There is a STORM Coming MA!

That’s right there is a wave of storms heading towards Riverton Illinois the home of Community Energy Systems. So the blog is a little hasty today because I may need to unplug the computer and flee to the basement. This blog has been an itch waiting to be scratched. My last name is Nicodemus and while scanning a list of environmental groups to do the German piece yeasterday I came across this:



Recent News:
  • NWP exceeds Charity Navigator’s criteria for a Four Star (top rating) national nonprofit organization ( January 2008 )
  • REI generously awards a $5,000 grant to NWP’s Apprentice Ecologist Initiative™ ( January 2008 )
  • NWP Apprentice Ecologist™ interviewed by Woman’s Day (readership > 20 million) for volunteer opportunities article ( January 2008 )

Apprentice Ecologist Initiative™

We engage youth (especially at-risk and low-income kids and teens) in environmental stewardship projects worldwide, including beach, river, and mountain trash cleanups, wildlife habitat restoration, and native tree planting ($500 scholarship for top project). Recognized by the U.S. EPA, Gov’t. Lead


Help Make a Difference

Help protect wildlife and our environment and help build future conservation leaders with your gift donation today. With a generous gift of $50 or more, you will receive your choice of a free Special Gift. Meet the people and organizations that support NWP as key Sponsors & Collaborators.


Focus: Desert Ecosystems

We have a strong regional focus on the delicate arid ecosystems of the American Southwest, especially in New Mexico and Arizona. Our local volunteer-based projects include native plant restoration, trail rehabilitation, riparian protection, wildlife conservation.


Focus: Tropical Ecosystems

Our Apprentice Ecologist Ambassador™ program has strong roots in Tropical Africa, especially in Ghana, Senegal, and Cameroon. Our grassroots projects include native tree planting in deforested regions, environmental education, litter removal, and plastic bag control (to help prevent malaria).

Youth Volunteers

Hours Volunteered

Trash Removed (lbs.)

Native Trees Planted





Area Restored for Wildlife (acres)

Number of Countries Represented

U.S. Dollar Value of Volunteer Time*

Value of Your $50 Gift Contribution**



$ 318,758

$ 410

In case you wonder…I have no idea who this is and am no relation to him but I sure wish I was.

Since Germany Is One Of The World’s Leaders In Energy Conservation Infrastructure

I thought it would be kinda interesting to look at their environmental Groups.

Wikipedia lists these:


Ahhh if I only spoke German you say:

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And they list these sites as well:

Bundesverband Bürgerinitiativen Umweltschutz e.V. (BBU)
Friends of the Earth
Global Witness
Global 2000
Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg
International Council for Local Environmental
Kritische Aktionäre
Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU)
Naturland – Verband für naturgemäßen Landbau e.V.
Öko-Institut e.V.
Umweltbundesamt (UBA)
Wasserforum Bremen

But these guys are pretty radical so you watch out now. You might end up chaining yourself to the gate of the next nuclear power plant that they won’t build.

Aptera – Three Wheeled Car that seems Ready to go

This was reported by USA Today and is followed by a report on a test “Ride Along” From the LA Times.

  • 3-wheeled Aptera aspires to car-pool lane 


CARLSBAD, Calif. — Bored working as an engineer for a biotech company,

 Steve Fambro began to dream of a better way to get to work.

Why not design a fuel-efficient car that would allow a single drive

r onto California’s car-pool lanes?

YOUR OPINION: Would you buy one of these? Why or why not?

“Most people thought I was crazy,” Fambro recalls.

Some might still wonder when they see what emerged: a futuristic

 commuter car powered by electricity with a skin of epoxy resin,

not sheet metal. And perhaps oddest, it has three wheels, not four.

FIND MORE STORIES IN: Carlsbad | Aptera

The Aptera, with a range of 190 miles between charges,

is intended to sell for around $30,000.

