
– Cars: Credits are available for certain cars, and is limited by 60,000 per manufacturer before a phase-out period begins
– Solar Water Heating: 30% of cost, up to $2,000, not available for water heaters used for pools or spas
– Solar Power (Photovoltaic): 30% of cost, up to $2,000, must provide electricity for the home
– Fuel Cells: 30% of cost, up to $1,000 per kW of power that can be produced


Tomorrow – Paint your roof white

Local 193 of the International Brotherhood of Electricians Announces a new Green Union Hall

I could have picked any number of Google “friendly” topics today like:

Gasoline prices rise Oil prices don’t – because I have long argued that the refiners will restrict production to raise prices because of the Speculator Driven Oil Shock of 2008.

Obama to announce new mileage standards – because I argued during the campaign that if Obama wanted a real energy policy change he would ban the sale of gasoline in anything other than 1 gallon containers. Gas driven cars would disappear overnight.

There is a local story however that needs to be covered. Local 193 of the IBEW is breaking ground for a new union hall later this month and it is going to be a doozy. Geothermal, Solar and Wind, the whole enchilada. God I have always wanted to say that.

While there is nothing up on their websites yet (hint hint)



Nor do they list the Building Committee on there web site. Here is what one of their better writers, Tim Landis,  had to say in the State Journal Register. First in brief:


The INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS 193 plans to break ground Friday for a union hall and training center at 3150 Wide Track Drive, just off Dirksen Parkway in Springfield.

According to the union, the “green building” will include solar panels that cover the roof, geothermal heating and cooling, and green space. Long-term plans are to add a wind-turbine. The training center will offer instruction in wind and solar technology.
The site is adjacent to the existing hall, which also will be upgraded once the new building is finished.


Then in a longer piece that talks about the Greening of Central Illinois:

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 193 has begun construction of a new administrative office and training center at 3150 Wide Track Drive, just off Dirksen Parkway, in response to “green” trends in energy and job training, said business manager David Burns. The local represents about 800 workers in nine area counties.

“We just think that the green concept is more than right around the corner. It’s here,” Burns said.

In addition to use of geothermal heating and cooling, the solar panels on the roof are expected to provide most of the building’s electrical needs. Long-term plans are to add a wind turbine. Once the new hall is completed, the existing hall will be demolished to make way for green space, including landscaping and a retention pond.

But it’s the 12,500-square-foot training center that is the centerpiece of the green strategy for the labor union.

Plans are to offer hands-on training to apprentices in solar and wind technology. A “green jobs training curriculum” will include 70 lessons.

Burns said members already work on solar and wind projects, large and small, but that the training required will become more sophisticated along with the technology.

“We believe the demand is going to continue to grow,” Burns said. “As the technology gets better and better, we’re going to have to train people.”


He listed these jobs that could enlist Electricians:

Jobs of the future?
A state list of “green jobs” outlines the top jobs that should be available in coming years or that will require retraining as alternative energy use increases. Additional information is available at http://www.ilworkinfo.com.

Among the categories:
* Building retrofitting. Electricians, heating and air conditioning, carpenters, construction equipment operators, roofers, insulation workers, carpenter helpers, industrial truck drivers, building inspectors and construction managers.

* Smart grids. Computer software engineers, electrical engineers, electrical equipment assemblers, electrical technicians, machinists, construction laborers, operating engineers, electrical power line installers and repair technicians.
* Wind power. Environmental engineers, iron and steel workers, millwrights, sheet metal workers, machinists, electrical equipment assemblers, construction equipment operators, industrial truck drivers, industrial production managers and production supervisors.
* Solar power. Electrical engineers, electricians, industrial machinery mechanics, welders, welders, metal fabricators, electrical equipment assemblers, construction equipment operators, installation helpers, laborers and construction managers.


Way to go 193!


Solar Power Is Ramping UP – Projects announced in New York, Australia and San Francisco in the last couple of weeks

What has the Oil and Coal Industries freaking out? All the money they are missing out on by not sitting at the cool kid’s table. But then like Enron, and the AIG criminal frauds….they are not the smartest guys and gals in the room.


May 18, 2009

New York Plans 100 MW Solar Project


New York Governor David Paterson has announced a 100 MW solar photovoltaic project in New York. The initiative follows on the heels of a recently announced 50 MW solar photovoltaic project. Together, these projects totaling 150 MW would position New York as the state with the second highest installed PV capacity.

The new installations will help New York reach its aggressive renewable energy goals – by 2015, the tate wants to receive 45 percent of its electricity through energy efficiency and clean renewable energy.

The New York Power Authority will issue a Request for Expressions of Interest for the purpose of exploring a public-private partnership for the installation of up to 100 megawatts of solar photovoltaic systems, including roof-mounted and ground-mounted PV arrays at municipal facilities, public and private schools, businesses and state agencies throughout New York. The deadline for receipt of RFEI proposals is July 7, 2009.

Specifically, NYPA is seeking proposals that would promote “potential regional economic development opportunities for local component manufacturing and assembly.”

If the RFP is issued, it would likely result in a 2010 project start date.

In an attempt to be more environmentally friend, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg proposed that wind turbines be installed on top of the city’s skyscrapers and bridges.

The city has also issued an RFP last year for private solar developers to purchase, install, own and maintain solar panels on city-owned buildings in all five boroughs as part of PlaNYC.



