Feds Form 5695 That You Use To Claim The Big Ticket Items In The Stimulus Package

I know that this is an obvious ploy for google numbers but I am the original google whore. I tried to get the PDF file from the Feds converted to a Word file so we could become the goto site for such things but I failed miserabley…(psss. it jam band friday –http://www.youtube.com )

All I succeeded in doing was getting the instructions but I think even they are instructive. In fact I will put the locations of the forms 5695, 3800 and 8910:






There was a comedian whose whole stick was to read the tax code in a very high minded and serious tone and used to cause audiences to roar. This was the case because we have all had our tax code moments, because we can imagine little people in offices dreaming this shit up, and because we can see people taking advantage of it.

General Instructions

Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code.

What’s New for 2008 Nonbusiness energy property credit expired. You cannot take the nonbusiness energy property credit for property placed in service in 2008.

Credit expanded. You can now include costs for qualified small wind energy property and qualified geothermal heat pump property in figuring the residential energy efficient property credit.

What’s New for 2009 Nonbusiness energy property credit available. The nonbusiness energy property credit will be available for property placed in service in 2009. The credit is available for items such as high-efficiency heating and cooling systems, water heaters, windows, doors, and insulation. The amount of the credit will be limited by the amount of any nonbusiness energy property credit you took in 2006 or 2007.

Qualified solar electric property. There is no limit on the amount of qualified solar electric property costs when figuring the residential energy efficient property credit.

Purpose of Form

Use Form 5695 to figure and take your residential energy efficient property credit, including any credit carryforward from 2007. :}


Apperently you can not be a human and take advantage of this but if you are a Home well you are in like Flin.

Who Can Take the Credit

You may be able to take the credit if you made energy saving improvements to your home located in the United States in 2008. For credit purposes, costs are treated as being paid when the original installation of the item is completed, or in the case of costs connected with the construction or reconstruction of your home, when your original use of the constructed or reconstructed home begins. If less than 80% of the use of an item is for nonbusiness purposes, only that portion of the costs that are allocable to the nonbusiness use can be used to determine the credit.

Home. A home is where you lived in 2008 and can include a house, houseboat, mobile home, cooperative apartment, condominium, and a manufactured home that conforms to Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards.

You must reduce the basis of your home by the amount of any credits allowed.

Main home. Your main home is generally the home where you live most of the time. A temporary absence due to special circumstances, such as illness, education, business, military service, or vacation, will not change your main home.

Special rules. If you are a member of a condominium management association for a condominium you own or a tenant-stockholder in a cooperative housing corporation, you are treated as having paid your proportionate share of any costs of such association or corporation.

Subsidized energy financing. Any amounts provided for by subsidized energy financing cannot be used to figure the credit. This is financing provided under a

federal, state, or local program, the principal purpose of

which is to provide subsidized financing for projects designed to conserve or produce energy.

Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit

You may be able to take a credit of 30% of your costs of qualified solar electric property, solar water heating property, fuel cell property, small wind energy property, and geothermal heat pump property. This includes labor costs properly allocable to the onsite preparation, assembly, or original installation of the property and for piping or wiring to interconnect such property to the home. This credit is limited to:

                      $2,000 for qualified solar electric property costs,

                      $2,000 for qualified solar water heating property costs,

                      $500 for each one-half kilowatt of capacity of qualified fuel cell property for which qualified fuel cell property costs are paid.

                      $500 for each one-half kilowatt of capacity of qualified small wind energy property for which qualified small wind energy property costs are paid (not to exceed $4,000), and

                      $2,000 for qualified geothermal heat pump property costs.



I could let this stuff go with out comment but then that is nearly impossible. So if I spend money to cut down my neighbors tree so I can get my solar access back, is that tax deductible?

Qualified solar electric property costs. Qualified solar electric property costs are costs for property that uses solar energy to generate electricity for use in your home located in the United States. This includes costs relating to a solar panel or other property installed as a roof or a portion of a roof. The home does not have to be your main home.

Qualified solar water heating property costs.

Qualified solar water heating property costs are costs for property to heat water for use in your home located in the United States if at least half of the energy used by the solar water heating property for such purpose is derived from the sun. This includes costs relating to a solar panel or other property installed as a roof or a portion of a roof. To qualify for the credit, the property must be certified for performance by the nonprofit Solar Rating Certification Corporation or a comparable entity endorsed by the government of the state in which the property is installed. The home does not have to be your main home.

Qualified fuel cell property costs. Qualified fuel cell property costs are costs for qualified fuel cell property installed on or in connection with your main home located in the United States. Qualified fuel cell property is an integrated system comprised of a fuel cell stack assembly and associated balance of plant components that converts a fuel into electricity using electrochemical means. To qualify for the credit, the fuel cell property must have a nameplate capacity of at least one-half kilowatt of electricity using an electrochemical process and an electricity-only generation efficiency greater than 30%.

Costs allocable to a swimming pool, hot tub, or any other energy storage medium which has a function other than the function of such storage do not qualify for the residential energy efficiency credit.  

Qualified small wind energy property costs.

Qualified small wind energy property costs are costs for property that uses a wind turbine to generate electricity for use in connection with your home located in the United States. The home does not have to be your main home.

Qualified geothermal heat pump property costs.

Qualified geothermal heat pump property costs are costs for qualified geothermal heat pump property installed on or in connection with your home located in the United States. Qualified geothermal heat pump property is any equipment that uses the ground or ground water as a thermal energy source to heat your home or as a thermal energy sink to cool your home. To qualifiy for the credit, the geothermal heat pump property must meet the requirements of the Energy Star program that are in effect at the time of purchase. The home does not have to be your main home.

Married taxpayers with more than one home. If you or your spouse lived in more than one home, the credit limits would apply to each of you separately. For qualified fuel cell property, the homes must be your main homes. If you are filing separate returns, both of you must complete a separate Form 5695. If you are filing a joint return, figure your nonbusiness energy property credit as follows.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e3cR2H38Wo&feature=related So what do you want to be when you grow up little Johnny? Tax payer A or Tax payer B?

1.        Complete a separate Form 5695 for each home through line 21.

2.        On one of the forms, complete line 22. Then, figure the amount to be entered on line 23 of both forms and enter the combined amount on line 23 of this form.

3.        On the dotted line to the left of the entry space for line 23, enter “More than one home”. Then, complete the rest of this form.

4.        Attach both forms to your return. Joint occupancy. If you occupied your home jointly, each occupant must complete his or her own Form 5695. To figure the credit, the maximum qualifying costs that can be taken into account by all occupants for figuring the credit is $6,667 for qualified solar electric, solar water heating, or geothermal heat pump property; and $1,667 for each one-half kilowatt of capacity of qualified fuel cell or small wind energy property (not to exceed $13,333 for qualified small


wind energy property). The amount allocable to you is the lesser of:

1. The amount you paid, or

2. The maximum qualifying cost of the property multiplied by a fraction. The numerator is the amount you paid and the denominator is the total amount paid by you and all other occupants.

These rules do not apply to married individuals filing a joint return.

Example. Taxpayer A owns a house with Taxpayer B where they both reside. In 2008, they installed qualified solar water heating property at a cost of $8,000. Taxpayer A paid $6,000 towards the cost of the property and Taxpayer B paid the remaining $2,000. The amount of cost allocable to Taxpayer A is $5,000 ($6,667 X $6,000/$8,000). The amount of cost allocable to Taxpayer B is $1,667 ($6,667 X $2,000/$8,000).

