Rightwing Rant From A Probable Oil And Gas Stock Holder – Or is it coal

I normally would not put up a rant against alternative forms of energy which I believe are the energies of the future. But I love how they all make the same mistake. We as a society must use the CHEAPEST forms of energy. Yet we as a society get to SAY what kinds of energy are used and then it is up to businesses to get on with what they do best – steal us blind. Resources are not free to those that just dig them up and they can not be allowed to destroy the world while they are at it. This shouter and denier from Northern Wisconsin is all about preposterous side arguments that are not even true in his political wet dreams.


Renewable “Green” Energy Yields Very Poor Results


Yeah, yeah. I know. You’re tired of me telling you “I told you so,” but once again, as usual, I am right and you are not.

Why we’re even fiddling around with this green alternative energy crap is beyond me. It doesn’t work for the most part, and what does work is extremely expensive and highly inefficient.

Renewable electric energy from nonhydroelectric sources — chiefly wind and solar — contributed only 3.6 percent of total U.S. generation in 2010 — yet received 53.5 percent of all federal financial support for electric power.

And wind power alone, which provides 2.3 percent of generation, received 42 percent of all support.

Wind and solar renewable energy have failed to thrive despite government support because they face substantial “market impediments,” according to Benjamin Zycher, a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

“Energy policies in the United States for decades have pursued energy sources defined in various ways as alternative, unconventional, independent, renewable, and clean in an effort to replace such conventional fuels as oil, coal, and natural gas,” Zycher states on the AEI website, and “renewable electricity receives very large direct and indirect subsidies from the federal and state governments.

“These long-standing efforts have, without exception, yielded poor outcomes.”



Go there and read the rubbish. More tomorrow.


CWLP Offers 15,000 $$$ Solar Rebate – Home owners should move fast

I know I said I was done with the residential housing market last Friday. I was talking to Bob Croteau about which side of the insulation the vapor barrier should be on if you are insulating the upper portion of your  basement and he mentioned this in passing. By the way the answer is the vapor barrier should be on the basement side of the insulation and he suggested  only insulating 4 feet of the basement from the top of the basement wall down. After that you are pretty much wasting your time. On to the solar rebate. The reason I said to hurry and get it if you were thinking about solar it is because it is on a first come first serve basis.



CWLP’s SOLAR REWARDS program offers rebates of up to $15,000 per household or business to CWLP electric customers who install solar electric—also known as photovoltaic (PV)—systems at their residential or commercial facilities. To qualify for participation in the program, customers must meet all eligibility criteria, including being pre-approved prior to purchasing any equipment or starting any work.

The SOLAR REWARDS rebate program is being offered on a first-come/first-served basis until funds budgeted for the program are exhausted. The rebate is calculated at $1,500 per kilowatt (kW) of system capacity. Qualifying systems can range from a minimum of 0.5 kW to a maximum of 25 kW. Rebates will be provided in the form of a CWLP bill credit. For rebates exceeding $1,000, applicants may request their rebate payment in the form of a check, but must provide CWLP with their social security number or FEIN number. Customers have 90 days from the date of their pre-approved application to complete their PV system installation and submit their post-installation documentation to CWLP. Failing to either meet this deadline or receive a deadline extension from CWLP will result in the loss of rebate eligibility.

To apply to participate in the SOLAR REWARDS Rebate Program, use the Pre-Approval Application in the online SOLAR REWARDS Application Packet. To request a hard copy of the Packet, contact the CWLP Energy Services Office by phone at 789-2070 or by email.

Photovoltaic systems convert energy from the sun into electricity using panels that are installed to take maximum benefit of available sunlight. Some systems are even designed to allow the panels to “track” the sun throughout the day. The lifespan of a typical PV panel is approximately 25 years.

Using solar energy can help homeowners and businesses reduce consumption of fossil fuels and lower their monthly energy bills by reducing the amount of electricity purchased from CWLP. (View photos of a sampling of PV systems that have been installed in Springfield.)

Residential applicants can combine CWLP’s SOLAR REWARDS rebate with Federal tax credits or State of Illinois incentives to make solar a more affordable renewable resource option.

For more information about the SOLAR REWARDS Rebate Program or about photovoltaic systems, contact the CWLP Energy Services Office at 789-2070 or nrgxprts@cwlp.com.


