Ceramic Roofs – An alternative roofing material for some

This is a great site and this is just some of the discussion


Posts: 79
November 01, 2009, 12:12:24 AM


I’d like it if we could talk about other types of alternative roofing, other than living roofs. Living roofs are NOT suitable to a large part of the world, including mine.  What I would like to talk about are ceramic tile roofs.

There are more than one type of ceramic tile roofs. Most people in the US think of the Medeterraininan style of curved tiles. But I would like to find info on the flat roof tiles used in areas of Northern France–type of clay used, installation, roofing bracing/trussing to support the weight (tile roofs are pretty heavy in comparison to most modern roofing materials). And can anyone tell me if a ceramic tile roof like this can be used as part of a rain cachement system?

Why ceramic tile? I’m a ceramic artist, I live in a state where earthernware clay is plentiful, and where a living roof would curl up and die, then become a fire hazard.


Joel Hollingsworth
Posts: 1724

zone 10: Oakland, CA

November 01, 2009, 03:06:29 AM

I am actually most familiar with the California style of tejas. And of course, there are also some amazing styles from Asia.

I think a ceramic roof is probably the best sort of roof for a rain collection system.  As long as none of your glazes are particularly toxic, it will work great.

It sounds like ceramic is perfect for you, but I suspect that purslane or a similar plant (spreading succulent) might work as a green roof in most hot, dry climates.


“the qualities of these bacteria, like the heat of the sun, electricity, or the qualities of metals, are part of the storehouse of knowledge of all men.  They are manifestations of the laws of nature, free to all men and reserved exclusively to none.” SCOTUS, Funk Bros. Seed Co. v. Kale Inoculant Co.
Leah Sattler
Posts: 2603


November 01, 2009, 07:44:49 AM

ceramic seems like a great alternative. around here it would probably succumb to hailstorms though. somewhere I thought I read that there needs to be extra reinforcement of the structure to support the increased weight load.

“One cannot help an involuntary process. The point is not to disturb it. – Dr. Michel Odent

Posts: 79
November 01, 2009, 05:39:21 PM

I’m in Oklahoma too.

Succulants wont work hetre, because we do get rain, in buckets, but only at certain times of the year–spring being the main rainy season, with fall a secondary rainy season. They would drown out. The problem in the rest of the year, when you get no precep at all from the end of May until mid-September. Lots of humidity but no rain. As well as high winds, and grass fires.

Sure, you use food-safe glazes on the tiles, same as if you’er making functional pottery.

Hail could be a problem, breaking tiles, but hail is a problem with just about any kind of roofing material. If your using highfire tiles, rather than earthernware, they might hold up better. I’m thinking about the mideaval church in Northern France that has a ceramic flat tile roof that is over 300 years old, surely that has been through more than a few severe storms, besides all the wars.

This piece of crap is screwing up and not working right. Every time I type a letter in, it bounces around so I dont know if its working or not.

Posts: 79
November 01, 2009, 05:46:45 PM

Okay, lets try this again. Apparently, the program doesn’t want to post very many lines per post. &%@#* if I know why.

Okay, yeah, the roof would need extra bracing, thats one of the things its vertually impossible to find out about. Anything to do with ceramic tile roofs, period, is impossible to learn about. Its like the alternative building community has a real blind spot where roofs are concerned. The only acceptable roof is a living roof, and I for one think that is a really short-sighted attitude. Concidering that there are numerous types of ceramic tile roofs around the world, in vernaculare archetecture, we really need to take a more serious look at this kind of roofing.

paul wheaton
Posts: 5662

missoula, montana

November 06, 2009, 12:38:00 PM

bdswagger, please take a look at this thread:  http://www.permies.com/permaculture-forums/2199_0/tinkering-with-this-site/problems-typing-stuff-in
Posts: 24
November 20, 2009, 06:44:19 PM

Its Great to have an artist thinking about this. You could have all sorts of fun designing new types of roofing tile.

Where I grew up all the houses used red clay “pantile”. This tile has a S-shaped cross section, in effect each tile curls up over its neighbor to shelter the joint from weather. I am sure there are lots of alternative shapes that would still function. Have you thought about making different shaped tiles that could work together on the same structure?? you could get all sorts of new textures designed into the roof. Umm…this has got me thinking.

