Earth Day Is Coming UP – What is the Environmental Movement?

My view of the Environmental Movement is somewhat skewed. I started out in the Energy Movement and I am a Carpenter so I see everything thing through an energy lens. Other people started as Tree Huggers and see everything through a nature perspective. Still other people started out outraged (and maybe sickened) by Pollution. So they worry about Industrial things. No matter where you started however Recycling is where they all come together. Recycled products save energy, save animals, and markedly reduce pollution.

I can’t put up all the facts from this great page but I can put up enough to get you started:

Aluminum Recycling Facts

Bullet A used aluminum can is recycled and back on the grocery shelf as a new can, in as little as 60 days. That’s closed loop recycling at its finest!
Bullet Used aluminum beverage cans are the most recycled item in the U.S., but other types of aluminum, such as siding, gutters, car components, storm window frames, and lawn furniture can also be recycled.
Bullet Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours — or the equivalent of a half a gallon of gasoline.
Bullet More aluminum goes into beverage cans than any other product.
Bullet Because so many of them are recycled, aluminum cans account for less than 1% of the total U.S. waste stream, according to EPA estimates.
Bullet An aluminum can that is thrown away will still be a can 500 years from now!
Bullet There is no limit to the amount of times an aluminum can be recycled.
Bullet We use over 80,000,000,000 aluminum soda cans every year.
Bullet At one time, aluminum was more valuable than gold!
Bullet A 60-watt light bulb can be run for over a day on the amount of energy saved by recycling 1 pound of steel. In one year in the United States, the recycling of steel saves enough energy to heat and light 18,000,000 homes!
Bundled Newspaper

Paper Recycling Facts

Bullet To produce each week’s Sunday newspapers, 500,000 trees must be cut down.
Bullet Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees.
Bullet If all our newspaper was recycled, we could save about 250,000,000 trees each year!
Bullet If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we would save about 25,000,000 trees a year.
Bullet If you had a 15-year-old tree and made it into paper grocery bags, you’d get about 700 of them. A busy supermarket could use all of them in under an hour! This means in one year, one supermarket can go through over 6 million paper bags! Imagine how many supermarkets there are just in the United States!!!
Bullet The average American uses seven trees a year in paper, wood, and other products made from trees. This amounts to about 2,000,000,000 trees per year!
Bullet The amount of wood and paper we throw away each year is enough to heat 50,000,000 homes for 20 years.
Bullet Approximately 1 billion trees worth of paper are thrown away every year in the U.S.
Bullet Americans use 85,000,000 tons of paper a year; about 680 pounds per person.
Bullet The average household throws away 13,000 separate pieces of paper each year. Most is packaging and junk mail.
Bullet In 1993, U.S. paper recovery saved more than 90,000,000 cubic yards of landfill space.
Bullet Each ton (2000 pounds) of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of energy, and 7000 gallons of water. This represents a 64% energy savings, a 58% water savings, and 60 pounds less of air pollution!
Bullet The 17 trees saved (above) can absorb a total of 250 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air each year. Burning that same ton of paper would create 1500 pounds of carbon dioxide.
Bullet The construction costs of a paper mill designed to use waste paper is 50 to 80% less than the cost of a mill using new pulp.


Green Medicine – How to save energy by never using it in the first place

Funny I just saw a report on PBS that relates to this:

The vast majority happen in remote areas, 99 percent of them in developing countries. In Peru, a new national strategy to turn those numbers around is taking shape. And the program is being seen as a model for Latin America and the developing world.

Here, in the remote region of Ayacucho, 12,000 feet above sea level, sits the village of Vilcashuaman. Many hours from the nearest airstrip, it’s a town so remote that even the impressive Inca ruins draw few tourists.

A casa materna, or birthing home, was built for women late in pregnancy to live in as their due date nears. And it’s a centerpiece in the government’s new strategy.

Dr. Oscar Ugarte Ubillus is Peru’s health minister.

DR. OSCAR UGARTE UBILLUS, Peruvian health minister (through translator): We detected that one of the critical problems is the amount of time and distance it takes to get attention when complications arise in childbirth. So, we have created 450 waiting homes throughout the country.

RAY SUAREZ: At the casa materna in Vilcashuaman, pregnant women bring their children. They make their own meals with ingredients from a hospital garden, and live as if at home.