More tomorrow.


Residential Solar Heating Systems – They work and you can install them now

Yes this post includes a company from Vermont which is a long way from Illinois. I tried to find someone who does this work in Illinois without much success. I am sure that they are out there and if you call these people they maybe able to send you in the right direction.


You can go here for a directory.


These guys have a pretty good rap though and a lot of experience.


This is why Solar Heating should be a part of your building project

An underfloor heating system from Radiantec Company is the most comfortable and efficient choice you can make, no matter what fuel you choose… but when you select solar as the energy source, you can really feel good about your energy decision.

Here are the benefits of Solar Heating:

  • Solar heat is environmentally friendly. Solar heat does not pollute or produce greenhouse gases. It helps conserve the earth’s energy resources for our children and grandchildren.
  • Solar is as pure, clean and safe as you can get. It is the best choice for people with allergy problems and chemical sensitivities. There will be no tanks of highly flammable materials in your house. It will be free of fuel odors and there will be lower electromagnetic fields.
  • Solar heating is stable in price. Once you have bought it, you are protected from inflation and the political surprises that come with other fuels.
  • Solar heating is a wise investment. The yield is comparable to a good stock. One nice thing is that the yield from your solar investment is tax free and that the yield goes up in value at the rate of inflation. Imagine what that could be in 20 years!
  • Solar heat makes your home something special. People with solar heated homes are intelligent, self-confident, socially aware and environmentally responsible.


We invite you to explore this website and to click on “Next Step” if you would like more information.

Our solar technicians are always ready to answer questions.

Call 1-800-451-7593


Go there and read. More tomorrow.


LLCC Green Center Coming Soon – It should help the area out a lot

Tim Landis is one of the best writers left on the State Journal Registers staff. This Green Center will be a boon to the Springfield community.


LLCC programs offer free training in ‘green’ industry

Posted Nov 17, 2011 @ 11:00 PM
Last update Nov 18, 2011 @ 06:45 AM

Lincoln Land Community College expects to begin training about two dozen students for “green” jobs  early next year through two pilot programs made possible by $600,000 in federal training grants.

The Renewable Energy Academy and the Green Construction Academy will provide intensive training — classes are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday — for jobs in renewable energy and energy-efficient building.

“We are looking at a lot of new skills and jobs that have not been there in the past,” Julie Rourke, LLCC director of workforce development, said Thursday.

The renewable-energy classes are scheduled to begin Jan. 9 and the classes in green construction on Feb. 13. Both continue into mid-June.

Rourke said the school hopes to enroll 15 students in renewable energy and 12 in green construction. There will be no cost to the first group of students, because the federal grants are paying for the expense of setting up the program, including equipment.

But she said the four-days-a-week schedule will take a strong commitment.

“It’s set up that way for a reason. One is the grant period,” said Rourke. “The other is that we expect a lot of non-traditional students who may be transitioning from one career to another, and there’s an urgency to get them back in the work force.”

The grants, $350,000 from the U.S. Department of Education and $250,000 from the U.S. Department of Labor, were awarded through the LLCC HIRE Education program. The goal is to make the classes self-sustaining once the grants expire at the end of 2012.

LLCC Green Center manager Julie Bates said classes will cover a variety of renewable-energy and energy-efficiency skills, including solar, small wind systems, geothermal, green construction, plumbing and heating, landscaping and site planning.


More tomorrow.


Morocco’s Bid To Become The New Saudi Arabia – Transmission losses will be killer

While solar projects in general are a good idea, location is everything.  Morocco is close to Europe. Well it is close to Spain and Southern France but the line losses with current technology will be huge. I suppose it would help to electrify Northwest Africa, but I doubt if that is the market.


World Bank backs Morocco concentrating solar power megaproject

november 18, 2011

Ouarzazate is only the first part of Morocco’s ambitious plan of developing 2000 megawatts in solar energy capacity by 2020. The first stage is a concentrated solar thermal power design, using parabolic trough mirrors.

World Bank backs Morocco concentrating solar power megaproject

The World Bank today approved $297 million in loans to Morocco to help finance the Ouarzazate Concentrated Solar Power Plant Project, taking a historic step toward realizing one of the first large-scale plants of this kind in North Africa to exploit the region’s vast solar energy resources.