You might have something well worth patenting.

The main thing to think about, as far as the structure goes, is weight. A tile roof is far more heavier than the asphalt shingle you see in USA. Not only does the roof timbers have to be stronger, the walls also have to withstand the extra compression *and* the force tending to push the walls outwards.

Hence you find houses in the UK will have tile roofs and brick or stone walls. Stick built can still be found, but only for chickens! really!

I noticed in Japan that tile was used a lot, but they quite often used a glaze as well. Often a dark blue. Don’t really know why. Some of the older structures were very impressive. Massive pole barn type of construction with curving, overhanging rooves.

Keep us informed on your progress….and give us some pictures!


Joel Hollingsworth
Posts: 1724

zone 10: Oakland, CA

November 23, 2009, 02:22:01 PM

Not only does the roof timbers have to be stronger, the walls also have to withstand the extra compression *and* the force tending to push the walls outwards.

Have you ever seen Gaudí’s model of the Sagrada Familia?  It’s an amazing case of art as engineering.

The model is upside down, built of thin cords and bags of shot.  The bags of shot are filled to proportionally represent the weights of the various structural members and sheathing materials, and since the cords all follow lines of tension, the angles in the model naturally tend to those that keep all members of the finished building in compression.

It’s the sort of thing a computer model would be used for today, but I really like the elegance of the old-fashioned way.


Go there to add your voice to the discussion. More tomorrow.


Cleanest Places In The World – This one the US did not make

Not even close which as it should be. But when they picked the worst, they picked all third world countries. I mean really. Unless you have money no one wants to live in a  third world country. What is the point? Also much of the pollution there is created by US corporations one way or another. Anyway.


Thursday, October 25, 2007 – 12:54 am ET

Cleanest and Greenest Places In The World

By: Noel

I delved deeper into the study done by Reader’s Digest as I have talked about in my previous post. After all, come the day I decide to go live in another country, I would certainly want to live in somewhere green.

As per the authors of the study, they said, “It’s an inescapable fact: People living in affluent countries tend to be better educated, enjoy a higher standard of living, live longer lives and have a brighter future. The downside: Their material wealth results in a larger carbon footprint.”

Anyhow, here are some of the top ten lists that you may want to know about as per the results of the study.

10 best countries

  1. Finland
  2. Iceland
  3. Norway
  4. Sweden
  5. Austria
  6. Switzerland
  7. Ireland
  8. Australia
  9. Uruguay
  10. Denmark


Read more there. More here next week.


The Cleanest Beaches Anywhere – I never expected there would be a website

OK so I did the dirtiest beaches so now I have to reciprocate. Actually the dirtiest beaches were not all that dirty and were faulted mainly for not sending warning notices…though I know there are some in California where you are actually swimming in sewage. Then there are the people who swim off Long Island and New Jersey. Yuck.


CBC Releases List of Clean and Healthy Beaches
Gulf of Mexico Environmental Disaster Has Devastating Effect on Qualifying Coasts in Mississippi and Alabama

(Washington, DC) – The Clean Beaches Coalition released its annual list of beaches which have been officially certified as clean, healthy and environmentally well managed.  However, the ongoing Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster has had devastating effects on past qualifying shores in Mississippi and Alabama. Walter McLeod, founder of the Coalition noted, “My family has vacationed in the impacted region for years, and will continue to support a “special way of life” we have come to love.”

This year beaches in nineteen states and U.S. territories, including American Samoa, California, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin, are on the list. (See complete list below).

For generations, American families have traveled to the shore for the simple pleasure of playing on sandy beaches, boating on the open seas, or swimming with our children.  Every year Americans make over 2 billion visits to ocean, gulf, and inland beaches.  Beach recreation and tourism are estimated to contribute over $640 billion annually to the U.S. economy. However, the environmental disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico will have devastating effects on our coastal heritage for generations to come.