Rudd plans ‘world’s largest’ solar project

Posted Sun May 17, 2009 1:22pm AEST
Updated Sun May 17, 2009 4:33pm AEST

Map: Liddell 2333

The Federal Government says it wants to create the largest solar energy project in the world.

It says the project will be as close as possible to the existing energy grid.

Visiting Liddell Power station in the Hunter Valley, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said the Government would spend almost $1.4 billion creating the project.

The funding is part of the Government’s commitment to spend $4.5 billion on reducing carbon pollution.

The project will include up to four individual solar plants generating on average the same amount of energy as a coal-fired power station.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says the most appropriate sites will be chosen through a tender process to be completed by next year.

“The location will be determined in terms of maximum access to sunlight, maximum proximity to the electricity grid to minimise costs of transmission systems, as well as a number of other technical and design factors as well,” he said.

Mr Rudd has also announced that Australia will become a full member of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IREA), which will hold its first meeting in June.

Currently the largest operating plant is in California in the United States.

The Government’s Solar Flagships program hopes to create three times as much energy as that project.



May 8, 2009, 12:00 pm

San Francisco Approves Major Solar Project


Recurrent Energy San Francisco, in a deal with Recurrent Energy, plans to place a 25,000-panel photovoltaic solar array atop the city’s largest reservoir.

San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors has approved a plan to build what would be one of the largest solar photovoltaic arrays in California. With five megawatts of capability spread over 25,000 panels, it will, if completed, also be among the largest municipal solar projects in the United States.

(Larger nonmunicipal arrays exist, including a 14-megawatt, 70,000-panel array at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.)

San Francisco’s proposed system — which would produce roughly the amount of energy used by 1,000 households, the developers said — would bring the city’s total solar capacity to seven megawatts. It will be used to power municipal properties like schools and government offices.

“Earlier this week, San Francisco took another major step towards achieving our commitments to reduce greenhouse gases and grow our green economy,” said San Francisco’s mayor, Gavin Newsom, in an e-mail message. “With this single project, we will more than triple San Francisco’s solar energy production, build California’s largest photovoltaic system and help lead the state towards a future of clean, renewable energy.”

Under the deal, Recurrent Energy, a local solar company, will assume the initial financial responsibility for the panels, as well as pay for continuing operating and maintenance costs. In return, the city incurs no upfront expenses, but is obliged to purchase energy directly from Recurrent Energy at a cost of 23.5 cents per kilowatt-hour, plus 3 percent per year.

In years 7, 15 or 25 of operation, the city has the option to purchase the array outright at fair market value or $33 million — whichever is higher.


Windows That Generate Electricity – Integrated Photovoltaics and your house

I said yesterday, how would your world change if everything on the outside of your house generated electricity? I skipped windows because they are a topic in and of themselves.

http://www.buildingsolar.com/design.asp#anchor138832Vision Glass

Photovoltaic (PV) vision glass substitutes a thin-film, semi-transparent photovoltaic panel for the exterior glass panel in an otherwise traditional double-pane glass window or skylight. Electric wires extend from the sides of each glass unit and are connected to wires from other windows, building up the entire system. The technology, while available in Europe, is currently being developed as part of a United States Department of Energy PV-BONUS project.

On the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay campus, the system, rated at about 11 kW, substitutes Building Integrated Photovoltaic vision glass for traditional windows in the Wintergarden of Mary Ann Cofrin Hall.

This system spans 2,000 square feet and generates about 12,500 kWh annually. The “PV Glass” unit was manufactured by Viracon, Inc. using BP Solar MST-43LV 43-watt, thin-film photovoltaic modules and was installed in a standard Kawneer Company 1600 PowerWall (TM). In this application, BP Solar laser-etched their photovoltaic modules to create a desired transmittance for the Wintergarden.   Sunspace
Artist’s rendering of Wintergarden.

A total of 252 modules were installed. Each vision glass surface has 13 layers of thin film, altogether thinner than one piece of paper, sandwiched between two protective layers of glass.


What if it was a SMART Window? One that opened when the house got too cold or too hot?


Performance evaluation of a PV ventilated window applying to office building of Hong Kong

T.T. ChowCorresponding Author Contact Information, a, E-mail The Corresponding Author, K.F. Fonga, W. Hea, Z. Lina and A.L.S. Chana

Received 29 June 2006; 

revised 23 September 2006;

accepted 26 September 2006.

Available online 6 December 2006.


PV ventilated glazing technology for application in warm climate provides energy saving opportunities through the reduction in air-conditioning load, the daylight utilization, and the green electric power generation. In a working environment, the use of semi-transparent a-Si glazing is deemed better than the one with non-transparent c-Si solar cells. This paper reports an evaluation of its integrated performance using a small office room in Hong Kong as an example. An energy model of a PV ventilated window system is first introduced. Based on this together with the TMY weather data of Hong Kong and the daylight simulation capability of the EnergyPlus program, the overall performance analysis have been executed for different window orientations. It was found that a solar cell transmittance in the range of 0.45–0.55 could achieve the best electricity saving.


It’s getting to be big business:


Konarka partners with window company on BIPV; integrating photovoltaics with glass

May 12, 2009–Konarka Technologies (Lowell, MA), a developer of Konarka Power Plastic, a material that converts light to energy, entered into an advanced product development agreement with Florida-based Arch Aluminum & Glass Co. Together, they plan to collaborate on building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), with a memorandum of understanding to integrate Konarka’s patent-protected thin-film solar material into glass for various commercial BIPV applications (see “ Thin-film and organic photovoltaic manufacturing to reach 29 GWp” and “THIN-FILM PHOTOVOLTAICS: The key to success is higher efficiency“).