It’s an example of how high gas prices are encouraging

entrepreneurs to give the car business a try. From electric

high-performance roadsters to low-speed runabouts,

start-ups are trying to take advantage of interest in

alternative technologies.

Aptera is being developed in a tidy industrial park here,

a few miles north of San Diego. CEO Fambro, 41, and COO

Chris Anthony, 31, a former stockbroker who also runs a

boat-making shop, have about 15 employees so far,

mostly fabricators and engineers.

At present, Aptera has one working prototype of its electric car.

A hybrid gas-electric version is being built. Production is

scheduled for later this year.

Fambro says about 400 potential buyers have slapped d

own a $500 refundable reservation to get in line. Having

received its start with an investment from company start-up

 incubator Idealab, Aptera is currently looking for another

 round of financing. Anthony, who spends most of his time on

 investment matters, says he has attracted interest.

They are drawn by the unique design.

The prototype features high-tech touches such as rear and

side cameras instead of rear-view side mirrors to further r

educe wind drag. There’s a solar panel on the roof to

provide a bit of extra power.

Making the car out of laminates slashes its weight to about

1,500 pounds, making it potentially one of the lightest cars

 on the road. Less weight means longer range. The company

 also hopes to use off-the-shelf lithium phosphate batteries

that are proven and safe, Fambro says.

Even though there is a lot of work left to be done, Aptera

has an advantage when it comes to development time. The

three-wheel design — two in front, one in back — means the

resulting vehicle will be classed as a motorcycle in many states,

 including California. The testing and red tape required to market

a motorcycle is less rigorous than for a four-wheel car. “It allows

 us to leapfrog into the market,” Fambro says.

What Follows is a drive along by LA Times Susan Carpenter,0,6728757.story?coll=la-news-highway_1

The result is a future-is-now vehicle that’s spacious, stylish, comfortable, eco-conscious, high-tech and so unusual looking that at one point during my time with the Typ-1, all the cars and pedestrians within a one-block radius were staring and/or snapping pictures.

Because the Typ-1 is a prototype, I wasn’t able to drive it myself, but I did take a ride in the passenger seat. I just opened the DeLorean-type door, slid into the mod, green-and-white interior, closed the door behind me and strapped on my seat belt. Aptera Chief Executive and co-founder Steve Fambro turned the key to fire up the electric motor, pressed the pedal with the plus sign on the floor to accelerate, and we were off.

According to Fambro, the Typ-1 is capable of 80 mph and could travel up to 70 miles on a single charge while sustaining that speed, but he never took it up that fast and we didn’t travel anywhere near that far as we cruised SoCal suburbia. The fastest we went was probably 45 mph, at which it felt stable. Taking corners, we went even slower, so I couldn’t tell how it handled, but Fambro says the Typ-1 has been “designed for natural stability” and incorporates a traction control system that, in theory, can handle a 1G circle on par with a Honda Civic.

Riding in the Typ-1 is sort of like being in a high-tech fishbowl. There’s incredible visibility from all sides except the back, which is equipped with a rear-view camera that displays whatever’s happening behind the vehicle on a trio of computer screens.

The center of each of those three screens also displays the vehicle’s speed, voltage and power, while a touch screen at the center of the dash controls the navigation system, stereo and other gauges, such as the odometer and temperature reading.

The Typ-1 is unusual for any number of reasons, the most notable being the body. Its water-worthy shape is formed from high-tech fiberglass that isn’t just lighter than steel but 10 times stronger, according to Fambro. The Typ-1 has yet to be crash tested, but Fambro says the crumple zone on the Typ-1 is longer than that of a typical car, and the crush strength of the roof and side doors is stronger than what’s been mandated for a regular passenger vehicle.

