Environmental Yucks continue – The real George Bush and other JOKES!

Remember I ran a stupid video where a kid was mimicking a Will Ferrell bit about George Bushes take on Global warming well. Here is a site where you can see the real deal.



Other funnies there:





Tha Thats All Folks…

The Best Energy Policy in the Presidential Race – Drum roll please

The real Difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats recognize that the carbon economy has to end if we are to survive as a species. The Republicans still believe that the carbon economy is here to stay, we have just have to make it “better”. That was a tenable idea (though wrong) 30 years ago. It is dead wrong now.

Richardson is by far the best candidate on Energy Issues. However, the Democrats get it – the Republicans don’t.  Energy will be one of most important issues if not THE most important issue of the 2008 race.

Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Richardson, Bidden, Dodd, Kucinich, Gravel? This is a Real Tough Call

Unlike the Republicans, ALL of the Democrat Presidential Candidates HAVE Energy Policies!

Disclaimer 1: Gravel’s Policy is so dislike the others that I am not sure it can be “compared” to anyone elses.

Disclaimer 2: I still can not get Dodd’s Energy Issues to open. Not sure whether its my computer or his, but its a windows issue so I am sure others are having the same problem.

Disclaimer 3: I am a Richardson Supporter.

Disclaimer 4: CES can not endorse political candidates! This is a statement about about whose Energy Policy is the best.

Having said that, There are very few differences between Obama, Bidden, Kucinich, and Richardson’s Energy Policies. They are agressive and huge. They vary in perspective and focus. Kucinich in particular gets huge kudos and hurrays for having an excellent section on the relationship between global warming, energy efficiency and WATER. Fact is the climate won’t kill us but the lack of fresh water will. Of course, fresh water will be what evaporates first as the globe continues to warm.

Also Bidden gets much praise for his aggressive approach to automobile and gasoline consumption.

Obama gets similar praise for including a plan to train poor and under educated young people in the green building trades so they can particpate in the new economy.

I pick Richardson’s Policies because he has a committment to stay ahead of the Kyoto accords by 10 years, his requirement that the Energy companies pay for it, and his EXPERIENCE as Energy Secretary. His opposition to any form of emissions is well know and thats what we have to do to survive. We Must Stop The Burning.

So Who Wins For the Republicans? Keyes, Tancredo, Colbert, Hunter, Brownback (now withdrawn), Paul, Huckabee, Guilliani, Thompson, McCain or Romney?

My God in Heaven! Just listing the Candidates is exhausting. What is not exhausting is reading their Energy Policies! Fully half of them have none. The so-called values candidates can not govern as a result, and thus they are unelectable. They will drop like flys in the coming weeks, as Brownback has shown. No energy policy no Presidency!

Of the remainder, most of their policies either are vague or confused or worse yet confuse the environment and energy policies. Saving our forests is nice but what does that have to do with the production and consumption of gasoline. They remind me of Hillary Clinton’s policy statement, “I mean come on we have to say something” paragraph of feel good mush.

So for the record Gov. Mike Huckabee has the best most detailed Energy Policy of the Republican Presidential candidates. As I keep having to say this is not an endorsement! This is policy analysis of the printed materials from the candidates web sites. Not mailers, not speeches and not print interviews. The thing is, especially with the Republicans, they say things in speeches and in person that they do not back up in policy statements – because they fear many of their voters would abandon them.

What is special about Huckabee is that he calls for energy independence for the USA in 8 years!! Can he do that? I have my doubts, but it is great hearing somebody say it. Thanks Mike. 

Alan Keyes’ Energy Policy – He is still insane and does not give a rats ass about the environment!

I do not believe that Alan Keyes actually has his own web page yet but the 2 listed below claim to represent him in some vague way. On the second site you will find his positions on 35 issues. None on the environment and none on energy. I have run out of capitalized letters to discribe this mad man. Lets just put it this way he is a black man that wants to stigmatize gay people. YUCK 



Duncan Hunter’s Energy Policy – He has none but he wants control of womens vaginas.

That is right…Duncan Hunter has no stated energy policy. Everything’s fine there folks, just keep emitting all the crap from your tail holes you want but oh by the way every woman in the U.S. must have every baby they get pregnant with.


Tom Tancredo’s Energy Policy – He has none much Like Colbert!


Apparently Tom wants to feed undocumented immigrants into the flames of power plants. Solving 2 issues at once. Another Republican running on “moral values” while the ice caps melt. Too bad.

Steven Colbert’s Energy Policy – He has none. He doesn’t even have a web site or a party

But here are 3 websites where you can find more “information” about Cobert seeking the Presidency of South Carolina. Actually there is a history of Comedians being involved in Presidential Politics from Bob Hope to Pat Paulsen. More on that later. And now for a real candidate. 




Ron Paul’s Energy Plan – He does not have one!

Thats Right. Another loud mouthed moron with only moral issues. The environment and the planet be damned! And to do all of that he has 2 web sites. The first one is a huge media center documenting all the idealistic crap he spouts and number two is a more traditional candidates website with an actual issues link. Click on it and you will not see energy or the environment anywhere. I looked under the different categories to see if maybe it was lumped under something else. Big nope nada, or zilch. Heh if I gotta look for it that hard..He ain’t serious. Nixon, Reagan, and Bush Oh my…



Sam Brownback’s Energy Policy – its tiny and all about cars

I wish I was making this up.

Due to years of neglect and short-sighted domestic policies, America is on the verge of an energy crisis. Our supply of energy has not kept pace with our demand. Today our nation produces 39% less oil than we did in 1970. This leaves us dependent on foreign suppliers, who often do not have America’s best interests at heart. This Congress, I co-sponsored the Dependence Reduction through Innovation in Vehicles and Energy (DRIVE) Act. This bill aims to reduce our oil consumption by 2.5 million barrels per day in ten years by taking an innovative, market-based approach that relies on advanced technology and an expansion of renewable fuels. I will continue to fight for energy independence.