Twenty-nine-year-old Eulalia Centro is here with her 1-year-old daughter. Eulalia had her first child at home without complications, before the birthing home existed. But she lives in an area with no roads. It takes a full day on horseback just to get to Vilcashuaman.

So, Eulalia chose to have her second, then her third child at the birthing home.

EULALIA CENTRO, mother (through translator): Pregnant women are always dying at home, so that is why we decided to come here.

RAY SUAREZ: The birthing home is occupied nearly every day of the year. Pregnancies in the region are tracked with a simple felt map. The circles represent each pregnant woman’s home and the number of hours it takes to reach them.

Red felt represents pregnant teenagers, at greater risk for death in childbirth because their bodies haven’t fully matured. Twenty-four-hour staff are trained to deal with obstetric emergencies, like breech babies, placenta blockage, and hemorrhaging.

Josefina Montes Perez is an OB-GYN at the casa.


They did not try to build an air conditioned hospital, with a helicopter pad filled with 1.5 million $$$ a year doctors. They made it a place where they grow their own food, heat water with the sun, use natural herbs for labor and have an an ambulance, with blood and someone who knows how to control the bleeding if there is a problem. They cut the mortality rate by 50%. You can supply healthcare to people cheap. You can not supply industrial healthcare cheap…what got me to thinking about this?


The mission of Green Medicine™ is to investigate and support research efforts on medicinal substances and medical foods from Peru.


GREEN MEDICINE is the website for information on Dr. Williams’ research in the upper Amazon under the Institute for Amazonian Studies (IAS), which he founded in 1996, and the Pino Center for Traditional Healing in 2004. His intention is to advance the mission of Green Medicine by working closely with Peruvian research organizations, individual investigators, universities, socially and environmentally responsible businesses, and traditional tribes of the upper Amazon and Andes for the purpose of exploring the following areas of study:

Evolutionary Biology in Tropical Rainforests:

  • Fragmentation of natural ecosystems
  • Robustness of plant and animal evolution and behavior
  • Complexity theory in natural ecosystems

Basic Research in the Therapeutic Value of Natural Compounds from Plants and Other Biological Substances

  • Development of rainforest botanical and biological medicines and extracts from natural products including antiviral, anticancer, immunomodulatory, and health promoting adaptogenic substances

Healing Methods and Medicines of Traditional Tribal Peoples

  • Ethnobotanical investigation for new plant medicines
  • Ethnomedical investigation of indigenous healing practices in addition to plant medicines
  • Consciousness exploration among indigenous people involving natural entheogenic compounds and medicinal plants

Dr. Williams has been working in Latin American since 1969 and in Peru since 1996.
For information on his books and integrative medicine practice, visit
To view his site on shamanic healing, go to


Global Warming – Tundra melts releasing Methane by the ton and Pelicans refuse to migrate

Anybody that says there is no proof of Global Warming is either being paid off, blind or lying.

11 Jan 2010: Report

Arctic Tundra is Being Lost
As Far North Quickly Warms

The treeless ecosystem of mosses, lichens, and berry plants is giving way to shrub land and boreal forest. As scientists study the transformation, they are discovering that major warming-related events, including fires and the collapse of slopes due to melting permafrost, are leading to the loss of tundra in the Arctic.

by bill sherwonit

During the summer of 2007, lightning strikes sparked five tundra fires on Alaska’s North Slope. Two of the fires — rare events north of the Arctic Circle — began in neighboring drainages, only a couple of days apart. That, in itself, might have gained the attention of tundra researchers. But the 2007 fire season would ultimately burn a record swath across the North Slope, while reshaping the way scientists think about the Arctic’s response to global warming.

Researchers have known for years that the Arctic landscape is being transformed by rising temperatures. Now, scientists are amassing growing evidence that major events precipitated by warming — such as fires and the collapse of slopes caused by melting permafrost — are leading to the loss of tundra in the Arctic. The cold, dry, and treeless ecosystem — characterized by an extremely short growing season; underlying layers of frozen soil, or permafrost; and grasses, sedges, mosses, lichens, and berry plants — will eventually be replaced by shrub lands and even boreal forest, scientists forecast.