Austin Texas – The Energy Conservation Heaven

If evey city in the US was like this we would clearly be on the winning side:


Customer Care Commercial Residential Energy Efficiency About Us
Programs  |  Tools and Tips       

Caulking is one of many measures that can improve your home’s energy efficiency.Direct Free Home Improvements questions to
Austin Energy Customer Care Contact Center

phone: (512) 974-7827
e-mail: Free Home Improvements      Power Saver™ Program
Free Home Improvements
Help for the Income Qualified
Austin Energy offers free home-energy improvements to customers with low-to-moderate incomes. Improvements reduce energy costs and enhance comfort.
If needed, Austin Energy provides materials for and installation of:

Attic insulation
Minor duct repair and sealing
Caulking around plumbing penetrations
Weather stripping around doors
Solar screens

General Qualifications

You must be an Austin Energy electric customer
You must occupy the home you want weatherized—if you rent, you must have lived in the home for at least three months
The residence must be a single-family home, mobile home, or duplex
Homes with an appraised value of more than $150,000 (excluding land value) might be ineligible
Austin Energy requires documentation to verify income and/or disability status for everyone 18 and older in your home

Renter Qualifications

You must have lived in the rental home for at least three months
Household income must meet the listed eligibility guidelines
The residence must be a single-family home, mobile home, or duplex
The owner must agree to the improvements and sign an Austin Energy Rental Release Form (pdf)
The renter must be prepared to provide a copy of the lease/rental agreement

Power Saver™ Program—Saving Energy Together



Alternative Energy Action Network – nice list of other energy warriors.

2 links below. I like the first once best because it has a cool list of folks:



International Association for Energy Economics
Journal and newsletter devoted to economic issues of energy supply and demand; organization seeks to gather both professionals and those interested in these issues form an economic standpoint

Collection of studies and reports from Doug Koplow, on energy subsidies and ongoing legislation: good analysis of the recent energy bill.

Energy Future Coalition
Nonpartisan alliance that seeks to identify energy policy options with broad political support.

Union of Concerned Scientists – Energy
We have much in common – among the five steps to take on global warming, UCS states “Yet, we invest far more in subsidies for the fossil fuel and nuclear industries today than on R&D for renewable energy or advanced vehicle technologies. For instance

Renewable Energy Policy Project
Advocacy and discussion groups on renewable energy options. Not terribly active, but occasionally updated

Natural Resources Defense Council
General (US) environmental organization, but with a strong emphasis on clean energy policy

Global Energy Network Institute
Organization focused on bringing electricity to the world through a global electric grid, similar to the global reach of the internet.

Solar Catalyst Group
Nonprofit consortium of business, government, investors, labor, and environmental and community groups and individuals working to catalyze the solar energy portion of a renewable energy future by creating a mass market for solar photovoltaics. Increa


Space Solar Power Workshop
Group advocating for space solar power development; a specific plan for a congressionally chartered space solar power company seems to be in the works.


International Solar Energy Society
Renewable energy in all its forms. Unfortunately too much focus on small scale, rather than large scale, solutions (typical).


Other sites with generally realistic coverage of energy and climate issues:
Energy Bulletin
The Oil Drum
Real Climate
Technology Review
Jerome’s diary

The Alliance to Save Energy – some of the good guys.

This another cool site. Unfortunately this series has not been as constant as I would like because real world news keeps getting in the road, but I am putting them up as quick as I can.


The Alliance to Save Energy promotes energy efficiency worldwide to achieve a healthier economy, a cleaner environment, and greater energy security.

Energy efficiency is the quickest, cheapest, cleanest way to extend our world’s energy supplies.


Submit Your Nomination for the 2008 Star of Energy Efficiency Awards Today!

The Alliance to Save Energy invites companies, organization, and individuals to enter the 2008 Star of Energy Efficiency Awards competition. These prestigious awards honor those entities who have demonstrated a significant and tangible commitment to the cause of energy efficiency, and will be presented September 25, 2008 in Washington, DC at the Alliance to Save Energy’s 16th Annual Evening with the Stars of Energy Efficiency Dinner



30% in 2009

Join the Alliance and its many colleagues in supporting a 30% improvement in energy efficiency for the next update of the International Energy Conservation Code (2009 IECC). Read more about the Energy Efficiency Code Coalition and the code proposals that will take us to “30.”