“The devastation in the Gulf of Mexico has crystallized the importance of clean beaches to Americans” stated Walter McLeod, founder of the Clean Beaches Coalition.  He pointed to the Blue Wave Program as a symbol of the need to protect our beaches.  Blue Wave is the first environmental certification program for beaches in the U.S.  Now in its 11th year, the program is recognized as a reliable benchmark for well-maintained beaches.

Press Release/2010 Clean Beaches List


Check it out. More tomorrow.


Most Polluted Countries In The World – According to one source


Top 10 Most Polluted Countries

The United States is best known as the country with greener pastures. You’d probably move to the US because of this reason. Then again, if you were told that the US is a silent killer, wouldn’t you rather move to China?

Pollution is a silent killer that endangers not just a person’s health, but also his or her environment. Here are the top 10 most polluted countries in the world along with the reasons for why you should be more concerned about your environment.

1. Peru: The Grass is Never Greener

Water Pollution - Peru

Water pollution in Peru

The environmental problems in Peru include deforestation, soil erosion, soil pollution, water pollution and air pollution. Water pollution in Peru is caused by oil-related waste, sewage waste and industrial waste.

Peru has 1,746 cubic kilometers of renewable water resources. Seven percent is for industrial activity and 86 percent is used for farming. In Lima, Peru, vehicular and industrial emissions bring air pollution, which has always been a serious problem in the country’s capital city.

2. Pakistan: Because Cleanliness is the New Virtue

Lahore Pakistan

A polluted street in Lahore, Pakistan

There is hardly any attention paid to the environmental issues in Pakistan. Potable water and sanitation are the main problems in this country. Almost 80 percent of the total population in Pakistan does not have flush toilets.

Research conducted by the Pakistan Medical Research Council show that a large number of people with diseases in Pakistan suffer specific health problem because of the consumption of polluted water. A whopping 38 percent of the entire population of Pakistan receive water that run through dirty pipelines, which, in turn, may lead to the consumption of seriously contaminated water.

3. Kuwait

Kuwait Oil Pollution

Oil Pollution in Kuwait

The oil fires have already been put out and a large part of the oil spills are now cleaned up. However, Kuwait is still suffering from the health and environmental costs brought about by the Gulf War and Iraq’s occupation.

Oil pollutes a large part of the deserts of Kuwait. Oil envelopes the large patches of Kuwait’s sea bed off the coast. The coral reefs in Kuwait need to undergo a serious recovery. The ruptured tanks from the war left debris all over Kuwait that still pollute and destroy Kuwait’s environment after 10 years. Since 1991, children in Kuwait have been acquiring leukemia caused by residues from DU or depleted uranium.


Read the rest. There was a reason why Russia caught fire.

More tomorrow.


Most Polluted Beaches In The US – Ready to take a Labor Day dip

As they say in the article, make sure it is not a dip in an open sewer. I have had this experience. It was one of the reasons I left Tampa never to return. They built their sewage ponds right next to the ocean and when there was a bad storm…it would all wash into the water. Yuck.

Dirty Dozen: The 12 Most Polluted Beaches in The U.S
Kamelia Angelova | Jul. 29, 2009, 1:15 PM |


Careful!  The beach you’re rushing off to this weekend might actually be a sewer.

Human and animal waste, among other sewage overflow, contaminate the beachwaters of virtually every sandy retreat in the country.

See the dirtiest beaches in the country >

There were over 20,000 closing and advisory days last year at ocean, bay and Great Lake beaches because of high levels of bacteria and pollutants in the waters, according to the annual beachwater quality report – Testing The Waters – released today by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).

The agency also provides 5-star rating guide for 200 of the nation’s most popular beaches, based on beachwater quality, monitoring frequency, and public notification of contamination. Beachgoers who swim in polluted waters are at risk of contracting from various types of skin rashes and infections to meningitis and hepatitis.

Coastal cities can implement various green strategies such as green rooftops and permeable sidewalks to reduce and eliminate stromwater runoff, which overflows the sewage systems and dump polluted water in the oceans and lake.

The 12 Worst Beaches In The U.S. >

I will give you the first one but you have to to the article for the other 11. If you can stand it that is.

Dirty Dozen: The 12 Most Polluted Beaches in The U.S.