Much of the Arctic has experienced temperature increases of 3 to 5 degrees F in the past half-century and could see temperatures soar 10 degrees F above pre-industrial levels by 2100. University of Vermont professor Breck Bowden, a watershed specialist participating in a long-term study of the Alaskan tundra, said that such rapidly rising temperatures will mean that the “tundra as we imagine it today will largely be gone throughout the Arctic. It may take longer than 50 or even 100 years, but the inevitable direction is toward boreal forest or something like it.”

With temperatures increasing across the Arctic, the Alaskan tundra as we know it could be gone before the end of the century, some scientists predict.

Dominique Bachelet, a climate change scientist at Oregon State University, forecasts that by 2100 tundra “will largely disappear from the Alaskan landscape, along with the related plants, animals, and even human ecosystems that are based upon it.” She made that prediction in 2004, and now says “the basic premise still holds, but the mechanism of change may be different than we thought.” Instead of long-term, incrementally complex changes caused by gradually warming temperatures, “extreme events will be the important triggers for change.” Hot-burning fires or slumping hillsides tied to melting permafrost could “clean the slate and allow new species to establish themselves,” Bachelet said.

The transformation of the tundra — the word comes from the Finnish, tunturia, meaning “treeless plain” — will have a profound impact on the creatures that live and breed there, including grizzly bears, wolves, foxes, and many species of waterfowl and migratory songbirds. Especially hard-hit could be caribou, which depend heavily on lichen as a food source.


This is an amazing article. More amazing because Sarah Palin has lived through this for the last 10 years and still does not admit that it is even happening. Then there is the methane and the frozen Woolly Mammoths that keep popping out of the ground.

Arctic permafrost leaking methane at record levels, figures show

Experts say methane emissions from the Arctic have risen by almost one-third in just five years, and that sharply rising temperatures are to blame.

David Adam, environment correspondent, Thursday 14 January 2010 19.00 GMT

Article history

Arctic tundra in SiberiaPermafrost in Siberia. Methane emissions from the Arctic permafrost increased by 31% from 2003-07, figures show. Photograph: Francis Latreille/Corbis

Scientists have recorded a massive spike in the amount of a powerful greenhouse gas seeping from Arctic permafrost, in a discovery that highlights the risks of a dangerous climate tipping point.

Experts say methane emissions from the Arctic have risen by almost one-third in just five years, and that sharply rising temperatures are to blame.

The discovery follows a string of reports from the region in recent years that previously frozen boggy soils are melting and releasing methane in greater quantities. Such Arctic soils currently lock away billions of tonnes of methane, a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, leading some scientists to describe melting permafrost as a ticking time bomb that could overwhelm efforts to tackle climate change.

They fear the warming caused by increased methane emissions will itself release yet more methane and lock the region into a destructive cycle that forces temperatures to rise faster than predicted.

Paul Palmer, a scientist at Edinburgh University who worked on the new study, said: “High latitude wetlands are currently only a small source of methane but for these emissions to increase by a third in just five years is very significant. It shows that even a relatively small amount of warming can cause a large increase in the amount of methane emissions.”

Global warming is occuring twice as fast in the Arctic than anywhere else on Earth. Some regions have already warmed by 2.5C, and temperatures there are projected to increase by more than 10C by 2100 if carbon emissions continue to rise at current rates


And it is confusing the birds.

Environment, Oregon Coast, Outdoors »

Brown pelicans won’t fly south from Oregon coast and that worries scientists

By Lynne Terry, The Oregonian

March 12, 2010, 6:06PM

peli.jpgView full sizeBenjamin Reed/Los Angeles TimesA group of brown pelicans gathers at the Wildlife Center of the North Coast near Astoria. These birds were among those lodged at the center after they failed to fly south for the winter.Unlike past years, they’ve refused to return to California.

In January, scientists were stunned to see hundreds of brown pelicans that normally fly south before winter lingering on the Oregon coast.

Now it’s March and dozens are still here.

“This is a first for us,” said Roy Lowe, seabird specialist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Biologists are worried. Birds have starved to death and been pummeled by storms. Scientists are also perplexed about why they’ve altered their habits. Climate change could be a factor — no one really knows for sure.

But last week, birders counted dozens on the coast. Lowe said there have been sightings of 60 in Newport, 25 at Charleston and seven in Depoe Bay.