“Konarka is making great strides with our aggressive plans to expand into various markets, including building and construction,” said Rick Hess, president and CEO at Konarka. “Because our solar material is flexible, lightweight and semi-transparent, it integrates easier and is more aesthetically appealing than other solar products, making it ideally suited for BIPV applications. We expect that our collaborative work with Arch Aluminum & Glass will advance the delivery of Konarka Power Plastic on a large scale basis into this market segment.”

Arch Aluminum specializes in a wide range of artistic and architectural glass products to keep pace with the demands of today’s architects, designers and building developers. The company offers in-house laminating, heat-treating and fabrication technology as well as selective, engineered, off-the-shelf aluminum and glass products.

“Until today, aesthetic and performance concerns limited the ability of architects to use BIPV technology in their designs,” said Arch CEO Leon Silverstein. “This product development investigation is about the creation of a new product category, one that had been unavailable until today. It is energy-efficient and transparent with superior vertical performance and a subtle red, blue or green aesthetic. With these features, BIPV will no longer need to be confined to spandrel or overhead applications. An entire building can be put to use, producing its own power, and looking good doing so.”

In October 2008, Konarka opened the largest roll-to-roll flexible thin film solar manufacturing facility in the world, preparing for the commercialization and mass production of its solar material for various market segments including sensors, consumer products, tent and fabric structures, greenhouses, marine and boating, building construction, as well as fashion and accessories, among others.


This would be Barack Obama’s GREEN Economy or as I like to say Greenomy.


Dan Piraro, Jason Love And Matthew Difee Go Live – What do 3 pretty funny guys have to do with energy

Or even the environment or residential energy conservation? Well Actually nothing but Dan lets me post a cartoon of his periodically here when I am completely out of ideas or when he is particularly brilliant which ever comes first. So when he asked his blog readers to reach out to media moguls and poobas to see if they might air a version of it like on Showtime or HBO I could not resist but first the toon:




Now the Pitch:


(Click the image for largerer viewage.)

(If your town is New York City.)

I’m doing one of my increasingly rare comedy shows in NYC for an ENTIRE WEEK next month and I can’t bear the thought of going on unless you’re going to be there. Please don’t break my already fragile heart by saying, “I can’t afford to fly all the way to New York From Seattle,” or “I wish I could be there but I’m in prison until 2019.” What is more important to you? Your precious money or my flimsy ego? (Before you answer that, consider that I will give you an autograph when you come to the show, which you can then sell on eBay to offset $3-$4 of your airfare and hotel costs.)

Seriously, this is a big show for me. I do a talk or a short set now and then, most often on the West Coast, but I’m doing fewer of these long-form comedy shows all the time and this is a full week of performances off-Broadway in NYC, so there are a lot of seats to fill. Please come. If you can’t come, send someone you know in NYC to the show and tell them to tell me you said “hi.”

After the show, you’ll be able to meet me, Jason, and Matthew as we hang out in the lobby selling books, signing breasts, and pooping out witty ripostes like a member of the Algonquin Round Table. If you’re lucky, you might even meet CHNW!

Ticket info here. Hope to see you there!


So if you are the Chief Executive Officer of a cable channel like say:

Matt Blank

at Showtime


Bill Nelson

at HBO


Doug Herzog

at Comedy Central

or even

John Odoner

at JTV

Give these poor guys a break and send someone to their show. Thanks again Dan!

Alternative Energy Costs Money – All the headlines that are simply wrong

Conserving Energy Will Bankrupt Our Economy

Energy Efficiency Is Too Expensive For Poor People

Coal Will Always Be a Part Of Our Energy Mix

The Future Is Nuclear Power

And so it goes. I will say it only one time and then repeat it for the rest of my life, YOU WILL Always SAVE Money By Saving Energy. Right now in the worst Depression since the Great Recession people are still throwing their energy $$$ out the window. People are so used to Energy as a Commodity concepts that they talk about turning the thermostats down not Turning Their Insulation up. There is nothing wrong with drying your clothes on a clothesline. How are you going to lose money planting a garden?

No greater authority than Parade Magazine posts these articles from Sunday:



Finding Joy in Frugality

by Alix Kates Shulman

published: 05/10/2009

Related Features

1. Savings Strategies

2. How To Save Smarter

3. My Haunted House


The author at home with her frugal finds, including flowers that she dried herself.

For decades, frugality has been despised as stinginess. But with the recent collapse of consumer culture, it is now in style again. Its return confirms that, given time, everything sensible eventually comes back into fashion—an article of faith to the thrifty, including me.

I was not always frugal. In high school I was as careless a spender as any other suburban American girl. The clothes and music I bought with my after-school earnings didn’t  begin to satisfy my longings, which I regularly laid on my parents as a fatal need for another sweater.

Then, suddenly, when I moved to New York for graduate school, I did a complete turnaround. Initially, I was motivated by the desire to spend a year abroad, which in those pre-credit-card days required saving money. But mainly, I think, living on my own for the first time, I felt free to revise my values to suit a serious-minded grad student.

I adopted a set of simple if stringent rules that still make sense today: If you don’t need it, don’t buy it; never buy a new one if your old one works; never buy an expensive one when a lower-priced one will do. I abandoned bookstores for libraries, restaurants for my kitchen, boutiques for bargains—and soon found myself enjoying a gleeful sense of liberation. By limiting my consumption and saving for what I really wanted, I felt empowered. Here was a way to beat the system and achieve control.