With this approval from the Bank’s Board of Executive Directors, Morocco takes the lead with the first project in the low-carbon development plan under the ambitious Middle East and North Africa Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Scale-up Program. A $200 million loan will be provided by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the part of the Bank that lends to developing country governments, and another $97 million loan will come from the Clean Technology Fund.

“The World Bank is proud to provide the financing needed to make this large-scale renewable energy investment possible,” said World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick. “Ouarzazate demonstrates Morocco’s commitment to low-carbon growth and could demonstrate the enormous potential of solar power in the Middle East and North Africa. During a time of transformation in North Africa, this solar project could advance the potential of the technology, create many new jobs across the region, assist the European Union to meet its low-carbon energy targets, and deepen economic and energy integration in the Mediterranean. That’s a multiple winner.”

The 500 megawatt (MW) Ouarzazate solar complex, as the first power site, will be among the largest CSP plants in the world and is an important step in Morocco’s national plan to deploy 2000 MW of solar power generation capacity by 2020.

The World Bank has supported Morocco’s national Solar Power Plan since it was launched in 2009 and is now making this significant loan to co-finance the development and construction of the Ouarzazate Project Phase 1 parabolic trough plant through a Public Private Partnership between the Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN) and a private partner. Ouarzazate Phase 1 will involve the first 160 MW and will help Morocco avoid 240,000 tons of CO2 equivalent a year.


More next week.


Here I Was Set To Post A Nasty Description Of The Fukushima Site


But then I got this nice request from Alison Richard to post a website I like called SolarPages, so without further ado I give you:


SolarPages UK – Information about Solar PV Installation and Solar Panels Cost

Here at Solar Pages you will find the answers to all your Solar PV and renewable energy needs. Find local Solar Panel Installers, information about photovoltaics, Solar Power news and much more.

Free Home Survey Request

Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Panels – Generating Electricity from sunlight.

With ever increasing energy costs Renewable Energy is becoming a very popular and practical option for homeowners in the UK. Solar Power from Photovoltaic Solar Panels are the most popular choice.

More Solar PV Information

Thermal Solar Panels – Collecting heat from sunlight to power your hot water system.

Either installed on it’s own or as put of a complete solar power system Thermal Solar Panels are a great way to reduce energy bills and with the introduction of the Renewable Heat Incentive are becoming very popular.

More Solar Thermal Information

UK Solar Feed in Tariff Scheme – Part of the Clean Energy Cashback Scheme.

They say money doesn’t grow on trees but with the introduction of the Feed in Tariff in the UK money can grow on your roof. PV Solar Panel Installations carried out by MCS accredited installers are entitled to cash for the solar power generated.

More Feed in Tariff Information

Tab 1 SolarPages.co.uk
For all things Solar PV

Tab 2 PV Solar Panels
Part of the Eco puzzle

Tab 3 Solar Thermal
Solar Water Heating Panels

Tab 4 Feed in Tariff
Money doesn’t grow on trees

Solar PV Cost



Go there and have fun. More tomorrow.


Transition Communities – A high tech guy with a low tech place

This is a pretty complete piece about an oil savvy guy. It is a long piece so go and read the rest.


Published Jun 17 2009 by North Bay Bohemian, Archived Jun 23 2009

Transition communities gear up for society’s collapse with a shovel and a smile

by Alastair Bland

Cheer Up, It’s Going to Get Worse

Three years ago, David Fridley purchased two and a half acres of land in rural Sonoma County. He planted drought-resistant blue Zuni corn, fruit trees and basic vegetables while leaving a full acre of extant forest for firewood collection. Today, Fridley and several friends and family subsist almost entirely off this small plot of land, with the surplus going to public charity.

HOW DOES YOUR...: Home food production is an 'entry-level' survival tactic, says Scott McKeown. (photo: Michael Amsler)

HOW DOES YOUR…: Home food production is an ‘entry-level’ survival tactic, says Scott McKeown. (photo: Michael Amsler)

But Fridley is hardly a homegrown hippie who spends his leisure time gardening. He spent 12 years consulting for the oil industry in Asia. He is now a staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a fellow of the Post Carbon Institute in Sebastopol, where members discuss the problems inherent to fossil-fuel dependency.