As Winter Heating Costs Spike, Alliance to Save Energy Advises Using Energy Efficiency to Cut Home Energy Bills, Pollution

With average heating costs across the nation spiking about 11 percent over last winter’s, the Alliance to Save Energy recommends energy-efficiency measures to help consumers cut home energy bills, increase indoor comfort, and reduce power plant emissions that contribute to climate change.

President Signs Energy Bill into Law

The President signed into law the most sweeping energy efficiency legislation ever enacted on December 19, 2007. H.R. 6, The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, is projected to save American consumers and businesses more than $400 billion through 2030, and will reduce energy consumption by 7% and greenhouse gas emissions by 9% from the forecast for 2030, according to the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.

EE Global a Success!

With attendees representing 32 countries; and exhibitor organizations based in 26 states, the District of Columbia, and six foreign countries, the Alliance to Save Energy considers the first-ever EE Global Forum and Exposition a success! Attendance also included 45 media representatives from outlets including CNN, Fox Business Network and National Geographic. Over 500 people from the D.C. area turned out for public day; and we gathered over 800 people for the forum and exhibition. 

Stay tuned for pictures and follow-up information. In the meantime, you can read the show’s daily newspaper through the Event Updates section of the EE Global web site.

Green Car Dot Com – Just what it says

 Another very cool site:


California Modifies ZEV Mandate
By Green Car Journal EditorsIn 1996, The California Air Resources Board voted to give automakers a reprieve from implementation of the Zero Emission Vehicle mandate. If implemented on schedule in 1998, 5 percent of all cars offered for sale in the state by the seven largest automakers would have to emit zero tailpipe emissions. This represented the first time the regulatory agency had backed down in three decades of leading-edge emissions mitigation programs. Instead, an agreement with automakers required placing up to 3,750 advanced EVs on the road beginning in 1998. More…
CALSTART Showcase Electric Car
California aerospace companies applied their technology expertise in the CALSTART Showcase Electric Vehicle, which was used in an attempt to attract the attention, and the dollars, of auto companies looking to manufacture high-tech electric cars.
The Price of Electric Car Charging
In the mid-1990s as electric car designs were emerging, it became evident that a charging standards war was also brewing. GM had its elegant magnetic inductive charging paddle. Ford had its less costly conductive charger design. Neither appeared ready to back down.
Toyota RAV4 EV in Field Trials
The super-efficient Prius brought many new technologies to the market, but it didn’t do this alone. Substantial work conducted in Toyota’s RAV4 EV electric vehicle program years earlier paved the way with its many advanced electric drive technologies.
Nissan Electric Minivan Program
In the 1990s, Nissan leased a demonstration fleet of lithium-ion battery powered minivans with a 120 mile range. Why not a smaller and lighter electric car that could drive more than 200 miles between charges? A recognition that not everyone will drive small cars.
Honda to Lease EV Plus Electric Car
As Honda begins leasing its hydrogen FCX Clarity to fleets and consumers in limited numbers today, it’s interesting to look back at how this automaker handled the roll-out of a similar program with its EV Plus battery electric car back in the 1990s.
Driving The Precurser of the Toyota Prius Hybrid
Before the Prius was born, the Toyota Hybrid System was being developed in a nondescript Toyota sedan. Green Car editors drove this at Toyota’s Arizona proving grounds in 1997 and knew immediately that the electric drive field would change forever.
Tokyo R&D IZA Electric Car
Most news in the electric vehicle arena was made early on by the General Motors Impact prototype. As other automakers began picking up the pace in the race to build an electric car, activities were also taking place outside the automakers’ labs. One that stood out was Tokyo R&D’s IZA electric car.

Cities Bribe Residents To Adopt Good Environmental Practices

If every town and city in the country did this we could dig our way out of a deep environmental hole.