Specific Instructions

 Also include on lines 1, 5, 9, 13, or 18, any

labor costs properly allocable to the onsite

preparation, assembly, or original installation

of the property and for piping or wiring to interconnect such property to the home.

Line 1

Enter the amounts you paid for qualified solar electric property. See Qualified solar electric property costs on page 3.

Line 5

Enter the amounts you paid for qualified solar water heating property. See Qualified solar water heating property costs on page 3.

Line 9

Enter the amounts you paid for qualified fuel cell property. See Qualified fuel cell property costs on page 3.

Line 13

Enter the amounts you paid for qualified small wind energy property. See Qualified small wind energy property costs on this page.

Line 18

Enter the amounts you paid for qualified geothermal heat pump property. See Qualified geothermal heat pump property costs on this page.

Line 25

If you are claiming the child tax credit for 2008, include on this line the amount from line 12 of the Line 11 Worksheet in Pub. 972.



Right about now you are saying I can’t take anymore. Why did I ever think about doing these energy improvements. Get me out of this tax hell. But there is more.

If you are not claiming the child tax credit for 2008, you do not need Pub. 972.

Line 28

If you cannot use all of the credit because of the tax liability limit (line 26 is less than line 23), you can carry the unused portion of the credit to 2009.

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. You are required to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you are complying with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the right amount of tax.

You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return information are confidential, as required by section 6103.

The average time and expenses required to complete and file this form will vary depending on individual circumstances. For the estimated averages, see the instructions for your income tax return.

If you have suggestions for making this form simpler, we would be happy to hear from you. See the instructions for your income tax return.


Now all you have to do is make copies for your records, double check that everything is signed, put it all in an envelop with the proper postage and address, mail it off and PRAY…have a nice day.



Race Between Gobal Warming And Peak Oil – Hilarious take on it

I rarely post on a weekend BUT I have been doing those dreary tax credits for the last week and I may have a week or more to go so for a day let’s do funny. Plus I never thought I would be linked to ESPN. Crikey.


The Ultimate Ultimate Race

by Luke Cypher

And that was great news for Peak Oil! With low, low prices, there’s no profit motive, which means no reason to explore for more oil, which means sooner or later, an inevitable demand spike will be met by crippling shortages, leading to the end of civilization!

But Global Warming wasn’t going to be outdone, and was actually more impressive, when you look inside the numbers, which is the way we live now. This winter may have seemed cold, if you were a fan of the Bowdoin Polar Bears or Plattsburgh State Cardinals — and really, what right-thinking American isn’t? But the average U.S. temperature from December through February was half a degree above normal! And don’t even start on Down Under, because that’s a lot of prepositions. The Wilkins Ice Shelf crumbled like A-Rod‘s reputation, and Australia contained its wildfires about as well as Roger Clemens put out his. To complete the bad metaphor fest (because, like celebrity deaths, they always seem to come in threes), Global Warming was en fuego!


They have been having fun with it for a long time:



Solar Cooling – Why Global warming is Sooooo Dangerous

I have argued for a long time that the only demonstrable source of global warming is homo sapien. Why? Because we burn things unnecessarily. We can’t help it. We got started a long time ago and it is all we know. All the other potential sources of global warming are in cooling phases, the Sun, the Earth’s Core, Jupiter and the Moon.  Now of course it could be caused by Aliens shooting raybeams at the Earth and if you want to believe that, fine. So for the long term what we get is a hot wet unpredictable planet that causes a human die back…that is ok at one level. Humans have suffered several “evolutionary bottlenecks” and survived. At one point 50,000 years ago us Sapiens went from a couple million strong to 5,000 over night. You might think that having the Homo population shrink to the size of Riverton, IL is scary enough BUT

But the bigger danger is short term. Because the cooling going on is being masked by our polluting, this can have what is called in statistics a “rebound effect”. According to Statistical Theory (and Quantum Physics) everything fluctuates which puts us in danger of having a really really cold or hot year. Believe it or not since we have been warming for soooo long, the odds are that we have a really really cold year. From a food perspective and actually from a life in general perspective it’s better to be hot than it is to be cold – unless of course you are a Neaderthal. The point being that humans shrank to the equator during the last ice age and just kinda hung around.

Why do I bring this up? Well:


Dormant Sun Spills Secrets in Its Sleep

Irene Klotz, Discovery News



Photo of Sun

Sitting Pretty | Discovery News Video


May 27, 2009 — With the sun at its lowest activity level in nearly 100 years, scientists are taking advantage of its quiet state to ferret out some of the more subtle — and occasionally insidious — ways the sun impacts Earth’s climate and atmosphere.

Solar flares and other geomagnetic events on the sun vary in frequency over an 11-year cycle. Now at an unusually low “minimum” in that cycle, the sun is expected to peak in activity in 2013.

“If you thought that the globe was going to warm up because there was more solar activity, you might perhaps expect it to get warmer everywhere, and this is not the case,” said Joanna Haigh, an atmospheric physicist with Imperial College in London.


Even worse:


alien life solar system space

Comparison between solar minimum (left) and solar maximum (right) in extreme ultraviolet light (EUV). Huge coronal loops can be seen erupting from the solar surface at solar max, conditions perfect for solar flares and CMEs. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory’s EIT instrument captured these images 11 years apart Credit: SOHO/NASA



sun solar flare burst hot gas star burn center solar system earth

Want more? Click here for the rest of the Wide Angle: Solar Maximum. Credit: NASA


The sun is being really boring. Nearly 18 months after the “official” start of Solar Cycle 24, observers are looking closely at the ball of hot plasma in the sky asking, “What is wrong with the sun?”

To be honest, we don’t know if there’s something wrong or not; it depends on what your opinion of “wrong” is.

On the one hand, the sun is enduring the deepest solar minimum for a century, perplexing solar physicists, leading to some suggestions the sun may continue its blank stare for some time to come.

As sunspot number is astonishingly low, this means internal magnetic activity must also be low. For some reason, the usual cycle of 11 years from peak to trough — from solar maximum to solar minimum — has been interrupted. The fireworks we experienced in 2003 could be a thing of the past and we might be looking at another Maunder Minimum (an extended period of time from 1645 to 1715 when few sunspots were seen by astronomers).

As magnetic activity is low, this also means there has been a drop in solar energy output. There has been a 0.02 percent decrease in optical light and a 6 percent drop in ultraviolet light if we compare this solar minimum with the last one, 12 years ago. Although we’re not going to freeze any time soon, the suns reduction in output could have consequences for our climate. But no, it won’t save us from carbon-induced global warming, that problem is here to stay.


I was going to work my way through all the energy incentives from the Feds and showing examples of each starting with PAINT your ROOF white…something I have advocated for 30 years but I thought this was more important for today. Jam Band Friday will have to do.


The Day After Memorial Day – In all fairness to the Energy Conglomerates

The US Military is the largest single user of carbon based energy in the World. When you toss in the other worlds militaries, if we just cut the militaries of the world to patrolling borders global warming would backup by decades. Not only that but the Energy Companies are pushed around by the military big time. No military and the pirates take tankers…No Iraq war no Iraqui oil…No defense against China they suck all the world’s resources up like a vacuum cleaner…Do I feel sorry for the Energy Companies or the Military? No they deserve each other I just don’t think we deserve them. GO AWAY.


I am not going to reprint the total article here…this guy did a lot of work on graphs and charts and things but it is interesting and he is not the only person to report on this. It is important to note that the Energy Bulletin has been adopted by the Post Carbon Institute (http://www.postcarbon.org/). Wonder when that happened?