“Maybe some of them will survive the spring,” he said. “I haven’t heard of any moralities. They haven’t looked good for a long time, but they continue to hang in there.”

The downwelling ocean conditions off the coast this time of year do not support an abundance of forage fish for the pelicans. Lowe said they could be finding food in estuaries and lower bays, but they’re also scavenging.

“They’ve been hanging around where people are crabbing and going for any bits of fallen food,” said Deborah Jaques,  a wildlife biologist in Astoria who contracts with state and federal governments.

In the summer, flocks of about 20,000 brown pelicans live on the Oregon Coast and then fly to Southern California and Mexico before winter to breed.

Scientists said the El Nino conditions, with warmer ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific, could have affected the brown pelican’s food supply.

In January, many were found injured by storms or starved to death.


Things better change soon…


More Energy Efficient House Designs – They all look pretty weird BUT

Energy Efficient Building Network for Your Home / Building Project

this site is continually updated — so visit with me often for the latest updates!

At Energy Efficient Building Network, we believe that working with competent and experienced design and construction professionals is essential for your dream house / building project’s successful completion in a cost-effective and timely manner.

A Successful Energy Efficient Building Project! … needs all the right decisions, a team of dedicated and experienced professionals working in concert, and a whole lot more. How to do it right every time? … We need a system, there are no short cuts, no magic wand. Energy Efficient Building Network has a system that uses the Top Ten List for successfully completing an energy efficient building project.

Every project today has energy efficiency as a key consideration — so whether you are building or renovating your house, or it is your commercial or light industrial building — energy efficiency a key requirement — good thinking — Congratulations!

It all begins with a genuine desire, a concept, a need, an idea, a dream. You want to do it right, you want a building that is energy efficient, functional, aesthetically pleasing, cost-effective, long-lasting, and that is strong, is healthy, and is comfortable — you want it all — and why not!

For an energy efficient building, efficient use of energy is not an after thought, it is a key consideration that impacts decisions at every step of the way from conception to completion. So as the decision is made to build, and the budget and schedule issues have been considered, we need to follow the steps in the …

Top Ten List …

  1. Building System… select one that has energy efficiency at its core, is state-of-the-art, and is strong in its resistant to natural hazards, is cost-effective
  2. Project Management … create a team so that every one is a team player and has experience and expertise in energy efficient construction in one’s respective discipline
  3. Foundation… design so that it is compatible with the Building System selected
  4. Walls… choose a compatible system that provides most energy efficiency, ease of building and allows for use of wall covering of your choice
  5. Floors… design compatible floor system that provides for energy efficiency, occupant comfort, use of floor finish of choice
  6. Roof… design roof structure and choose roofing system that is energy efficient, is compatible with the various sub systems of the building and affords the aesthetics and curb appeal that you desire
  7. Doors and Windows… select type and style that are energy efficient, are durable, and meet your decor ideas
  8. Mechanical… choose compatible system and fixtures that are energy efficient, are state-of-the-art and have proven record of performance
  9. Electrical… design system and choose fixtures that are compatible, are state-of-the-art, meet your decor ideas and are energy efficient
  10. Appliances-Fixtures… choose such that they add-value to your energy efficient project, are durable, are cost-effective, and meet your ideas of decor, aesthetics and curb appeal

So this is how it goes …

You turn the idea into a plan — you develop a mission. You search for a suitable location. You want your building to be cost-effective and you are concerned with not only about the building’s initial cost but also its operational cost over its entire life cycle. You establish a budget and you establish a schedule.

You chart out the purpose and the function of the building. You initiate a project. You want to design it and build it so it meets all of your requirements such as form, function, aesthetics, budget, schedule, safety, security, while meeting all the pertinent rules and regulations. You want to spend your money wisely, you want to use proven cutting edge state-of-the art technology, you want your building to have a long useful life — you want to be proud of what you are going to build — there we go!

So, for example if you are building it in Rochester Hills, in the State of Michigan in USA, where I have my consulting practice, you have to meet all the local, state, and federal regulations — or if your building is going to be located in the city of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario where I lived a number of years ago, you have to comply with the local, provincial, and federal regulations — or even if your building is going to be located in New Delhi, India, where I grew up, you have to ensure compliance with all local, municipal, and federal requirements. You want your building to be designed and built right — according to applicable codes — be it International Building Code, International Residential Code, UBC, BOCA, SBC, MEC, and so on.