This is an associated press article that was carried in at least the above newspapers.

U.S. cities encourage residents to go green with perks, cash



PARKLAND, Fla. – Free hy­brid-car parking. Cash rebates for installing solar panels.

Low-inter­est loans for  energy-saving home renovations. Money to tear up

desert lawns and replace them with drought-resistant landscap­ing.

Frustrated by what they see as insufficient action by state and federal

government, municipali­ties

 around the country are offer­ing financial incentives to get peo­ple

to go green.

“A lot of localities recognize they’re going to get a lot more done

using carrots and incentives

rather than regulatory means,” said Jason Hartke,

director of ad­vocacy for the U.S. Green Building Council.

In Parkland, where the motto is “Environmentally Proud,

” the city plans next year to begin

dispens­ing cash rebates to its 25,000 resi­dents for being more

environmen­tally friendly.

‘We will literally issue them a check,” said Vice Mayor Jared Moskowitz.

‘We’re sick of waiting

 for the federal government to do something, so we’ve got

to do what we can.”

Residents who install low-flow

toilets or shower heads will get $150. Replacing an old air condi­tioner

with a more energy-efficient one

 brings $100. Buying a hybrid car? An additional $200 cash back.

And the list goes on.

Based on an estimate of 1,000 residents participating in the re­bate

 program during the

first year, the city predicts it will cost up to $100,000.

“Could this bankrupt the city if the program grows by leaps and bounds?

” Moskowitz asked. “I can only wish

that so many residents want to go green that

that be­comes an issue.”

Many states already offer simi­lar rebates and incentives through

tax breaks, loans and perks such as

allowing hybrid-car drivers to use car pool lanes.

Utilities have long provided in­centives to buy energy-efficient a

ppliances, solar panels and toilets that use

 less water. The federal government, too,

offers tax incen­tives for purchases of many hybrid vehicles and e

nergy-saving prod­ucts.

Still, for many cities, it’s just not enough.

“In terms of waiting for the fed­eral government, we’ve waited

a long time, and frankly, we haven’t

gotten very much,” said Jared Blu-menfeld, director of

San Francis-

co’s Department of Environment. “And how do you change

some­one’s behavior? The simple an­swer is cash.”

Starting next year, San Francis­co will offer homeowners

 rebates of up to $5,000 for installing solar panels

if they use a local contrac­tor. Coupled

with state and feder­al incentives, that could cut in half the

$21,000 cost for an average household,

Blumenfeld said.

The city also will cover up to 90 percent of the costs of making

apartment buildings more energy-efficient,

 and will pay residents $150 to replace old


The neighboring city of Berke­ley is financing the cost of

solar panels for homeowners who agree to 

 pay the money back through a 20-year property

tax assessment.

Nearby Marin County offers a $500 rebate to homeowners

who install solar systems.

Baltimore offers at least $2,000 toward closing costs for

people who buy new homes

close to where they work. It is called the “Live Near Your Work”


“Just living near your job and taking transit or

walking to meet your daily needs

provides basical­ly the same environmental benefit as

buying a hybrid car,” said Amanda Eaken of the

 Natural Re­sources Defense Council.

Local Conservation Folks – google your own up today!

I rarely do retail outlets because there are 1000’s of them in any one state but a random google search turned up these 2:



  • Reflects up to 97% of the radiant energy striking your home

  • Reduces electric and gas bills drastically year round
  • Increases the comfort level of your home
  • Is patterned after high-performance space-age technology used by N.A.S.A.
  • The least expensive energy improvement you can
    make to your home

  • Increases the efficiency of A/C and Heating unit
  • Maintenance free
  • Guaranteed for life
  • Never insulate again

The above is only a facsimile of the site but its headquarters are in Tyler Texas and the 800 telephone number should suffice for contact.