Published May 20 2007 by Energy Bulletin
Archived May 21 2007

US military energy consumption- facts and figures

by Sohbet Karbuz

As the saying goes, facts are many but the truth is one. The truth is that the U.S. military is the single largest consumer of energy in the world. But as a wise man once said, don’t confuse facts with reality. The reality is that even U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) does not know precisely where and how much energy it consumes. This is my Fact Zero.

Below I give some facts and figures on U.S. military oil consumption based mostly on official statistics.[1] If you want to reproduce them make sure you read every footnote even if you need to put on your glasses. Also read the footnotes in this article.

FACT 1: The DoD’s total primary energy consumption in Fiscal Year 2006 was 1100 trillion Btu. It corresponds to only 1% of total energy consumption in USA. For those of you who think that this is not much then read the next sentence.

Nigeria, with a population of more than 140 million, consumes as much energy as the U.S. military.

The DoD per capita[2] energy consumption (524 trillion Btu) is 10 times more than per capita energy consumption in China, or 30 times more than that of Africa.

Total final energy consumption (called site delivered energy by DoD) of the DoD was 844 trillion Btu in FY2006FACT 2: Defense Energy Support Center (DESC) sold $13 billion of energy to DoD services in FY2006. More than half of it was to Air Force.

FACT 3: Oil accounts for more than three-fourths of DoD’s total site delivered energy consumption. Oil is followed by electricity (slightly more than 10%) and natural gas (nearly 10%). In terms of fuel types, jet fuel (JP-8)[3] accounts for more than 50% of total DoD energy consumption, and nearly 60% of its mobility[4] fuel.

FACT 4: Nearly three quarters of DoD site delivered energy is consumed by vehicles (or for mobility if you like). Only one quarter is consumed in buildings and facilities.[5]FACT 5: DoD consumed 97 million gasoline gallon equivalent in its non-tactical vehicles and for that it spent 238 million dollars.

FACT 6: In 2006, its oil consumption was down to 117 million barrels (or 320 thousand barrels per day),[10] despite increasing activity in Iraq and Afghanistan.

FACT 7: In 2006, for example, DESC reports in its Factbook that it sold 131 million barrels of oil (or 358 kbd) to DoD but DoD Federal Energy Management Report states that DoD consumed 117 million barrels (or 320 kbd).[12]

FACT 8: According to 2007 CIA World Fact Book there are only 35 countries in the world consuming more oil than DoD.

FACT 9: There exist no official estimates. Let me know if you see or hear one. According to my most pessimist estimates it is about 150 thousand barrels per day FACT 10: Whatever the true figure oil consumed by the U.S. military does not show up in world oil demand. See for more explanation under item #425 in October 2004 issue of ASPO Newsletter.


For more of this incredibly insightful and well written article please go to the above website and see it..Even the Military is aware that it is seen as a BIG FAT energy PIG, but it is also aware that NO OIL = NO WAR


Addressing the Military’s Energy Inefficiency



The folks who gave the world the Hummer, the poster child of fuel inefficiency, want to spawn a new generation of eco-friendly military equipment with cross-over potential in the “civilian sector,” say a group of retired American military officers who released a sharply worded report on Monday calling on the Department of Defense to reduce its “carbon bootprint.”

“The American military gave you the Humvee, and now we’re taking it back,” said retired Adm. John Nathman, the former vice chief of naval operations and an adviser to President Obama, in a conference call on Monday. “You’re going to see some fairly dramatic movement by the Department of Defense in terms of public visibility.”

The report, “Powering America’s Defense,” was published by CNA Analysis and Solutions, a research group based in Alexandria, Va., that issued a previous study on defense and energy security in 2007.

In the new study’s preface, 12 retired military officers lay out the case for weaning the military — and the country — off oil:

Many of our overseas deployments were de?ned, in part, by the strategic decision to ensure the free ?ow of oil, to the U.S. and to our allies. Many of the troops we commanded were aided by air cover from high-thrust delivery systems that only an energy-intense society can provide. Many of these same troops were often burdened and imperiled by battle?eld systems that were energy-inef?cient. Some of the attacks on our troops and on American civilians have been supported by funds from the sale of oil. Our nation’s energy choices have saved lives; they have also cost lives.

As we consider America’s current energy posture, we do so from a singular perspective: We gauge our energy choices solely by their impact on America’s national security. Our dependence on foreign oil reduces our international leverage, places our troops in dangerous global regions, funds nations and individuals who wish us harm, and weakens our economy; our dependency and inef?cient use of oil also puts our troops at risk.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee ranking minority member chairman Richard Lugar, an Indiana Republican, told The Associated Press that he strongly agreed “with the stark conclusions” of the report, whose authors point out that fluctuating oil prices, dependence on foreign resources and an ailing electricity grid imperil national security both at home and abroad.

“Climate change is a threat multiplier,” said Vice Adm. Dennis V. McGinn, a retired officer and former commander of the Third Fleet.

Defense officials have previously described the American military as likely the world’s largest consumer of petroleum products, with an annual outlay in excess of $13 billion.

Each $1 per barrel increase in oil prices translates into $130 million of extra cost.

Calls for the military to address its environmental performance are not new. But in the past year or so, energy efficiency seems have become more of a priority, from a new solar wall installation at Fort Drum to the purchase of a large electric vehicle fleet for military bases.


After all is said and done, are we safer with all this energy consumption? I think not:


US Energy Use a National Security Threat: Study

WASHINGTON – US dependence on fossil fuels and a vulnerable electric grid pose a perilous threat to the country’s national security, retired military officers warned Monday in a report.

The threat requires urgent action and the Defense Department should lead the way in transforming America’s energy use by aggressively pursuing efficiency measures and renewable sources, said the report by CNA, a nonprofit research group.

“Our dependence on foreign oil reduces our international leverage, places our troops in dangerous global regions, funds nations and individuals who wish us harm, and weakens our economy,” it said.

“The market for fossil fuels will be shaped by finite supplies and increasing demand. Continuing our heavy reliance on these fuels is a security risk,” said the report titled “Powering America’s Defense: Energy and the Risks to National Security.”

The authors, top ranked retired officers from the US Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps, also point to the strained domestic electricity network as a possible hazard for US military bases.

“Our domestic electrical system is also a current and significant risk to our national security: many of our large military installations rely on power from a fragile electrical grid that is vulnerable to malicious attacks or interruptions caused by natural disasters,” it said.


Memorial Day – How do the gasoline refiners celibrate our Veterans?

They raise prices. Yup that is right. If you want to go see the Wall or other war memorials on the DC Mall or even go to Arlington Cemetary…you are going to pay more at the pump. They do it every year and no one makes the connection. Soldiers die in energy wars like Iraq and WWII and then they charge loved ones for the honor of visiting their graves…Of course they do the same thing to Labor in the fall. They are equal opportunity thieves.


Consumers Will Suffer Memorial Day Energy-Price Hangover, Says Consumer Watchdog


Contact: Judy Dugan, +1-213-280-0175 (cell), Jamie Court, +1-310-392-0522 ext. 327, or Carmen Balber, +1-202-629-3043, all of Consumer Watchdog

‘Optimism’ Is Driving Energy Prices and Oil, Gas Prices Rise Steeply for Holiday, Despite Oversupply and Low Demand

WASHINGTON, May 22 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The price of regular gasoline at the pump has shot up 30 cents a gallon nationally in the last month and crude oil has nearly doubled, to $60 a barrel, since its low point in December, according to data from AAA and the federal Energy Information Administration. Steeply rising prices are tough on everyone except energy traders, said Consumer Watchdog.