Did you want me to say more…OK more tomorrow.


After The Energy Audit – All of the things that I suggested that you do

All of those things could have taken SEVERAL Years to complete.You have to ask yourself, “How badly must my house have been designed for me to have to do all this work”? The answer is VERY badly. The big housing push in post WWII America led to many bad practices. But let’s face it our population went from 60 million to over 325 million in 3 decades and energy was a nickle or less a kilowatt. That is just an excuse I know but it is all I got. Hostility to our environment is a genetic trait for Americans. Having a Capitalistic Economy does not help because it has a total disregard for the environment. It is in fact dismissed as an externality.  Is Capitalism psychotic? Look at how it treats the only home we have got. It defiles it.

So hear is a look at more earth friendly models.

Three Extreme Eco-friendly Houses of the Future

Published by Nelson Doyle
November 9, 2008, Category: Ecology

The most extreme eco-friendly houses of the future reduces the environmental impact on the planet and demonstrates how less means more quality living.

With so much attention being drawn towards the perils of our planet and the environmental impact that a global population is causing on natural resources, some forward-thinking companies and individuals are developing new ways to solve our housing needs and the future impact to the environment once built. It requires creative people like these to develop solutions to solve critical issues like the ones we have to deal with in today’s environment.

The majority of eco-friendly houses share similar engineering characteristics such as; smaller living spaces and recycled building materials incorporated into the design. Some houses incorporate solar panels, wood-burning stoves or other energy-saving heating and cooling appliances. The potential costs saving on utility bills, property taxes, home maintenance, and furniture would more than make this kind of living ideal for single or duel family housing.

Ewok-Style Tree House


I could post the photos but out of respect I will say please see the article for more.


This Ewok-style tree house designed by Canadian carpenter Tom Chudleigh saw the future and built it.

Portable Martin House-To-Go

Honestly, this has to be the most practical house on the planet that is eco-friendly to the extremes. Live anywhere and change your scenery when the mood strikes in your own portable house. The Martin portable house-to-go is built to the highest building standards and is weatherproofed with NASA-approved insulation to endure in extreme weather conditions.

Dome House

The Japanese are amazing engineers in both housing and technology, so it shouldn’t be too surprising that a prefab home manufacturer Japan called “Japan Dome Housing Co., Ltd., developed an amazingly energy-efficient, extreme weather durable, Styrofoam expandable modular igloo-shaped kit house. Oh, yes, it’s true. The house of the future that can be purchased and assembled by you and two or three of your friends in just a matter of 3-days if you work around the clock or about a week if you take your time.


More tomorrow.


So What To Do Next – Subscribe to a magazine

Boogie down brothers it’s Jam Band Friday -( )

Now that you have spent the last couple of years getting to know your energy systems in your home and doing something about it. What is next? Solar Panels, Solar water heaters, a Wind turbine? Slow down little guppy. You could even start with a solar cooker. However I suggest you read and think a little first. I mean a meditation on food and a solar cooker could take you to places you have never been.

Jobs for Energy Auditors Gain Momentum Nationwide

Cover photo: Erik Pierson of Recurve, a San Francisco Bay Area home performance contractor, discusses an upcoming home energy audit with Regina Loureiro of San Jose. Photo by Lou Dematteis

Jobs for Energy Auditors Gain Momentum Nationwide

January/February 2010 Feature

by Patricia Leiser

It is anticipated that most, if not all, large U.S. cities will adopt programs to improve the energy efficiency of homes and commercial buildings.

Continue reading “Jobs for Energy Auditors Gain Momentum Nationwide”


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The more you read and research the more you will know what your next move is. My question is when does the audit end, and more importantly did the audit prompted you into other behaviors. Are you riding your bike more?