But frugality is one thing in a student, another in a woman of the world. As the years passed, I hung onto it, but I also knew better than to broadcast it. It became a secret strength, a guilty pleasure.

My delight in frugality took a giant step when, at age 50, I went one summer to a house on an island off the coast of Maine. It offered propane and rainwater instead of electricity and plumbing, and the island store was an hour’s walk away. Far from lamenting the lack of amenities, I felt stimulated and challenged. With nothing to buy and no one to impress, I set out to discover what mattered most. What I learned is how little one needs to be content and how much of life’s bounty is free if you open your eyes and use your imagination.




This as well:



How To Save Smarter

by Tim Harford

published: 05/10/2009

Not very long ago, Americans were terrible savers. In 2007, the average person put aside 60 cents of every $100, or .6% per paycheck. However, the current economic downturn has shocked us into depositing more at the bank. As of February, the personal savings rate was more than 4%. That’s a big improvement, but it’s still half of 1980s levels, when Americans routinely socked away 10% of their paychecks. Why is saving so hard? And how can we be smarter savers?

Behavioral economists—researchers who mix psychology and economics—have uncovered three reasons why people find it so difficult to save. The first is temptation: Although we often later regret it, we just can’t resist spending. The second is lack of understanding: Our brains can’t quite grasp the profitability of saving. The third is optimism: We believe that everything will work out, even if we don’t save.

Fortunately, researchers have found solutions to these problems. Temptation can be countered if you make saving as much fun as spending. This isn’t such a stretch. Neuroeconomist Ben Seymour of University College, London, sits in front of a brain scanner and watches what happens in our heads when we think about financial decisions. He found that imagining a future purchase is almost as good as getting it. For example, when we daydream about buying a new car, our brains respond in much the same way as when we actually make the purchase.

We can harness this buzz to our benefit by discarding vague ideas of “saving for a rainy day” and focusing instead on particular items we need or want. “Saving is much easier when it’s for something specific,” Seymour says. Reinforce this connection in your mind by opening a different savings account devoted to each of your goals: one for a new car, one for a vacation, one for a child’s college tuition fees.


So is a Killowatt saved a Killowatt earned? Damn Straight:


March 19, 2009 – Vol.13 No.52

by Bruce Mulliken, Green Energy News

Author, activist, statesman, inventor Benjamin Franklin famously said, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Kilowatts weren’t yet conceived in his day but the experimenter in electricity certainly would have quipped, “Kilowatts saved are pennies earned.”

Somehow I think the man who believed in frugality would have been a vocal proponent of energy efficiency.

Today, saving energy and using it more efficiently is not just virtuous, it’s good business. In an economy struggling to get traction, spending less on energy can mean the difference between business failure and staying in it. A penny spent on energy savings can shift a negative number on the balance sheet into the positive column.

For an individual a switch to a more fuel efficient car or truck will make an immediate and noticeable difference in cash outflows. But adding more efficient lighting or beefing up insulation in a home will be barely noticeable on the monthly utility bill. (Rest assured; the savings will be there and evident in the long run.)

However, for a business, energy efficiency measures of all kinds will stand out when the bill comes due. When dozens, hundreds or thousands of light fixtures are changed to more efficient ones the effect on the bottom line will be immediate. Further, calculating the dollars and cents difference between the efficiency investment and long term energy savings can give a business a long term bill of health.


Or This:



Frugality 101: Why Pay More for Energy Than You Have To?

For Further Information
Rozanne Weissman 202/530-2217 rweissman@ase.org

For Immediate Release

(Editor’s note: The news release has hypertext links as well as complete web links to meet various media, web, and blog needs.)

Washington, DC, April 2009 – Although gasoline prices are heading upward once again, they are nowhere near last summer’s average high of $4.11 a gallon, meaning that you could drive more for less. But is that smart? As a matter of fact, one of the bright spots in this turbulent economy is that it will actually cost significantly less to power your home and vehicles this year than last year.

With “frugality” being the hot buzzword in this tough economy, why pay more for energy than you have to? The Alliance to Save Energy offers extensive money-saving resources and tips to reduce your energy bills so you and your family have more money for other things:

  • Unemployed, home more, and watching your home energy bills soar? When a home is in use 24/7, more energy is used for heating or cooling, lighting, home office equipment, electronics, water, and other needs. The Alliance to Save Energy’s consumer website (www.ase.org/consumers) offers an entire section on Tips to Lower Your Energy Bills.
  • $1,500 home energy efficiency tax credit. There’s no better time than this year or next year to improve your home’s energy efficiency. Certain home energy efficiency improvements are eligible for a federal tax credit of up to $1,500 through the end of 2010 as part of the February “stimulus” package. The Alliance provides all pertinent details on home and vehicle tax credits (http://ase.org/section/_audience/consumers/taxcredits). The tax credit increases the federal income tax refund you would get or lessens the money you would otherwise owe. In addition, these improvements would simultaneously reduce your monthly energy bills, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.