“The price spike at the pump amounts to a holiday frat party for energy traders and oil companies, with drivers paying for the kegger,” said Judy Dugan, research director at the nonprofit, nonpartisan Consumer Watchdog. “A one-month pump price increase of 15% can only undercut the rest of an economy struggling to show any sign of long-term recovery.”

Analysts cite optimism that U.S. motorists will drive a little more this Memorial Day weekend, expectations that the economic slump has hit bottom and, harking back to mid-2008, the possibility that Nigerian violence will cut oil output. There is very little hard evidence of increased demand, said Consumer Watchdog.

The record spike in oil and gasoline prices in late 2007 and the first half of 2008 helped send the U.S. and world economies over a cliff, said Consumer Watchdog. Even a smaller spike at this low point of job loss and financial fragility will hurt consumers, curbing more economically productive spending. Food prices are also rising in tandem with oil, though at a slower pace.

Find out more at



SOURCE Consumer Watchdog


There is not much you can do about it but some people are trying to fight back:


Memorial Day Weekend, Summer Travelers Can Cut Gasoline Costs in Tough Economy with Drive $marter Challenge Interactive Website, Money-Saving Tips, Resources

For Further Information                                                             
Jessica Lin (202) 530-4346; jlin@ase.org
Rozanne Weissman (202) 530-2217; rweissman@ase.org


Washington, D.C., May 2009 – With the Memorial Day holiday weekend and heavier summer driving season approaching, and with gasoline prices nowhere near last summer’s record highs, thoughts turn to weekend and vacation road trips as a great escape from economic reality.

The Alliance to Save Energy’s interactive Drive $marter Challenge fuel efficiency website provides vacationers and everyday drivers with hundreds of dollars of money-saving gas tips, resources, and myth busters that respond to the call of frugal drivers: Why pay more for gasoline than you have to, particularly in this economy?

Whether you are headed to the big city or the great outdoors or staying closer to home, you can start saving money on gas even before you are on the road with a little advance planning, basic maintenance, and your driving and other choices:

Planning your vacation:

  • Get a customized vacation map with low gas prices along the route. Getting lost while driving in unfamiliar areas could lead to an expensive waste of gas. Resources on the Drive $marter Challenge website (http://drivesmarterchallenge.org/money-saving-tips/fuel-efficient-resources.aspx) can help your family print a customized vacation map that highlights low-cost gas stations along your route. Choose the right vehicle.  If your family has more than one vehicle, drive the car that gets better gas mileage if possible.
  • Rise and shine!  When possible, drive during off-peak hours to reduce gas costs and stress by avoiding stop-and-go or bumper-to-bumper traffic conditions.
  • Investigate other travel options. Consider trains, buses, or public transportation to your vacation destination when possible.
  • Explore new ways to get around at your destination.  Find information on biking, public transportation routes, car sharing, walking, and renting hybrid or fuel-efficient vehicles on the Drive $marter Challenge websiteresources page at http://drivesmarterchallenge.org/money-saving-tips/fuel-efficient-resources.aspx .

Before you leave: maintenance tips

  • Inflate your tires.  Keeping your tires properly inflated improves gas mileage by around 3%.
  • Select the right oil.  Using the manufacturer’s recommended grade of motor oil improves gas mileage by 1 to 2%. Motor oil that says “Energy Conserving” on the API performance symbol contains friction-reducing additives. Change your oil as recommended to extend the life of your vehicle.
  • Tune up.  Fixing a car that is noticeably out of tune or has failed an emissions test can improve its gas mileage by an average of 4%.

On the road: driving tips

  • Decrease your speed.  Gas mileage usually decreases rapidly above 60 mph. Each five miles per hour over 60 mph is like paying an additional 20 cents or more per gallon for gas.
  • Drive sensibly.  Speeding, rapid acceleration (jackrabbit starts), and rapid braking can lower gas mileage by 33% at highway speeds.
  • Use cruise control and overdrive gear.  Cruise control cuts fuel consumption by maintaining a steady speed during highway driving.  Overdrive gear, when appropriate, reduces engine speed, saves gas, and reduces engine wear.
  • It’s a “drag.” Avoid carrying items on your vehicle’s roof. A loaded roof rack or carrier increases weight and aerodynamic drag, which can cut mileage by 5%. Place items inside the trunk when possible to improve fuel economy.
  • Turn down the air.  Operating the air conditioner on “Max” can reduce mpg by 5-25% compared to not using it.
  • Avoid idling, which gets 0 mpg. Cars with larger engines typically waste even more gas while idling than cars with smaller engines.
  • Navigate with a GPS system.  GPS systems can help you find your way and, increasingly, GPS programs can search for low-priced gas at nearby stations.
  • Fill up before returning rental. Rental car companies charge higher gas prices if you don’t fill up the tank before returning the vehicle. Keep your gas receipts in case the company requires receipts to remove a gas surcharge. 

The Drive $marter Challenge website, www.drivesmarterchallenge.org, has been updated with 2009 vehicle models and current campaign partners. The website calculator and all tips will be further updated May 19 with new projected gas prices for the yearThe Alliance to Save Energy is a coalition of prominent business, government, environmental, and consumer leaders who promote the efficient and clean use of energy worldwide to benefit consumers, the environment, the economy, and national security.



Chicago Media Shun The Wind Power 2009 Conference – Oh the bankrupt Tribue ran an op/ed piece about government intervention

But you would think that a convention/conference that brings 15,000 participants, represents the future and is in a city with a mayor, Richard Daley, who wants to be the greenest governor in the US, that there would be some coverage of “The Latest In Wind Technologies” or “Where Does Chicago Fit Into The New Energy Future” or at least an address by the Mayor. NADA Zilch Nothing. Other people noticed however:


World Business Chicago Facilitates International Networking at WINDPOWER 2009 Conference



CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–World Business Chicago (WBC) and its Chairman, Mayor Richard M. Daley, in conjunction with other key public, private and non-profit partners, tonight hosted a VIP networking reception as part of the American Wind Energy Association’s (AWEA) WINDPOWER 2009 Conference and Exhibition at Chicago’s McCormick Place.

The reception, with more than 200 people in attendance, was presented by a collaboration of organizations including the AWEA (Organizer/Sponsor), WBC (Organizer/Sponsor), MEGA (Sponsor), the City of Chicago (Organizer), the State of Illinois (Organizer) and the Illinois Finance Authority (Organizer).

The wind power industry is a top economic development priority for WBC, based on the industry’s high growth potential, profitability, job creation/diversity, and wage levels. Chicago offers wind industry companies locational advantages including a skilled labor force, proximity to markets and supplies, natural sources of wind in Illinois and the Midwest, available real estate, access to airports, rail and highway systems and strong public sector commitments to wind industry use and production.

“The WINDPOWER Conference provides World Business Chicago with a wonderful opportunity to showcase Chicago’s position as a prime location for wind power companies,” said Rita Athas, executive director of World Business Chicago. “By hosting this event, we are facilitating dialogue between visiting and local wind power companies, Chicago area companies that may do business with them and our local leaders, in order to foster growth and new opportunities.”