Making Sense
Making Sense: of Solar-Electric System Costs
What would it cost to power your home with solar energy? Use these simple guidelines to get your solar start today.
Tools of the Wind-Electric Trade
Tools of the Wind-Electric Trade
The tools you need for a successful wind-electric installation.
Intro to Hydropower
Intro to Hydropower: Part 2: Measuring Head & Flow
Part 2. How to measure the two most important variables used in determining your site’s hydroelectric potential.
Solar Water Heating Systems Buyer's Guide
Solar Water Heating Systems Buyer’s Guide
Pick the perfect solar hot water system for your climate and site.
Be Cool
Be Cool: Natural Systems to Beat the Heat
Beat the summer heat with these basic passive cooling strategies.
EV Snapshot
EV Snapshot: Chevy S10 Conversion
A step-by-step tour of Mark’s clean, electric conversion of a Chevy S10 pickup — guaranteed to make you rethink your next vehicle. With some effort and a little money, you can convert your gasoline engine car to run on electricity—for cleaner, greener local driving.
Efficiency Details
Efficiency Details: For a Clean Energy Change
Put these top ten tips to use and make your household more energy efficient and renewables-ready.
How to Install...
How to Install… A Pole-Mounted Solar-Electric Array: Part 1
How to install a pole-mounted solar-electric array— part one, sizing and setting the pole.


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And for the policy wonks

The Quarterly Journal of the IAEE’s Energy Economics Education Foundation
Volume 31, Special Issue
Download Entire Issue Now

ADAM’s Modeling Comparison Project – Intentions and Prospects
Ottmar Edenhofer , Brigitte Knopf, Marian Leimbach and Nico Bauer
View AbstractDownload Now

The Economics of Low Stabilization: Model Comparison of Mitigation Strategies and Costs
Ottmar Edenhofer , Brigitte Knopf, Terry Barker, Lavinia Baumstark, Elie Bellevrat, Bertrand Chateau, Patrick Criqui, Morna Isaac, Alban Kitous, Socrates Kypreos, Marian Leimbach, Kai Lessmann, Bertrand Magne, Serban Scrieciu, Hal Turton, Detlef P. van Vuuren
View AbstractDownload Now
Transformation Patterns of the Worldwide Energy System – Scenarios for the Century with the POLES Model
Alban Kitous, Patrick Criqui, Elie Bellevrat and Bertrand Chateau
View AbstractDownload Now

Technology Options for Low Stabilization Pathways with MERGE
Bertrand Magne, Socrates Kypreos, and Hal Turton
View AbstractDownload Now


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And then for the strong at heart.

AHE Featured on the Cover of the Sept/Oct 2009 edition of Home Energy Magazine!AHE Featured on the Cover of the Sept/Oct 2009 Edition of Home Energy Magazine!

Energy Efficient Home Solutions

Advanced Home Energy (AHE) is the leading Home Performance contractor in the San Francisco East Bay. AHE provides expert guidance and services to home owners who want an energy efficient home and want to reduce their personal environmental impact.

Home Performance

Home performance is an energy efficiency strategy in which contractors address homes as whole systems, rather than in discrete components. Home performance contractors integrate expertise in all areas affecting home energy use; insulation, windows, heating and cooling, water heating, etc.. By integrating treatment of all factors in a home’s energy use, AHE services are solution-oriented, cost-effective, and easier for consumers to use than traditional efficiency methods.

Home Energy Audit

We provide a home energy audit to diagnose all the components of of a building. We then identify the areas for greatest potential and create a work package that is tailored to the unique issues of the home. By using our services home owners reduce their monthly utility bills, reduce their carbon footprint, and make their home more comfortable throughout the year


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Once you read this you will be ready to go gogogogo

Current Issue
January/February 2010 Issue 1 • Volume14
Cover Story
  • Community Wind – the development of locally owned, utility-scale wind farms – is one of the fastest-growing segments in the U.S. wind industry. Community Wind projects are developed and owned, in part, by members of the communities in which they’re developed. A typical project ranges between 5MW and 80MW, although they can range both higher and lower. Most importantly, this approach to development leads to a genuine sense of community involvement and acceptance. [More]


Nothing wrong with reading and being smart.


Compact Flourescent Bulbs – Now for the really painful part

These babies are expensive and are already being replaced by LED Technology but beginning in 2012 regular lightbulbs will be phased out and eliminated by 2014. Did I say they look funny too. So go around and count all your lights. We have 11 in the bathroom alone. At 2 $$$ a pop that is 22 $$$ just for our bathroom but they last three years, cut your energy use for lighting purposes by at least 2/3rds and are recyclable.