Zach’s Bay at Jones Beach State Park

Zach’s Bay at Jones Beach State Park

Location: Wantagh, New YorkMajor Offenses: Tested repeatedly for high levels of bacteria in the last three years. No public advisories issued.

This popular New York beach, where boaters also often anchor, has failed many of the twice-weekly tests for the last three years. Bacteria-infested water is not the only problem here: Advisories telling you about the high levels of pollutants in the water are almost never posted online or at the beach.


More Tomorrow.


The Most Polluted Places On Earth – This from the Huffinton Post

I am not sure if I agree with the list below, but if you can only pick 9 when there are that many in the Old Soviet Union alone. Well then:


9 Of The Most Polluted Places In The World (PHOTOS)

Huffington Post |  Barbara Fenig First Posted: 08-31-10 08:26 AM   |   Updated: 09- 1-10 01:55 AM


From the highways of Los Angeles to the Citarum River of Bandung, Indonesia, earth’s most polluted city of Linfen, China to the streets of London, the world is laden with man-made pollution. Chemical, air, water and oil pollution ruin the environment, cause premature deaths, spoil the world’s resources and worsen climate change.

As the world’s population soars to nearly 7 billion, we here at HuffPost Green decided to take a virtual tour of some of the world’s most polluted places. Check out our slideshow of nine of the most polluted places in the world. Find out which city’s death rate surpasses its birth rate by 260 percent. Or which city has 50,000 people die prematurely each year due to man-made air pollution. As always, we want to hear from you. Tell us what you think in the comments.

Linfen, China
1 of 10

Linfen, China is the most polluted city on earth. According to Mother Nature Network, if one puts laundry out to dry, it will turn black before finishing drying. Located in China’s coal belt, spending one day in Linfen is equivalent to smoking three packs of cigarettes. 3 million people are affected by Linfen‘s coal and particulates pollution, which is residue from automobile and industrial emission


Only one of nine. Please go see the rest. More tomorrow


President Obama And His Family Went To New Orleans – Here is what they saw

Testing Results Returning With High Levels

Report by: Wilma Subra

Results of sampling  performed by the Lower Mississippi River Keeper in the Lower Atchafalaya Bay area on August 2, 2010

Collecting oysters from Oyster Bayou
Collecting oysters from Oyster Bayou
The shore of the Gulf of Mexico east of Oyster Bayou, where the Atchafalaya Bay meets the Gulf of Mexico, contained visible oil on the vegetation along the shore line.  Soil in this location contained Carbon Disulfide, 378 mg/kg Hydrocarbons and six Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) (0.222 mg/kg). The oiled vegetation contained 2.3% Hydrocarbons and 31 PAHs (0.554 mg/kg) that  corresponded strongly to the PAHs in the Deepwater Horizon Crude Oil spill.  Samples of Blue Crab and Fiddler Crab contained 2,230 mg/kg hydrocarbons.
Oysters sampled from a reef on Oyster Bayou in Atchafalaya Bay contained 8,815 mg/kg Hydrocarbons.

Results of sampling performed by the Lower Mississippi River Keeper in the Mississippi River Delta on August 3, 2010

Taking samples in the Mississippi River Delta
Taking samples in the Mississippi River Delta
At the mouth of Pass-a-Loutre, in the reed vegetation along the shore of an island, a sediment sample was collected.   The sediment contained 71 mg/kg Hydrocarbons and 14 PAHs (0.8713 mg/kg).  The PAHs in the sample weakly support that the contaminants in the sediment are associated with the crude oil from the Deepwater Horizon.  A muscle sample collected at this location contained 6,900 mg/kg Hydrocarbons and seven PAHs (0.386 mg/kg).
A sample of oysters was collected from oysters growing on  an abandoned crab trap between Pass-a-Loutre and Redfish Bay.  The oysters contained  12,500 mg/kg (1.25%) Hydrocarbons and two PAHs (0.063 mg/kg).
Along a beach area near Redfish Bay, samples were collected from a stained area along a sandy beach area and from a vegetated area behind the beach.  The beach area had clean-up waste materials and supplies left behind by cleanup crews.  A small water body adjacent to the beach had a boom in the water and a small boat used to place the poles that secured the boom was stained with oil.  The beach area contained a number of tar balls.
The sandy soil sample contained  Carbon Disulfide, Hydrocarbons  (146 to 779 mg/kg),  and 29 to 38 PAHs (3.7259 to 3.934 mg/kg).  The PAHs support reasonable evidence that the sandy soil is contaminated with crude oil from the Deepwater Horizon.