The Chicago area’s locational advantages for the wind industry are evident in recent additions of notable wind power companies include:

Area Headquarters

  • Acciona N. America HQ
  • E.ON N. America Climate & Renewables HQ
  • Nordex USA Inc. HQ
  • Suzlon Wind Energy Corporation N. American HQ
  • Invenergy LLC HQ
  • Midwest Wind Energy LLC HQ
  • Trintek Energy Consulting HQ
  • Wind for Illinois HQ

Area Non-Headquarter Offices

  • Vestas America
  • Horizon Wind Energy
  • Siemens Energy & Automation
  • Winergy Drive Systems Corporation – subsidiary of Siemens

WINDPOWER 2009, the largest annual wind conference and exhibition in the world, takes place May 4th – 7th, 2009. The show features more than 18,000 attendees and 1,200 exhibitors and is expected to generate an economic impact of more than $33.3-million to Chicago, according to the Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau (based on the initial estimated attendance of 14,000). Approximately 80 Illinois companies will exhibit at the conference.

The 2009 show was originally set for Minneapolis and moved to Chicago to accommodate a 20% increase over expected attendance, which doubles last year’s show in Houston. WINDPOWER is one of the 50 fastest-growing shows in North America according to Trade Show Weekly. Chicago hosted AWEA’s convention in 2004, when it drew 3,000 attendees.


Everything you need to know to get there:


Siterra Booth 5580 at Wind Power 2009

Company: Siterra Corporation
Start date: May 4, 2009
End date: May 7, 2009
Cost: see AWEA.com
Location: McCormick Convention Center, Chicago IL
Website: Visit event website

Siterra will have a booth (5580) at the AWEA Wind Power 2009 Expo in Chicago May 4-7.

WINDPOWER 2009 Conference and Exhibition is the largest annual wind conference and exhibition in the world featuring over 15,000 attendees and over 1,200 exhibitors. Each year, wind energy professionals gather at this event to learn about the latest industry developments and technologies, review new products and services in the expansive exhibit hall, and network with leading industry decision makers. Join us for what promises to be another exciting event taking place May 4th – 7th, 2009, at McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois.
McCormick Place Convention Center

Welcome to Chicago’s McCormick Place, a premier convention facility in North America. Located just minutes from downtown Chicago, McCormick Place is owned and operated by the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority (MPEA) and attracts close to 3 million visitors each year. McCormick Place is comprised of four state-of-the-art buildings: the North and South Buildings, the West Building and Lakeside Center. Together, they form what many consider to be the economic engine that powers the entire convention and tradeshow industry. McCormick Place is committed to creating a great experience for every person, every time!

For a map of McCormick Place Convention Center: http://www.mccormickplace.com/floorplans/map_index.html

For more information: http://www.mccormickplace.com/index.html

Exhibitors: For information on exhibiting in Chicago, FOCUS One utilities, and guidelines and services, visit http://www.mccormickplace.com/exhibitor/exhibitor_01.html.

Guest Services: Click here to open a .pdf document outlining some of the guest services at McCormick Place Convention Center.

Accessibility Map: Click here to open a .pdf map showing the location of all elevators for wheelchair access.
For additional disability services at the convention center, visit http://www.mccormickplace.com/facilities/disabilities.html

Meeting Room Rentals: Interested in renting a meeting room at the convention center or connected Hyatt Regency McCormick Place hotel? Contact Stefanie Brown at sbrown@awea.org to receive additional information and a meeting room request form.

Parking at the McCormick Place Convention Center: There are several parking lots nearby to the McCormick Place facility including, South, North and West Buildings, Lakeside Center, Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, and Soldier Field South Lot. The parking rate is currently $19 per day (one time access). Or exhibitors may order a parking permit that allows for in-and-out privileges for $23.75. Click here to visit the parking & directions part of the McCormick Place website for more information. Please note – the parking information is subject to change and listed here as helpful information for conference attendees.

Driving Directions and Additional Parking Information for the McCormick Place Convention Center: http://www.mccormickplace.com/maps_direct/maps_dir.html
Barbara Martin


WindPower 2009 – Not everything in Illinois is Coal, Oil and Uranium

I almost missed this. Tisk, Tisk Tisk…I got the lead from the UK…more Tisk Tisk or would that be Cluck Cluck


Green energy experts breeze into Chicago

Nine local companies are in the US this week to attend the world’s largest wind energy exhibition and conference.

They are taking part in an Invest NI trip to Windpower 2009, which runs until Thursday in Chicago. It is the first time companies from Northern Ireland have exhibited at the event, which has grown steadily since it was first run in 2001 by the American Wind Energy Association.

Around 15,000 leading industry professionals and decision makers from across the globe will come together to profile and learn about the latest developments and technologies in the sector.

Invest NI is supporting six local organisations to exhibit at the event alongside 10 other European companies, as part of a unique collaborative umbrella group Global Wind Alliance.

A further three local companies are attending the event with Invest NI assistance to explore possible new business opportunities and network with exhibiting companies.

Dr Vicky Kell, Invest NI’s trade director, said: “The global wind energy market is growing rapidly as governments seek to make use of this renewable source of power. In the US alone, the target is for 20% of electricity to be generated from wind by 2030.


I think it is pretty cool that the Windy City is the site for the Wind Power Convention BUT the Windy City don’t:


Don’t need a law to know which way the wind blows


They have come here by the thousands, to the Windy City, to soak in a belief that wind is the power of the future, and that, just in case others do not see it that way, the law should make it so.

They are the wind-power industry, and they want us. They want us as customers, for starters. So far, so good.

But they also want us to sign on to a program that would invite the federal government to get involved in a system that is working quite well on its own. Not a good idea.

It is one thing for President Barack Obama to say that 20 percent of our nation’s electricity should come from renewable sources by 2030. It is quite another to draft a federal law to make it so.


David Greising David Greising Bio | E-mail | Recent columns

Related links


The fact of the matter is, the existing system is moving with all due haste toward the goals Obama has set. A mandate requiring the U.S. to meet Obama’s goal is not necessary and would succeed only in strengthening the power and fattening the pocketbooks of the windmill builders that want the mandate.

Wind power has quietly become one of the big growth industries in the U.S. While only 1 percent of electricity today comes from the wind, some 40 percent of new electricity capacity built in the last two years is wind power.

Taking wind power from that tiny 1 percent to 20 percent would be a phenomenally expensive undertaking.

While firm numbers are hard to find, a study in February by operators of the electrical grid in the eastern U.S. estimated the cost for a buildout of transmission lines east of the Rockies at $80 billion.

The wind mills required to feed those lines would cost another $1.1 trillion to build and install, the study found.


From the horse’s mouth:


Join us for WINDPOWER 2009 Conference & Exhibition taking place May 4 – 7, 2009 in Chicago, Illinois.  Please note the new dates & location for WINDPOWER 2009 due to the unprecedented growth experienced in 2008!

Why Attend WINDPOWER 2009 Conference & Exhibition?
WINDPOWER 2009 Conference and Exhibition is the largest annual wind conference and exhibition in the world featuring over 15,000 attendees and over 1,200 exhibitors. Each year, wind energy professionals gather at this event to learn about the latest industry developments and technologies, review new products and services in the expansive exhibit hall, and network with leading industry decision makers. Join us for what promises to be another exciting event taking place May 4th – 7th, 2009, at McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois.

Plan ahead for WINDPOWER 2009 by reviewing the OFFICIAL SHOW DIRECTORY. Make note now of who you will want to visit in the exhibit hall, and the sessions you will not want to miss.

Don’t miss Blues Traveler at the WINDPOWER Kick-Off Party and Concert Monday, May 4, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm! Click the player to watch a message from Blues Traveler.