For much more:






Tidal Generators – Let’s harness the Moon before it drifts away

It’s Jammin Band Friday. Not only that but I have spent so much time this week hyping the Wind Power 2009 conference/convention that I thought I should end on a surfin note:


It is a little know fact that the moon is moving away from the Earth at about an inch per year. We know this because on one of the Apollo Landings (quick for those of you who don’t believe that they ever happened -CLOSE Your Eyes) they placed an aluminum block on it’s surface. Since that time and with intensifying accuracy we have been bouncing lasers off of it and this has allowed us to determine the distance to the moon (its original purpose) but the unexpected find that that distance is widening…Anyway this means that eventually the Moon will drift away into space. I think we should harvest its today power while we can. I mean in a million years or so it could be gone. Here is a huge thought problem for you…Where will it go?..Whoa




We The People 

Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness:  Health Care is a RIGHT 
Solar Power  The Wave of Tomorrow!!!
The three devices  The Syphon Wave Generator , The Floating Wave Generator and The Under The Bottom Generator
could have a major effect in stopping global warming by converting ocean waves into electricity.
Click Here to see the new Syphon Wave Generator video on You Tube!!
            The Syphon Wave Generator           The Floating Wave Generator          The Under the Bottom Generator
Patent No. 7355298     04/08/2008               Patent No. US 7315092    01/01/2008          Patent Pending No. 61204580
                              The Three inventions are being developed by Green Wave Energy Corp www.GWEConline.com
Click these links for more information and videos
  There will soon be a new video of a working Floating Wave Generator producing Hydrogen and Real Power and The Under the Bottom Generator!!

How about a power plant for less than $1 per watt to construct and install?
Click here for more information!
For Energy Saving Products including:
Wind Mills   Solar Collectors  and  Power Save Products
go to  GWEC    www.GWEConline.com  
These units could produce enough power to replace most oil, coal and nuclear power plants with 100% solar produced electricity.  The Syphon Wave Generators would produce enough electricity at such a low cost they would make it possible to separate the hydrogen from ocean water and  store it in power cells to use in our cars and trucks. We would also be able to convert homes now powered with heating oil to electric heat saving billions of gallons of oil per year. I estimate one square mile of Syphon Wave Generators, in good locations with average two meter waves, would produce as much power as ten nuclear reactors.  1,000,000,000 watts!
Today we are growing more and more crops to convert into fuel to run our cars. These crops could feed every hungry person in the world.  I find this unconscionable. We could and should be using our farm land to grow food crops and use the solar power to power our world. We could do this and the Syphon Wave Generator and the Floating Wave Generator are tools to help make this happen.
Thanks for your interest
G Edward Cook



October 02, 2008

Wave power generator cranks up off Portuguese coast, and Oregon may be next

Pelamiswavepower The world’s first commercial wave power project has cranked up at last three miles off the Portuguese coast, CNN reports. The first phase is expected to generate 2.25 megawatts, enough power for 1,000 homes, according to the Guardian.

“If successful, a second phase will see energy generation rise to 21 megawatts from a further 25 machines providing electricity for 15,000 Portuguese homes,” CNN says.

The generators, made by a company called Pelamis, are three red cylindrical converters (shown here) which are partially submerged in the Atlantic Ocean. “Moving up and down on the endless waves of the open sea, they convert motion into electricity, without emitting any of the carbon dioxide that is warming the planet,” the Guardian notes.





Novel Wave-Powered Generators Deployed in Sea Trials off Florida Coast


Technology from SRI International Offers Clean Energy Production from Ocean Waves

Wave BuoyST. PETERSBURG, FLA. – August 3, 2007 – SRI International, an independent, nonprofit research and development organization, announced today the deployment of a prototype buoy-mounted, ocean wave-powered generator off the coast of Florida in the Tampa Bay. Beginning today, SRI will test the wave-powered generator for approximately two weeks. The deployment is part of a program sponsored by HYPER DRIVE Corporation, Ltd., a Japanese company focused on development and deployment of wave-powered generators around the world.

SRI’s wave-powered generators can be deployed on existing ocean buoys that use batteries as their energy source. SRI’s new generator utilizes patented electroactive polymer artificial muscle (EPAM™) technology, and offers a renewable method to continually power ocean buoys. SRI will use instrumentation that allows remote monitoring of the generator’s output energy as well as wave height and buoy motion. Assisting the Menlo Park, California-based research team are researchers in SRI’s new Marine Technology Program, which is located in St. Petersburg, Florida. SRI is also working with Artificial Muscle, Inc., an SRI spin-off company and the exclusive licensee of EPAM, in the development of the EPAM components for the wave-powered generators.

“HYPER DRIVE is excited to work with SRI on this important application of EPAM technology,” said Shuji Yonemura, CEO, HYPER DRIVE. “We see great potential in applying this technology to wave-power generation around the world in the near future.”

“When SRI International opened its operations in St. Petersburg earlier this year, we anticipated great strides in marine research like we see today,” said St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Baker. “This energy-generating technology is a perfect fit for an industry based in St. Petersburg, which was designated Florida’s first and only green city by the Florida Green Building Coalition.”






Proving once again that there is little new under the sun (or the waves) is this 1932 version of the wave power generators that we showed here and here. It works on the basis of an “inertia motor” where “When a wave starts to lift the hollow sphere, the massive weight inside, because of its inertia, resists the movement and exerts terrific pressure in the lower cylinder. Finally the inertia of the weight is overcome. Then it possesses momentum. When the sphere reaches the crest of a wave, the combined effort of the momentum and the recoil of the huge, semi-elliptic springs exerts an equal pressure in the upper cylinder. The tremendous pressure is applied to oil, which, in turn, operates a special turbine which runs a generator. The current is conducted to the shore by submarine cable.” ::Modern Mechanix


Heaven Let The Light Shine Down – indeed



Wind Power 2009 In Chicago – It is the last day and I thought I would at least put up something

I checked the Tribune – nothing. I checked the Sun Times – nothing. I googled and got several up and coming Wind Power Conventions/Conferences – nothing:

Wind Power Asia


Wind Power Transmission


Small Wind Conference


This one that happened in Chicago in MARCH:


The Oil Drum won’t load up:


Connection Interrupted
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.