Samples were also collected from the vegetated area (reed vegetation) behind the beach.  The vegetated area contained  oil sheens on the vegetation and on the water that collected in the sampling area.  The soil/sediment samples contained Carbon Disulfide, 2-Butanone (MEK), Toluene, 0.4 to 1.16 % Hydrocarbons, and 20 to 40 PAHs (49 to 189 mg/kg).  The PAHs in the soil/sediment strongly support that the soil/sediment is contaminated with crude oil from the Deepwater Horizon.

SaveOurGulf.orgVisit SaveOurGulf.org to get more information about the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster from Waterkeeper organizations across the Gulf Coast and donate to Save Our Gulf!

Just kidding – More Tomorrow

Gulf Gusher Is Plugged – President vacations on the Gulf Coast

Everything is fine. No news is old news. Emergency over. Forgetaboutit. The modern news cycle and the short term memory public moves on. We need our gas. We need all our unnecessary  commercial STUFF and we need to get back to school. So what if 10 percent of the nation is unemployed by the corporate capitalists. So what if Russia just burned and Pakistan just drowned. This in from LEAN.

Don’t forget: If there is oil out there we must find it.



BP Disaster Continues to Wreak Death and Destruction

LEAN member and New Orleans photographer Jerry Moran revisited Raccoon Island on August 8, 2010 to find more of the same death and destruction that he found on his visit on July 18, 2010.

A Dead Pelican On Raccoon Island August 8, 2010
A Dead Pelican On Raccoon Island

Of his July 18, 2010 trip to Raccoon Island Jerry wrote:

“death is everywhere and I mean everywhere, even though visible oil is much less an issue, which concerns me greatly. A lot of the birds that weren’t dead, were obviously poisoned, almost acting drunk and dazed. Some were hardly walking, and some were alive, but lying where they will surely expire, some were actually fighting each other for food(surely contaminated)…….It is really hard for me to believe that nothing can be done to curb what is no less than the extermination of our beloved state bird, along with thousands of other birds and animals. There are not many times where I have just stopped shooting and left….yesterday was one of those day’s.”
A Dead Red Fish On Raccoon Island August 8, 2010
A Dead Red Fish On Raccoon Island

Of his August 8, 2010 trip to Raccoon Island Jerry wrote:

“The difference this time was that there were not as many (living) birds…… probably at least 60% less but just as much death if not more. Pelicans, Seagulls, Bull Redfish, Drum….you name it it was dead on the beach.  Oil had hit Raccoon Island last week and the island was obviously manicured, BP had set up tents on the 2 adjoining Islands.  All of the boom that was on the island and on top the jetties was gone, and the island was flat where it once had a more natural terrain….two of the pelicans had died very recently, and it was most disturbing that one of them was hooked to a sparkle beatle (a kind of fishing lure) which was tangled in dead mangrove…….I have no doubt that either Wildlife and Fisheries or BP workers had to have seen this Pelican while alive and just left him there to die.  A lot of the dead birds stomach cavaties were open and a brown sludge covered the inside, with the scent of oil.”
A Dead Juvenile Bird On Raccoon Island August 8, 2010
A Dead Juvenile Tern On Raccoon Island August 8, 2010


Visit SaveOurGulf.org to get more information about the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster from Waterkeeper organizations across the Gulf Coast and donate to Save Our Gulf!


Algae To Fuel – What is the current status

Jack Lundee asked if he could do a guest post. I am not fond of algae as a fuel source. Well, I am neutral about it. I think it is counter productive to continue to lust after liquid fuels. Still given the second article I list it is plausible as they say on Myth Busters.