AWEA Notice to Attendees & Exhibitors Regarding H1N1 (Swine) Flu:

(as of 5:30 pm Central Time, May 1):  Upon additional review of the latest information, the following statement still applies:

AWEA has received a number of inquiries concerning swine flu and the WINDPOWER 2009 Conference & Exhibition.  We are closely monitoring the situation and guidance from federal and international agencies concerning appropriate precautions.  We are also members of the International Association of Exhibition and Events, which has an extensive set of guidelines for this type of situation.  We are preparing to take actions as necessary and appropriate to ensure the safety of WINDPOWER attendees.  Based on the current information that we have received, we are proceeding as scheduled with WINDPOWER 2009.  We will post updated information here as it becomes available. 

From the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Please be advised that all McCormick Place Fire Safety and EMS Personnel have received guidance from our MPEA Medical Consultants with regard to the current Swine Flu concern.  They will receive periodic updates from our Medical Advisers, as needed.  We will continue to remain in contact with the Illinois Department of Public Health, the Chicago Department of Public Health and the MPEA Medical Advisory Group who will been provide us with updates as more information becomes available.

For the latest swine flu updates, please contact the following organizations:
– Illinois Department of Public Health – www.idph.state.il.us
– Chicago Department of Public Health – www.cityofchicago.org
– Centers for Disease Control – www.cdc.gov

WINDPOWER 2009 Housing is now closed. For new reservations or changes to existing reservations, you must contact the hotels directly.  CLICK HERE for more information.

Social Media:
AWEA has a presence on Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube, and will be sharing stories and pictures from WINDPOWER 2009 on these outlets.  Please join our Twitter conversation by including #WP09 at the end of your post.  Also, you can continue to stay up to date on wind industry developments through AWEA’s Into the Wind blog.  

New Attendee Tools Launched:
Now registered attendees can take advantage of new planning tools to get the most out of your conference experience.  Build a customized itinerary, create a color-coded tradeshow map featuring exhibitors you would like to visit, and connect with other attendees through the message center.  CLICK HERE for more details and to log in to the newly launched networking tools!

Special Events:
You cannot afford to miss the Kickoff Party & Concert Monday, May 4, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm. The night begins with a special reception and a concert, this year featuring Blues Traveler. CLICK HERE for more details.

Reserve your seat today for the Conference Dinner Wednesday, May 6, 7:00 pm at historic Navy Pier. This year the dinner keynote speaker will be MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough. The event will also be hosted by the comedy and improv group The Second City. CLICK HERE for more details.

Join us for the First Annual WINDPOWER Scholarship 5k Race, Thursday, May 7, 6:30 am in Grant Park. All money raised goes into the AWEA Educational Scholarship Program. To register for the 5K, CLICK HERE.

The WINDPOWER 2009 Job Fair, Tuesday, May 5 – Thursday, May 7, connects top wind energy companies with job seekers of all experience levels and also includes the Careers in Wind Seminar, with presentations by leading industry professionals about the varied career opportunities in wind energy. Job seekers are encouraged to sign up and post their resumes at www.careersinwind.com.

Additional information is available regarding the Event Schedule and the various Special Events held at the Conference.

Conference Program: 
The Welcome and Opening Session, Tuesday, May 5 from 8:30 am to 11:00 am, will bring together members of the Governors’ Wind Energy Coalition to discuss how the nation’s wind energy resources can be used to meet America’s domestic energy demands in an environmentally responsible manner. CLICK HERE for more details.

Wednesday, May 6 from 8:00am to 10:00am, be sure to attend the General Session: Securing America’s Energy Future.
In a unique conversational style, acclaimed documentary host and network news anchor Bill Kurtis will have a discussion with T. Boone Pickens about his life, his involvement in the wind industry ,and his plan for the US to harvest its renewable energy resources.  You will also hear a panel discussion focused on the wind industry’s response to this new era of global challenge–and opportunity. CLICK HERE for more details.

Supply Chain Workshop at WINDPOWER 2009
This full-day Supply Chain workshop, is the perfect way to get an introduction to the wind industry. The workshop will attract representatives from a diverse range of markets to discuss the wind industry’s need to strengthen and expand its national supply chain.
More detailed conference program information is available by CLICKING HERE to see a detailed program with session descriptions and confirmed speakers & moderators. CLICK HERE for a program schedule at a glance. For information on program highlights, CLICK HERE.

Exhibitions & Sponsorship:
Time still remains to exhibit at WINDPOWER 2009. With a record-shattering number of exhibitors now at over 1,200, now is the time to act. You also still have time to participate in the AWEA 2009 Sponsorship Program which offers high visibility packages at WINDPOWER and/or at other AWEA conferences and events.

CLICK HERE to reserve your WINDPOWER booth. For more information about sponsoring CLICK HERE. For questions, email exhibition@awea.org.


There is hope for the world yet.


Enbridge Energy And The Rape Of The Canadian Oil Sands – Damge that you can see from space

Why are these people?:


News Releases

Enbridge Inc. Announces Change to Webcast Start Time for 2009 First Quarter Financial Results

Enbridge’s Hybrid Fuel Cell Power Plant Featured on Daily Planet and a Finalist in Green Toronto Awards

News Release (PDF – 69.0KB)

Joint energy industry carbon dioxide storage project achieves key milestone


Enbridge Ontario Wind Power Turns on Green Energy in Kincardine


CCS proposals offer significant emission reductions


Enbridge Announces plans to hold Open Season for proposed LaCrosse Pipeline


Doing this?





Oilsands damage is ignored

In a province running out of conventional oil and gas, Alberta’s oilsands are seen as a lifeline that will guarantee the continuation of our comfortable energy-driven society.

In a province running out of conventional oil and gas, Alberta’s oilsands are seen as a lifeline that will guarantee the continuation of our comfortable energy-driven society.

Too much of the time, people in this province don’t think about the cost of this gigantic oilsands development. It’s easy to do: most Albertans don’t live in, and rarely visit, the northern one-fifth of the province where the oilsands lie. What we don’t personally see or smell or taste, we tend to ignore.

The four-day series on the environmental impact of the oilsands boom written by Journal environment reporter Hanneke Brooymans, which started on Friday, is a valuable corrective to our neglect.




Canadian Oil: At What Price?

by Michael Graham Richard, Gatineau, Canada on 12. 9.05

Most of you are already aware of the damage caused by the burning and the extraction of oil (like the apprehended damage caused by extraction in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, for example). But what about the famous Canadian tar sands? After only two years of digging for bitumen near Fort McMurray in Alberta, Shell has already dug up a pit that is as much as three miles wide and 200 feet deep. 400-ton trucks, said to be the largest in the world, are used to move around all that dirt, and it takes a lot of it since on average 2 tons of tar sand are required to make 1 barrel of oil.




Oil sands company now says 1,606 ducks died

04/01/2009 | 06:49 AMEDMONTON, Alberta — A Canadian oil sands company says more than three times as many ducks died last spring on a northern Alberta toxic waste pond than the 500 birds originally estimated.

Syncrude Canada chief executive Tom Katinas said Tuesday the carcasses of 1,606 ducks were collected from the toxic oily waters. The ponds contain waste from the process of separating oil from sand.

Katinas released the updated figure a week after an Alberta court granted the consortium three more months to enter a plea on federal and provincial wildlife charges. – AP


Don’t Believe go look for yourself:



Why should we in Illinois care?



Officials lobby for oil pipeline; project might start in early summer

Environmental groups oppose last phase of Canadian-U.S. energy company’s plan

GateHouse News Service

Posted Apr 29, 2009 @ 12:06 AM

Last update Apr 29, 2009 @ 10:39 AM


Construction of a major underground oil pipeline along the eastern edge of Sangamon County could begin as early as this summer.