Fucking geniuses

In desperation I started reading Peak OIL. By God they came through:


Thankyou Coyote


Reuters too of course:


Some Americans clamor to try wind power at home

Wed May 6, 2009 6:30pm EDTBy Andrew Stern

CHICAGO (Reuters) – The idea of wind turbines churning out free electricity alongside every home and office building has appeal, judging by the throngs around “community wind” purveyors at a Chicago wind power convention this week.

Darrin Russell of Southwest Windpower was inundated with questions during the Windpower 2009 convention where he explained the economics of the company’s workhorse 2.4 kilowatt Skystream turbine, which plugs into the local electrical grid.

“It’s nice watching the (electricity) meter go backward. Sometimes it gets going pretty fast when the wind blows hard” which it does often at the company’s headquarters in Flagstaff, Arizona, he said.

Russell paid practically nothing for his own turbine, which costs roughly $14,000 to buy and install, thanks to a newly enacted 30 percent federal tax credit for wind projects large and small, state tax credits and rebates of up to $9,000 from many utilities eager to promote renewable energy. The first month his electricity bill was zero.

The company sells to business, homeowners and developers.

“Some companies like to line them up outside instead of flags” to promote their green credentials, he said. “Helps keep their offices cool at least.”

Retailers can draw in environmentally conscious customers if they have a wind turbine outside, experts say.

Potential buyers from Chile, South Korea and the state of Michigan flocked around Southwest Windpower’s olive-green machine with three distinctively curved blades, designed to cut noise. Russell said the company has sold 5,000 small turbines in the past two years, and 150,000 in total.


Chicago Media Shun The Wind Power 2009 Conference – Oh the bankrupt Tribue ran an op/ed piece about government intervention

But you would think that a convention/conference that brings 15,000 participants, represents the future and is in a city with a mayor, Richard Daley, who wants to be the greenest governor in the US, that there would be some coverage of “The Latest In Wind Technologies” or “Where Does Chicago Fit Into The New Energy Future” or at least an address by the Mayor. NADA Zilch Nothing. Other people noticed however:


World Business Chicago Facilitates International Networking at WINDPOWER 2009 Conference



CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–World Business Chicago (WBC) and its Chairman, Mayor Richard M. Daley, in conjunction with other key public, private and non-profit partners, tonight hosted a VIP networking reception as part of the American Wind Energy Association’s (AWEA) WINDPOWER 2009 Conference and Exhibition at Chicago’s McCormick Place.

The reception, with more than 200 people in attendance, was presented by a collaboration of organizations including the AWEA (Organizer/Sponsor), WBC (Organizer/Sponsor), MEGA (Sponsor), the City of Chicago (Organizer), the State of Illinois (Organizer) and the Illinois Finance Authority (Organizer).

The wind power industry is a top economic development priority for WBC, based on the industry’s high growth potential, profitability, job creation/diversity, and wage levels. Chicago offers wind industry companies locational advantages including a skilled labor force, proximity to markets and supplies, natural sources of wind in Illinois and the Midwest, available real estate, access to airports, rail and highway systems and strong public sector commitments to wind industry use and production.

“The WINDPOWER Conference provides World Business Chicago with a wonderful opportunity to showcase Chicago’s position as a prime location for wind power companies,” said Rita Athas, executive director of World Business Chicago. “By hosting this event, we are facilitating dialogue between visiting and local wind power companies, Chicago area companies that may do business with them and our local leaders, in order to foster growth and new opportunities.”

The Chicago area’s locational advantages for the wind industry are evident in recent additions of notable wind power companies include:

Area Headquarters

  • Acciona N. America HQ
  • E.ON N. America Climate & Renewables HQ
  • Nordex USA Inc. HQ
  • Suzlon Wind Energy Corporation N. American HQ
  • Invenergy LLC HQ
  • Midwest Wind Energy LLC HQ
  • Trintek Energy Consulting HQ
  • Wind for Illinois HQ

Area Non-Headquarter Offices

  • Vestas America
  • Horizon Wind Energy
  • Siemens Energy & Automation
  • Winergy Drive Systems Corporation – subsidiary of Siemens

WINDPOWER 2009, the largest annual wind conference and exhibition in the world, takes place May 4th – 7th, 2009. The show features more than 18,000 attendees and 1,200 exhibitors and is expected to generate an economic impact of more than $33.3-million to Chicago, according to the Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau (based on the initial estimated attendance of 14,000). Approximately 80 Illinois companies will exhibit at the conference.

The 2009 show was originally set for Minneapolis and moved to Chicago to accommodate a 20% increase over expected attendance, which doubles last year’s show in Houston. WINDPOWER is one of the 50 fastest-growing shows in North America according to Trade Show Weekly. Chicago hosted AWEA’s convention in 2004, when it drew 3,000 attendees.


Everything you need to know to get there:


Siterra Booth 5580 at Wind Power 2009

Company: Siterra Corporation
Start date: May 4, 2009
End date: May 7, 2009
Cost: see AWEA.com
Location: McCormick Convention Center, Chicago IL
Website: Visit event website

Siterra will have a booth (5580) at the AWEA Wind Power 2009 Expo in Chicago May 4-7.