Fed-Funded Algae Fuel Research making a Strong Comeback

Algae fuel is a biofuel, which is derivative of algae. In 1978, Former President Jimmy Carter pulled the trigger on a 25 million dollar research project into algae fuel production. To make a long story short, the project was somewhat unsuccessful because of the inability of scientists to find a way to make the organisms produce lipids gifted enough to be turned into biofuels, that is, in a high volume, low cost style.

One of the biggest concerns during early research was the fact that burning this algae fuel still released CO2 into the air. Nonetheless, the burning varies much so in that it doesn’t produce any new CO2 emissions like that of fossil fuels. This was a minor concern however, as the fuel was never really able to be inexpensively mass produced.

Now, there are definite signs of hope in the field of algae-based biofuels, as a number of firms and fortune 500 companies are delving into the research, investing billions of dollars. Alternative energy and carbon emission reduction efforts are widespread, funded by large collaborate organizations like the Clinton Global Initiative.  Fathered by ex-President Bill Clinton and Doug Band ( http://politicalinsider.blogs.heraldtribune.com/10498/clinton-heaps-praise-on-band-family/ ),  the CGI ( http://www.clintonglobalinitiative.org/ )  has made large strides in the San Francisco Bay area, reducing fleet emissions in large numbers. Even more recently, Google made an astounding investment of $38 million dollars into wind farm production.

Ultimately, Exxon Mobile has been one of the largest cooperators/investors into algae-based biofuels, setting aside nearly $600 million dollars as of 2009. In their quest for alternative energy, they joined with Synthetic Genomics Inc., to research and develop next-generation biofuels produced from sunlight.[ http://www.nytimes.com/gwire/2009/07/14/14greenwire-exxon-sinks-600m-into-algae-based-biofuels-in-33562.html ]

But why algae? Here are some major reasons why algae would be a great substitute:

  • Grows in a wide range of climates
  • Lower water intensity than corn or cellulosic ethanols
  • Ability to potentially mitigate CO2
  • Liquid fuels formed are the only one of their byproducts
  • Byproducts are potentially the most valuable

All in all, the 40 percent lipid yield of some species (according to some studies) can produce up to 10,000 gallons of oil per annum (1 acre). This is far more productive than Soy or cellulosic ethanol, which range between 50 to 2700 gallons. [ http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_yield.html ]

As in any study, there are drawbacks, and for most companies, it’s the failure to indentify the right strains of algae for high lipid concentration. Also, there are elements like contamination or predation, and dealing with the complicatedness of de-watering and oil withdrawal; all processes which have yet to be perfected.

On July 1, the department of energy (DOE) announced the investment of $24 million for approximately 3 different research groups. Their mission is to target all these obstacles in the mass production of algae-based biofuels. Sustainable Algal Biofuels Consortium, Consortium for Algal Biofuels Commercialization and Cellana LLC Consortium will all perform separate tasks in hopes of igniting an algae fuel based society.

Jack Lundee – Follower of all things green and progressive.



By Marlene Cimons, National Science Foundation

The algae that keep salmon and shrimp a bright pink might keep jet airplanes and automobiles running someday.

It’s no secret that government, scientists and industry are devoting considerable resources and talent to developing renewable, cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly energy sources, the path to energy independence and to reducing the harmful effects of burning fossil fuels.

Click here to find out more!

One solution could come from the fatty acids produced by certain species of salt water algae.

“All photosynthetic plants take water, sunlight and carbon dioxide and make either sugar or fatty acids,” said Dr. William L. Roberts, a professor in the department of mechanical and aerospace engineering at North Carolina State University. “We want the ones that produce a lot of fatty acids.”

He and his colleagues, four biologists and three engineers, are working on ways to produce and extract these fats from Dunaliella, a microscopic species of algae, and convert them into fuel on a large scale, much larger than is possible today. Their research is funded by $1.99 million over four years from the National Science Foundation as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

The North Carolina State University project is one of several teams in the nation studying the potential of algae as an energy source, and with great promise. This year the Department of Energy has awarded more than $100 million for bio-fuels research, an investment that includes a recently announced $24 million to specifically address the challenges in the commercialization of algae-based fuels.

“This is going to be one of the most important and dominant industries of the future because we will run out of fossil fuel,” Roberts said.


More tomorrow