Energy Improvements, Inc. –
1-800-497-4293 – Route 106, PO Box 4085 – Concord, NH  03301

The funny thing to me is how they are battling over the domain name energyimprovements when they are very local contractors…some things never change. 

Danger Will Robinson Danger! 

or the original:

By GAVIN RABINOWITZ, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 48 minutes ago

NEW DELHI – India‘s Tata Motors on Thursday unveiled the world’s cheapest car, bringing new mobility within the reach of tens of millions of people and nightmares to environmentalists, traffic engineers and safety advocates.

Company Chairman Ratan Tata, introducing the Nano — price tag $2,500 — during India’s main auto show, drove onto a stage in a white version of the tiny four-door subcompact, his head nearly scraping the roof.

With a snub nose and a sloping roof, it can fit five people — if they squeeze. And the basic version is spare: there’s no radio, no passenger-side mirror and only one windshield wiper. If you want air conditioning to cope with India’s brutal summers, you need to get the deluxe version.

But it’s cheap. The Nano’s closest competitor here is the Maruti 800, a four-door that sells for nearly twice as much.

Tata, however, is targeting people moving up from the lower ends of India’s transportation spectrum, where two-wheeled scooters selling for as little as $900 are often crammed with entire families.

While the price has created a buzz, critics say the Nano could lead to possibly millions more automobiles hitting already clogged Indian roads, adding to mounting air and noise pollution problems. Others have said Tata will have to sacrifice quality and safety standards to meet the target price.

The chairman, though, insists the car will meet safety standards and pollute even less than motorcycles, passing domestic and European emission standards and averaging about 50 miles per gallon. Girish Wagh, who headed the design team, said it had an oxidation catalytic convertor and it emitted 120 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer.

Chief U.N. climate scientist Rajendra Pachauri, who shared last year’s Nobel Peace Prize, said last month that “I am having nightmares” about the prospect of the low-cost car.

“Dr. Pachauri need not have nightmares,” Ratan Tata said at the unveiling. “For us it’s a milestone and I hope we can make a contribution to the country.”

The basic model will sell for 100,000 rupees, but analysts estimate that customers could pay 20 percent to 30 percent more than that to cover taxes, delivery and other charges.

Tata has long promised that he’d create a 100,000-rupee car, a vow that was much-derided in the global industry but created a frenzy in India. On Thursday, nearly every media outlet in India focused on the live unveiling.

“A promise is a promise,” Tata told the crowd.

The car has seat belts, but no air bags. The Nano is about 10 feet long, 5 feet wide. The 2-cylinder petrol engine delivers 33 horsepower and a top speed of just over 60 mph.

Ford’s Model T, which debuted in 1909 for $825, had a 4-cylinder, 20 horsepower engine with a top speed of 45 mph. The Model T had fuel economy between 13 to 21 miles per gallon.

Tata has said they expect the car to revolutionize the auto industry, and analysts believe the Nano may force other manufacturers to lower their own pricing. French auto maker Renault SA and its Japanese partner, Nissan Motor Co., are trying to determine if they can sell a compact car for less than $3,000.

For now, the car will be sold only in India, but Tata eventually hopes to export it. The Nano could become the basis for other similar super-cheap models in developing markets around the world.

As rising middle class incomes drive demand for cars in India, automakers expect the ranks of car owners in the country to expand dramatically in coming years.

But for some, a huge influx of cars is a terrifying prospect of traffic jams at midnight, hours-long commutes and increasing pollution.

“If you’re talking about urban environment, it will cause serious problems,” said Jamie Leather, a transport specialist with the Asian Development Bank. “It’s a major concern.”

In 2005, Indian vehicles released 219 million tons of carbon dioxide, the leading greenhouse gas blamed for global warming.

By 2035, that number is projected to increase to 1,467 million tons, due largely to the expanding middle-class and the expected rise of low-cost cars, according to the Asian Development Bank.

“The cheaper and cheaper vehicles become, the quicker those pollution levels will increase,” Leather said.