WINDPOWER 2009 Conference and Exhibition is the largest annual wind conference and exhibition in the world featuring over 15,000 attendees and over 1,200 exhibitors. Each year, wind energy professionals gather at this event to learn about the latest industry developments and technologies, review new products and services in the expansive exhibit hall, and network with leading industry decision makers. Join us for what promises to be another exciting event taking place May 4th – 7th, 2009, at McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois.
McCormick Place Convention Center

Welcome to Chicago’s McCormick Place, a premier convention facility in North America. Located just minutes from downtown Chicago, McCormick Place is owned and operated by the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority (MPEA) and attracts close to 3 million visitors each year. McCormick Place is comprised of four state-of-the-art buildings: the North and South Buildings, the West Building and Lakeside Center. Together, they form what many consider to be the economic engine that powers the entire convention and tradeshow industry. McCormick Place is committed to creating a great experience for every person, every time!

For a map of McCormick Place Convention Center: http://www.mccormickplace.com/floorplans/map_index.html

For more information: http://www.mccormickplace.com/index.html

Exhibitors: For information on exhibiting in Chicago, FOCUS One utilities, and guidelines and services, visit http://www.mccormickplace.com/exhibitor/exhibitor_01.html.

Guest Services: Click here to open a .pdf document outlining some of the guest services at McCormick Place Convention Center.

Accessibility Map: Click here to open a .pdf map showing the location of all elevators for wheelchair access.
For additional disability services at the convention center, visit http://www.mccormickplace.com/facilities/disabilities.html

Meeting Room Rentals: Interested in renting a meeting room at the convention center or connected Hyatt Regency McCormick Place hotel? Contact Stefanie Brown at sbrown@awea.org to receive additional information and a meeting room request form.

Parking at the McCormick Place Convention Center: There are several parking lots nearby to the McCormick Place facility including, South, North and West Buildings, Lakeside Center, Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, and Soldier Field South Lot. The parking rate is currently $19 per day (one time access). Or exhibitors may order a parking permit that allows for in-and-out privileges for $23.75. Click here to visit the parking & directions part of the McCormick Place website for more information. Please note – the parking information is subject to change and listed here as helpful information for conference attendees.

Driving Directions and Additional Parking Information for the McCormick Place Convention Center: http://www.mccormickplace.com/maps_direct/maps_dir.html
Barbara Martin


WindPower 2009 – Not everything in Illinois is Coal, Oil and Uranium

I almost missed this. Tisk, Tisk Tisk…I got the lead from the UK…more Tisk Tisk or would that be Cluck Cluck


Green energy experts breeze into Chicago

Nine local companies are in the US this week to attend the world’s largest wind energy exhibition and conference.

They are taking part in an Invest NI trip to Windpower 2009, which runs until Thursday in Chicago. It is the first time companies from Northern Ireland have exhibited at the event, which has grown steadily since it was first run in 2001 by the American Wind Energy Association.

Around 15,000 leading industry professionals and decision makers from across the globe will come together to profile and learn about the latest developments and technologies in the sector.

Invest NI is supporting six local organisations to exhibit at the event alongside 10 other European companies, as part of a unique collaborative umbrella group Global Wind Alliance.

A further three local companies are attending the event with Invest NI assistance to explore possible new business opportunities and network with exhibiting companies.

Dr Vicky Kell, Invest NI’s trade director, said: “The global wind energy market is growing rapidly as governments seek to make use of this renewable source of power. In the US alone, the target is for 20% of electricity to be generated from wind by 2030.


I think it is pretty cool that the Windy City is the site for the Wind Power Convention BUT the Windy City don’t:


Don’t need a law to know which way the wind blows


They have come here by the thousands, to the Windy City, to soak in a belief that wind is the power of the future, and that, just in case others do not see it that way, the law should make it so.

They are the wind-power industry, and they want us. They want us as customers, for starters. So far, so good.

But they also want us to sign on to a program that would invite the federal government to get involved in a system that is working quite well on its own. Not a good idea.

It is one thing for President Barack Obama to say that 20 percent of our nation’s electricity should come from renewable sources by 2030. It is quite another to draft a federal law to make it so.


David Greising David Greising Bio | E-mail | Recent columns

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The fact of the matter is, the existing system is moving with all due haste toward the goals Obama has set. A mandate requiring the U.S. to meet Obama’s goal is not necessary and would succeed only in strengthening the power and fattening the pocketbooks of the windmill builders that want the mandate.

Wind power has quietly become one of the big growth industries in the U.S. While only 1 percent of electricity today comes from the wind, some 40 percent of new electricity capacity built in the last two years is wind power.

Taking wind power from that tiny 1 percent to 20 percent would be a phenomenally expensive undertaking.

While firm numbers are hard to find, a study in February by operators of the electrical grid in the eastern U.S. estimated the cost for a buildout of transmission lines east of the Rockies at $80 billion.

The wind mills required to feed those lines would cost another $1.1 trillion to build and install, the study found.


From the horse’s mouth:


Join us for WINDPOWER 2009 Conference & Exhibition taking place May 4 – 7, 2009 in Chicago, Illinois.  Please note the new dates & location for WINDPOWER 2009 due to the unprecedented growth experienced in 2008!

