I got this email from Paul Berland about electricity and I thought i would post it in its entirety. I make no claims about it’s accuracy and I only know that it applies in Elgin, but still it is pretty cool. Way To Go Paul.
On Google Docs in this folder:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HxNONAmKNRz2R5zw2Y0W8n3ar9IIeowtThere is a spreadsheet that can be maintained by the environmentally progressive Illinois community (currently editable by IL Climate Activists members) which shows 100% renewable electricity providers that are below or at comparable costs to non-green electricity providers.(Painful note: if you modify or edit this spreadsheet, it will immediately be saved to a file in the same folder with a different file name and link. You will have to manually delete the old spreadsheet and rename the spreadsheet that was auto-created to the spreadsheet with the same name to maintain a single community spreadsheet. This little difficulty was gifted to us courtesy of mega-corporations Google and Microsoft who love to make our lives difficult so they can continue to make money off of IT jobs. If your IT skills are low, then you can E-mail suggested changes to me and I could update the spreadsheet).In Illinois, we all have the option of choosing our electricity provider and the freedom to choose a 100% green renewable energy provider (go to the link https://pluginillinois.org to review your options and potentially change your provider). In fact, some of these providers are even honest enough to provide this electricity at below the regular rate that is provided for non-green energies (such as coal, nuclear, natural gas, etc.) In particular, please make note of the following electricity providers that can offer rates below or equivalent to current rates provided by non-green suppliers:1. Verde Energy USA (cheaper than market rate when you take into account rebate)2. Oasis Energy (only spending about $1.50 more per month than current market rate for 100% renewable energy guaranteed for 18 months)3. Clearview Energy (used to be the best deal but their prices are going up)4. National Gas & Electric (flat out cheaper than ComEd for 3-6 months guaranteed)Note that the market fluctuates month-to-month. The hope is that we can maintain this spreadsheet as the market fluctuates. This spreadsheet came about as the result of collaboration between Elgin Green Groups 350 members.See also these links which prove that 100% renewable energy (wind, solar, hydro, and responsible bio-mass) is now cheaper than coal and nuclear and will also soon be cheaper than natural gas electricity production as well:
Go to the sites and read the offers. More next week. Oh never mind I will be on vacation for the next two weeks. Bye.