An energy developer and the Canadian consul general from Chicago are in Springfield this week to seek support for the endeavor as a major boost for jobs and energy security, including a meeting scheduled today with Gov. Pat Quinn.

The first section of the nearly 3-year-old, $350 million construction project has been completed to an area about 50 miles northeast of Peoria.

But the final phase has run into opposition from environmental groups and some landowners, who say the pipeline would only encourage continued reliance on polluting petroleum products and would violate property rights.

“Canada has the second-largest reserves in the world. There’s 170 billion barrels of reserves, and 97 percent are in the oil sands,” said Don Thompson, president of The Oil Sands Developers Group.


Norway could ban gasoline-powered cars – OK so this is me being a google slut again

(Its Jammin Friday but don’t tell anyone – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0d1HilfLxA )

But I post the title and what follows just to show the difference between a forward looking country concerned about the world and a backward looking State like Illinois as best exemplified by the


You would think with a name like that they would be concerned about the environment, right? But in the never never land that is Springfield they are more concerned about keeping profits high and the STATE at bay.


I also find it interesting that I had to go to the second GOOGLE page to get remotely close to the original article published in 2007 by UPI


OSLO, Norway, May 23 (UPI) — Norwegian lawmakers are working on a proposal that could lead to a ban on the sale of gasoline-powered cars, a published report said Wednesday.

Ruling Labor, Socialist Left and Center party members of the Parliament’s transportation committee have aired the proposal, and the Transport Ministry is determining if such a ban would be legal, Oslo’s Verdens Gang newspaper reported.

“This is not a problem to arrange,” Labor transportation committee member Truls Wickstrom said. “In Brazil over 80 percent of cars sold run on bioethanol.”

“Most of the major car makers are banking on flexi-fuel,” Wickstrom said.

A flexible-fuel vehicle, or dual-fuel vehicle, has two fuel tanks and can alternate between, for instance, gasoline and bioethanol, also known as gasohol.

Banning sales of gasoline-powered cars “would pressure the automobile industry into developing technology faster than it otherwise would,” Center Party committee member Jenny Klinge said.


( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T58A2w61dD4&feature=related )


So this was 2 years ago at least:

Norway Considers Banning Petrol-Powered


By Frank Williams
October 12, 2007

No seriously. The Kingdom of Norway may become the first nation on God’s green Earth to ban all gasoline-only cars. Citing Brazil’s success with bioethanol as their rationale, Norwegian lawmakers are considering ditching petrol-only machines completely, in favor of biofuel-powered transportation. The United Press International reports that Center Party committee member Jenny Klinge feels banning sales of gasoline-powered cars to her country’s 4.7m residents “would pressure the automobile industry into developing technology faster than it otherwise would.” The Norwegian Transport ministry is trying to determine if such a ban would be legal. Meanwhile, Norway’s many corn, soybean, and sugar cane farmers are excited about the prospects of a new market for their crops.


But here is IERG’s response if you believe Deedee Hirner Executive Director:


Making ‘polluters’ pay a disingenuous idea
Ron Burke’s suggestion for solving Illinois’ budget woes (“OK clean-energy law to help achieve 2 goals,” April 15) sounds painless — “making polluters pay.” He offers this, rather than increasing taxes, to raise billions to shore up state revenues. We believe Burke’s suggestion is disingenuous.

“Polluting businesses” provide gasoline to fuel our cars, electricity for light, heat, computers and high-def televisions, laundry detergents, beverage sweeteners and toothpaste. “Polluters” provide products that we, the consumers, demand. To promote “they” will pay more while “we” pay less is nothing more than a verbal shell game.

Burke states that Illinois is a significant contributor to global warming, and it is time to take responsibility for our emissions. We note that since 1980, Illinois’ population has increased 32 percent, vehicle miles traveled increased 101 percent and energy consumption increased 29 percent, while overall emissions decreased 49 percent.

Further, according to the World Resources Institute that facilitated the Illinois Climate Change Advisory Group’s work, since 1990, greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation and residential sectors increased 18 percent and 3 percent, respectively, while those in the industrial energy sector decreased by 14 percent. It would appear that Illinois industry already has, to paraphrase Burke, seized the opportunity to get ahead of the curve.

Congress is expected to act soon on climate-change legislation. We believe the federal, not single- or five-state regional level, is the appropriate place for action. Burke implies opposition to regional regulation stems from a desire to hide. We strongly disagree — over-arching national policy evens the playing field for business and industry across all states.

Finally, a clean-energy law cannot achieve two goals. Proponents of charging for emissions to reduce global warming advocate that fees be revenue neutral. Revenue is not to be retained by government to solve budgets woes, but refunded to energy users to mitigate “negative impacts,” or provide incentives to reduce CO2 emissions.

Deirdre K. Hirner
Executive director
Illinois Environmental
Regulatory Group


( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kXj1hmDI7Q&feature=related )




IERG’s primary objective is the development and negotiation of environmental regulations and laws in Illinois. IERG is committed to the principle that environmental regulation and policy be grounded on sound science and produce demonstrated environmental improvements commensurate with the costs involved for compliance.

Because of the diversity of these regulations – and the way in which responsibilities are spread over state government – IERG is involved with an ever expanding universe of state agencies and departments. To this end, IERG expends effort to actually draft both regulatory language and detailed comments on proposals put forth by the regulatory agencies. On behalf of IERG members, staff is involved early in the effort to provide sound and technically defensible input throughout the regulatory, policy or legislative process.


That Hang out with THESE PEOPLE:

(Expanded Members)

Abbott Laboratories

Robert Wells

Ameren Services Company

Michael L. Menne

Archer-Daniels-Midland Company

Mark E. Calmes


Atlantic Richfield Company
Thomas G. Tunnicliff

Aventine Renewable Energy, Inc.
Steve Antonacci

Bunge North America, Inc.
Loren L. Polak

Buzzi Unicem USA, Inc.
Kathy Brady

Cabot Corporation

Amy Clyde

Caterpillar Inc.

Patricia Ludewig 

Chrysler Corporation

Mark Werthman

CITGO Petroleum Corporation

Matthew W. Klickman

Cognis Corporation

Maureen Haller

Commonwealth Edison Company

Lorinda Alms  

Conooco Phillips Petroleum Company
Gina P. Nicholson

Corn Products International, Inc.

Alan L. Jirik

Deere & Company

James Nitzschke


Dominion Kincaid Generation, LLC

Al Rinozzi

The Dow Chemical Company

Bill Pedersen

Duke Energy
Patrick Coughlin

Dynegy Midwest Generation
Rick Diericx

Electric Energy, Inc.

Bruce Parker

Equistar Chemical, LP

Robert Steele

ExxonMobil Corporation

Robert S. Elvert


Flint Hills Resource,. LLC
Gale Newton

Flint Hills Resources (Huntsman)

Mary Steinbach 

G.E. Plastics

Timothy Thompson

General Mills

Theodore M. Slavik


Illinois Cement
Gene Hodges

Kinder Morgan Inc.

Thomas J. Bach

Lonza Inc.