Why Attend WINDPOWER 2009 Conference & Exhibition?
WINDPOWER 2009 Conference and Exhibition is the largest annual wind conference and exhibition in the world featuring over 15,000 attendees and over 1,200 exhibitors. Each year, wind energy professionals gather at this event to learn about the latest industry developments and technologies, review new products and services in the expansive exhibit hall, and network with leading industry decision makers. Join us for what promises to be another exciting event taking place May 4th – 7th, 2009, at McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois.

Plan ahead for WINDPOWER 2009 by reviewing the OFFICIAL SHOW DIRECTORY. Make note now of who you will want to visit in the exhibit hall, and the sessions you will not want to miss.

Don’t miss Blues Traveler at the WINDPOWER Kick-Off Party and Concert Monday, May 4, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm! Click the player to watch a message from Blues Traveler.

AWEA Notice to Attendees & Exhibitors Regarding H1N1 (Swine) Flu:

(as of 5:30 pm Central Time, May 1):  Upon additional review of the latest information, the following statement still applies:

AWEA has received a number of inquiries concerning swine flu and the WINDPOWER 2009 Conference & Exhibition.  We are closely monitoring the situation and guidance from federal and international agencies concerning appropriate precautions.  We are also members of the International Association of Exhibition and Events, which has an extensive set of guidelines for this type of situation.  We are preparing to take actions as necessary and appropriate to ensure the safety of WINDPOWER attendees.  Based on the current information that we have received, we are proceeding as scheduled with WINDPOWER 2009.  We will post updated information here as it becomes available. 

From the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Please be advised that all McCormick Place Fire Safety and EMS Personnel have received guidance from our MPEA Medical Consultants with regard to the current Swine Flu concern.  They will receive periodic updates from our Medical Advisers, as needed.  We will continue to remain in contact with the Illinois Department of Public Health, the Chicago Department of Public Health and the MPEA Medical Advisory Group who will been provide us with updates as more information becomes available.

For the latest swine flu updates, please contact the following organizations:
– Illinois Department of Public Health – www.idph.state.il.us
– Chicago Department of Public Health – www.cityofchicago.org
– Centers for Disease Control – www.cdc.gov

WINDPOWER 2009 Housing is now closed. For new reservations or changes to existing reservations, you must contact the hotels directly.  CLICK HERE for more information.

Social Media:
AWEA has a presence on Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube, and will be sharing stories and pictures from WINDPOWER 2009 on these outlets.  Please join our Twitter conversation by including #WP09 at the end of your post.  Also, you can continue to stay up to date on wind industry developments through AWEA’s Into the Wind blog.  

New Attendee Tools Launched:
Now registered attendees can take advantage of new planning tools to get the most out of your conference experience.  Build a customized itinerary, create a color-coded tradeshow map featuring exhibitors you would like to visit, and connect with other attendees through the message center.  CLICK HERE for more details and to log in to the newly launched networking tools!

Special Events:
You cannot afford to miss the Kickoff Party & Concert Monday, May 4, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm. The night begins with a special reception and a concert, this year featuring Blues Traveler. CLICK HERE for more details.

Reserve your seat today for the Conference Dinner Wednesday, May 6, 7:00 pm at historic Navy Pier. This year the dinner keynote speaker will be MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough. The event will also be hosted by the comedy and improv group The Second City. CLICK HERE for more details.

Join us for the First Annual WINDPOWER Scholarship 5k Race, Thursday, May 7, 6:30 am in Grant Park. All money raised goes into the AWEA Educational Scholarship Program. To register for the 5K, CLICK HERE.

The WINDPOWER 2009 Job Fair, Tuesday, May 5 – Thursday, May 7, connects top wind energy companies with job seekers of all experience levels and also includes the Careers in Wind Seminar, with presentations by leading industry professionals about the varied career opportunities in wind energy. Job seekers are encouraged to sign up and post their resumes at www.careersinwind.com.

Additional information is available regarding the Event Schedule and the various Special Events held at the Conference.

Conference Program: 
The Welcome and Opening Session, Tuesday, May 5 from 8:30 am to 11:00 am, will bring together members of the Governors’ Wind Energy Coalition to discuss how the nation’s wind energy resources can be used to meet America’s domestic energy demands in an environmentally responsible manner. CLICK HERE for more details.

Wednesday, May 6 from 8:00am to 10:00am, be sure to attend the General Session: Securing America’s Energy Future.
In a unique conversational style, acclaimed documentary host and network news anchor Bill Kurtis will have a discussion with T. Boone Pickens about his life, his involvement in the wind industry ,and his plan for the US to harvest its renewable energy resources.  You will also hear a panel discussion focused on the wind industry’s response to this new era of global challenge–and opportunity. CLICK HERE for more details.

Supply Chain Workshop at WINDPOWER 2009
This full-day Supply Chain workshop, is the perfect way to get an introduction to the wind industry. The workshop will attract representatives from a diverse range of markets to discuss the wind industry’s need to strengthen and expand its national supply chain.
More detailed conference program information is available by CLICKING HERE to see a detailed program with session descriptions and confirmed speakers & moderators. CLICK HERE for a program schedule at a glance. For information on program highlights, CLICK HERE.

Exhibitions & Sponsorship:
Time still remains to exhibit at WINDPOWER 2009. With a record-shattering number of exhibitors now at over 1,200, now is the time to act. You also still have time to participate in the AWEA 2009 Sponsorship Program which offers high visibility packages at WINDPOWER and/or at other AWEA conferences and events.

CLICK HERE to reserve your WINDPOWER booth. For more information about sponsoring CLICK HERE. For questions, email exhibition@awea.org.


There is hope for the world yet.