So go to the store and get these:

Select a sub-category or click here to see all 670 products in Incandescent Bulbs

“Regular” (A-Shape)


Decorative Torpedo & Flame Tip

Exit & Display



Indicator & Sign


Night Light & Holiday




You can actually spend 40 $$$ on a house…nobody ever said change was easy or cheap


Insulation – What a way to end the week

It is Jam Band Friday – ( )

Humans burn at 98.6. If we lived in a perfectly insulated and airtight world we would have to vent our homes in the winter. Some people in colder climates have those homes, but us’ens in the uninsulated leaky drafty Midwest don’t. I tell people to put as much insulation WHEREVER they can.

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These people favor fiberglass and are trying to dis’ cellulose:

FAQs About Residential and Commerical Insulation

What does insulation actually do for my home?

What areas of my home should be insulated?

How do I know how much insulation I need for my home?

What is R-value?

Where do I find R-value information when I go to buy insulation?

What are the options when choosing insulation?

How can I be sure I’m getting the best performance from the insulation in my home?

Are there rebates available for installing insulation?

If I am adding more insulation to my home do I need to remove what I already have?

What Kind of Insulation Do Builders Use on Their Own Homes?

What does insulation actually do for my home?

Fiber glass insulation keeps your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter, because insulation resists the flow of heat. Heat is a form of energy and always seeks a cooler area – flowing out of the home in the winter and into the home in the summer. By reducing heat flow, a properly insulated home uses less energy for heating and cooling.

In addition to being an energy saver, fiber glass insulation also acts as a sound absorber. When installed in walls and ceilings, it can reduce the transmission of sound from one room to another or from the outside. In today’s noise-laden environments, more and more homeowners are soundproofing their homes.

A well-insulated home increases the overall comfort of the home and adds to its resale value. Whether your home is new or old, it pays to insulate.

What areas of my home should be insulated?

Insulation is not just for attics and outside walls. Insulation should also be installed in other areas of your home such as ceilings with unheated spaces, basement walls, floors above vented crawl spaces, cathedral ceilings, floors over unheated garages or porches, knee walls, and in between interior walls (especially bathrooms), ceilings or floors for extra sound control.

How do I know how much insulation I need for my home?

The amount of insulation in a home varies depending upon where you live. NAIMA has developed recommended levels of insulation for various climate zones. These recommendations are based on recommendations from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the International Energy Conservation Code which is the model building code for the United States.

Click here to visit to learn about what zone your home is in and how much you insulation you need.

What is R-value?

Insulation is identified and labeled by R-value. “R” stands for resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power.

Where do I find R-value information when I go to buy insulation?

Insulation is identified and labeled by R-value. “R” stands for resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power. Manufacturers of insulation products print R-values of their products either on the bags or on the labels. In most cases, R-values are also printed on the facings of fiber glass batts and rolls.


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You can use just about anything as insulation.

The Proper Choice of Insulation

The proper choice of insulation depends on its final use. In most applications, good resistance to heat flow is not the only thing you will have to consider. In specific situations, insulation may also need some of the following properties:

  • resistance to high temperatures
  • resistance to moisture flow (can it reduce the movement of water vapour?)
  • resistance to air movement (can it act as an air barrier?)
  • a fire-rated protective covering

Once you have matched the material properties with the specific application, consider the following installation factors:

  • Is it relatively easy to install?
  • Is it the best buy for the space available (either high insulating value per dollar if you have lots of open space, or high insulating value per thickness if space is restricted)?
  • Is it available locally?
  • Will it be easy to install the insulation to fill the space completely?
  • Can it conform to surface irregularities?
  • Is it rigid enough to provide support for finished materials or resist pressures against its surfaces?
  • Does one insulation require more accessory products than another (fire protection, framing, air and vapour barrier)?

In short, the choice of insulation will largely depend on how it will be used. Different types of insulation are commonly used for insulating wallsbasements and attics. Fortunately, particular insulation jobs will quickly eliminate some materials, making the choice much easier.