Robert E. Miller

Marathon Petroleum Company LLC

Alan Mayo

MGP Ingredients
Bob Taphorn

Midwest Generation EME, LLC

Basil G. Constantelos


Morris Cogeneration, L.L.C.
Carolyn Gibson

Nicor Gas Company

Somali Tomczak

Nucor Steel Kankakee, Inc.
Ray Smith

Olin Corporation

Phillip Sutton

ONDEO Nalco Company

Mary Lee


Peabody Coal
Bryce West

Peoples Energy

Michael Jouras

Prairie Power, Inc.
Randy Fisher

S & C Electric Company

Robert Sullivan


The Sherwin-Williams Company

Paul Barding


The Solae Company

Mark Sheppard

Southern Illinois Power Cooperative

Dick Myott


Springfield City Water, Light & Power

William A. Murray

Stepan Company

Daniel J. Muno

Sterling Steel Company,  LLC
David Long

Tate & Lyle
Richard Dickinson

United States Steel Granite City Works
Larry Siebenberger


Viscofan USA, Inc.
Jack Webster

Waste Management, Inc.
Lisa Disbrow

(Expanded Executive Committee)
Chairman & Manufactured Equipment, Materials,             David Long

Vice Chairman &
Transportation, Equipment &
Services Sector 
Patricia Ludewig

Secretary & Chemicals Sector
Anu Singh


Treasurer & Oil Sector 
Bob Elvert      

Utilities Sector
Rick Diericx

Past Chairman & Food & Pharmaceutical Sector           Alan Jirik President & CEO,
The Illinois Chamber
Doug Whitley

IERG Executive Director
Deirdre K. Hirner


Why don’t I just write a Letter to the Editor?  The State Journal Register quit printing mine.

( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79UU8kcEG5I  )

Nuff said.

( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3jhja8rIMc&feature=related )

Central Illinois Where The Energy Past Confronts The Future – Which will win?

While Scooters and Wind Turbines may be the future the past always tries to claw its way back into the picture. In the past week we have had news about ADM’s efforts to inject poison into Mother Earth, a letter to the SJR indicating that a Carbon Tax would create the End Of Civilization As We Know It, and a team of Lobbyists here in Springfield and Chicago drumming up support for the extension of a pipeline from Peoria to the Wood River Refinery to complete the Rape Of Northern Canada…

Thank God no one suggested a New Nuclear Powerplant or I would have run out of space on this blog.

First ADM:


Friday, January 4, 2008 12:22 AM CST
Sequestration project in works at ADM; effort is similar to that planned for FutureGen

DECATUR — A project to test carbon dioxide storage capacity deep below Archer Daniels Midland Co.’s campus is scheduled to begin this spring.

The company will announce today a partnership with the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium, which is led by the Champaign-based Illinois State Geological Survey, to work on the $84.3-million project.

It will be one of seven projects the U.S. Department of Energy is funding to demonstrate carbon dioxide, or CO2, storage capacity in underground formations throughout the country. Researchers are looking for uses of carbon dioxide other than emitting it into the atmosphere.

“The whole idea is to understand what is going on in any given area to figure out whether this technique can be safe and effective,” said Robert Finley, director of the Illinois State Geological Survey. “Ultimately this is a technique that we are looking at very carefully to understand what the volume of the CO2 is that might actually be placed in the subsurface.”

The consortium will receive $66.7 million to test a part of the Mount Simon Sandstone, a saline-water-bearing rock formation that has increased in notoriety recently because the FutureGen plant in Mattoon also will test it. The formation runs below most of Illinois, Kentucky and Indiana and part of Ohio.

Beginning in late April, workers will drill more than 6,500 feet below the surface to the rock layer where the carbon dioxide will be stored. The drilling is expected to take about two months to complete, Finley said.

The energy department has awarded $4.2 million in funding for the drilling, Finley said. Another $5.24 million to cover the first year of the project is expected to be awarded within weeks, he said.

The project will inject 1,000 tons per day of carbon dioxide from ADM’s ethanol plant into the ground, Finley said. The layer where it will be injected is about 1,000 feet thick in the Decatur area, Finley said.

Injecting is scheduled to start in October 2009 and be completed in 2012. For two years after that, officials will monitor, take samples and make sure nothing is leaking from the formation.


OK let us see – How can something be CERTAIN and yet Experimental? No one will answer that question. The Illinois EPA which is being investigated by the Federal EPA for Collusion with Polluters gave them a permit in a heartbeat..:


Sequester CO2: First U.S. Large-Scale CO2

Storage Project Advances

April 11, 2009 by Administrator
Filed under Global Warming News

Leave a Comment

One Million Metric Tons of Carbon to be Sequesteres at Illinois Site

(Washington, D.C.) – Drilling nears completion for the first large-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) injection well in the United States for CO2 sequestration. This project will be used to demonstrate that CO2 emitted from industrial sources – such as coal-fired power plants – can be stored in deep geologic formations to mitigate large quantities of greenhouse gas emissions.

The Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) hosted an event April 6 for a CO2 injection test at their Decatur, Ill. ethanol facility. The injection well is being drilled into the Mount Simon Sandstone to a depth more than a mile beneath the surface. This is the first drilling into the sandstone geology since oil and gas exploratory drilling was conducted between 15 and 40 years ago. No wells within 50 miles have been drilled all the way to the bottom of the sandstone, which the storage well will do.

The project is funded by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

“This test represents an exciting step forward in the Department’s collaborative efforts to develop America’s carbon sequestration capabilities,” said Dr. Victor K. Der, Acting Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy. “In Decatur, we’re moving from theory to application.”

A collaboration between ADM and the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium (MGSC), the injection test is part of the development phase of the Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships program managed by the National Energy Laboratory (NETL) for the Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy (FE).

The project will obtain core samples of the Mount Simon Sandstone during drilling that will be used in analysis to help determine the best section for injection. The sandstone formation is approximately 2,000 feet thick in the test area.

From 2010 to 2013, up to one million metric tons of captured CO2 from ADM’s ethanol production facility in Decatur will be injected more than a mile beneath the surface into a deep saline formation. The amount of injected CO2 will roughly equal the annual emissions of 220,000 automobiles.


What was it that Sarte said about Collaboraters, “shave the women’s heads and shoot the men”. There will be accidents and deaths from this process. THERE ALWAYS ARE in any industrial process. The worst case is explosions and deaths followed by contaminated ground water. If eventually successful, what else will they try to put down there? This is short term planning for short term gain (the hallmark of Corporate Capitolism) at its finest.

You might ask – at what cost?


The $84.3 million project will be funded by $66.7 million from the U.S. Department of Energy over a period of seven years, supplemented by cofunding from ADM and other corporate and state resources.

Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) is the world leader in BioEnergy and has a premier position in the agricultural processing value chain. ADM is one of the world’s largest processors of soybeans, corn, wheat and cocoa. ADM is a leading manufacturer of biodiesel, ethanol, soybean oil and meal, corn sweeteners, flour and other value-added food and feed ingredients. Headquartered in Decatur, Illinois, ADM has over 27,000 employees, more than 240 processing plants and net sales for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007 of $44 billion. Additional information can be found on ADM’s Web site at http://www.admworld.com/.

Jessie McKinney
ADM Media Relations

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Wonder why I wasn’t invited to the April 6th event? This looks promising doesn’t  it?


Early morning moon over rig.

The Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium (MGSC), lead by the Illinois State Geological Survey, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Schlumberger Carbon Services, and the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE) marked a milestone in one of the nation’s first large-scale studies intended to confirm that carbon dioxide emissions can be stored permanently in deep underground rock formations. At a ceremonial groundbreaking celebrating the imminent completion of an approximately 8,000-foot-deep injection well on ADM’s Decatur, Ill., property, officials noted the significance of the DOE funded Illinois Basin-Decatur study.


Looks like NASTY getting ready to happen to me.