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Batt or Blanket Insulation

Loose-Fill Insulation

Mineral Fibre

Cellulose Fibre

Glass Fibre

Mineral Wool (Slag and Rock Wool)


Rigid Board Insulation

Glass-Fibre Boards

Expanded Polystyrene

Extruded Polystyrene

Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate Boards

Phenolic Foam Boards

Spray-Foam Insulation

Polyurethane Foam

Semi-Flexible Isocyanurate Plastic Foam

Phenolic Foam

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Just copying all the types of insulation tuckered me out.

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Last Post On Windows – For this meditation on home energy improvements

Windows and Doors in your residence are the fine line between Rehabilitation and New Build. To use Professional Speak, your house consists of an interior and an exterior envelop with insulation inbetween even if that insulation is only air. The whole goal of energy rehabs is to dramatically tighten both the interior and the exterior of the house and then increase the insulation where possible. This is a separate issue in a way from the energy consumption in the house itself. So when you get to the parts that move…eg windows and doors that is where the expense can climb rapidly. If you are a home owner, new windows and doors make sense BUT once you open the cavities shouldn’t you check the insulation and what about upgrading the wiring? Why not tear the whole thing down and start again? HMMMM

So if you are interested in new here are all the usual suspects:{keyword:defaulttext}:P&Branch=Champaign+Local&gclid=CMnLu5–958CFRk45wodfk3tXA&sissr=1|RPM|HS_Windows|GGL_8152


For a lot cheaper you can get low e-films that will keep the heat in during the winter and out during the summer. You have to decide how far you go.

Green Your Home for Winter: Apply Low-E Window Film

Jasmin Malik Chua, Jersey City, USA

Jasmin Malik Chua
By Jasmin Malik Chua
Jersey City, NJ, USA | Sun Mar 23, 2008 01:21 PM ET

If you haven’t socked away enough money for new, energy-efficient windows-or you’re a renter who doesn’t have the latitude to make major home improvements-consider applying one of several types of window film to your panes for instant energy savings.

A plastic film with low-emissivity (low-E) coating, which can reduce heat loss through old windows by 30 percent to 50 percent, provides a thin metallic coat the blocks off heat and ultraviolet rays. Apply the low-E film to the inside pane of your window to trap heat indoors in the winter. When the mercury begins to rise, flip the film over to the outside pane to keep the sun’s heat out of your domicile. Plus, according to Lowe’s, insulating window films will pay for themselves in less than a year in reduced utility bills.Do-it-yourself window film is available in rolls or in precut kits, but you might want to consult the professionals on very large windows. Here are some companies that manufacture energy-saving window films:

1. Bekaert

2. CP Films

3. Film Technologies

4. Madico

5. Plastic View International

[Via ::The Daily Green]

Difficulty level: Easy to moderate


My brother tried it in Las Vegas and they dropped the temperature a lot. To summarize we have covered windows and door from shutters, to new windows and doors to films and sprays for windows and doors. The final step tomorrow is to deal with awnings. Isn’t the green economy fun!


Taking A House Window Out Of Service – Get rid of the darn thing

It’s Jam Band Friday –

During the height of the summer and for most of the winter there are windows that you can probably do without. I hate windows. Even when you dress them up they are Energy Dogs. So here is an easy way to get rid of them. This only works for windows that move. Cut 2 pieces of plywood roughly 2 inches bigger than the window casement. Glue as much styrofoam insulation (R Board) as you can to each piece of plywood centered into the cavity of the window space. Drill 2 holes in each piece of plywood centered in the top and the bottom quadrant of each piece of plywood. Open the window so that the 2 panes are in the center of the window case. Fit the pieces of the plywood over the outside and the inside of the window. Insert long bolts through the two holes and tighten nut and washer to either the inside or the outside piece of plywood depending on which way you ran the bolts. You can even run a light bead of caulk around the two piece of plywood, the washer and the bolt head for complete air tighness. All done. Problem solved. Window gone.

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However if you are into appearances well you can invest in systems that accomplish some of the same goals.,,1210347,00.html

I always wanted to get those last 2 back together again. If you have big bucks you may want to get shutters that actually work. Not the decorative ones you usually see.

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Looking for Shutters?
Let us help.


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~Window Shutters

You can find both exterior and interior window shutters in a variety of colors and materials.

View all Plantation Shutters

Fauxwood Shutters


More on windows tomorrow. God I hate those things.

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