Fridley has his doubts about renewable energies, and he has grave doubts about the future of crude oil. In fact, he believes to a certainty that society is literally running out of gas and that, perhaps within years, the trucks will stop rolling into Safeway and the only reliable food available will be that grown in
our backyards.

Fridley, like a few other thinkers, activists and pessimists, could talk all night about “peak oil.” This catch phrase describes a scenario, perhaps already unfurling, in which the easy days of oil-based society are over, a scenario in which global oil production has peaked and in which every barrel of crude oil drawn from the earth from that point forth is more difficult to extract than the barrel before it. According to peak oil theory, the time is approaching when the effort and cost of extraction will no longer be worth the oil itself, leaving us without the fuel to power our transportation, factories, farms, society and the very essence of our oil-dependent lives. Fridley believes the change will be very unpleasant for many people.

“If you are a typical American and have expectations of increasing income, cheap food, nondiscretionary spending, leisure time and vacations in Hawaii, then the change we expect soon could be what you would consider ‘doom,'” he says soberly, “because your life is going to fall apart.”

The Great Reskilling

But is it the end of the world?

Fridley and other supporters of the Transition movement don’t believe it is. First sparked in 2007 in Totnes, England, Transition was launched when one Rob Hopkins recognized that modern Western society cannot continue at its current pace of life as fast access to oil begins to dwindle. Global warming and economic meltdown are the two other principle drivers of the Transition movement, but in an ideal “Transition Town,” society would be ready for such changes.

With limited gas-powered transport or oil-based products, a Transition community’s citizens would live within cycling distance of one another in a township built upon complete self-sufficiency, with extremely localized infrastructure for agriculture, clothes making, metal working and the other basics of life which the Western world largely abandoned to factories in the late 1800s, when oil power turned life into a relatively leisurely vacation from reality.

Now, Transitionists say, it’s time to get back to work—and quick. Localized efforts have sprouted from the ground up in Santa Cruz, Cotati, Sebastopol, San Francisco and many other towns worldwide, where residents and neighbors are putting their heads together and collaborating on ways to relocalize themselves, bolster self-sufficiency and build the resilience that communities will need to absorb the shock of peak oil.

Scott McKeown is among several initiators of Transition Sebastopol. A 53-year-old event coordinator by vocation, McKeown believes that as early as 2012 the global economy could founder. “That’s when it’s really going to hit the fan,” he says. “We’re not there yet, but we will be very soon.”

McKeown founded Peak Oil Sebastopol in late 2007 as a public discussion forum for what was then becoming a popular topic of relevance among social reformers. Yet Peak Oil Sebastopol eventually proved a bit too heavy on the talking for McKeown.

“I wanted to shift from a discussion group to an action-based effort,” he explains. “Transition attracted me as a way in which we could actually begin doing something.”


More tomorrow.


OutDoor Living Writer Melissa Anne – She writes a mean piece on Solar Fountains

She asked and I said yes.


Top Solar Fountains for 2011

Everybody’s trying to go green these days – we’re cutting back on driving, using energy efficient light bulbs, buying Energy Star appliances, and buying products that are made using only environmentally friendly practices. One area people don’t usually think of when going green is their outdoor accessories. Yes, solar powered items around for some time, but their popularity has really taken off in recent years with all the great products coming out. One of those products is the solar fountain. Today, we’re going to look at a few of the top solar fountains for 2011.


First is the Alpine 2 Tier Water Fountain: Solar Panel Powered. When you first look at this, you’d swear it was carved out of a tree. But it’s actually made of fiberglass, so it’s pretty light and very durable. This model features a solar panel outside of the unit, attached by an 8 foot cord. This gives you more versatility in where you want to place it. For example, you could have your fountain sitting in the shade up on the patio but keep the panel out in the yard where it gets plenty of sun, so you can enjoy your fountain in cool comfort. Its unique look has made it a top seller this year and it’s sure to remain that way.


Next is the Smart Solar Portsmouth Solar Birdbath. This fountain offers a modern take on the classic stone birdbath. It features Smart Solar’s patented solar panel design, with the panel sitting in the middle of the basin so it’s perfectly positioned to get all the sunlight it can. Even when it’s not running, it still makes a great decorative accent thanks to the designs around the bowl, column, and base. And with its resin construction, it can hold up outside almost all year without showing any wear. At its value price, this fountain really can’t be beat for anywhere around the home, from a spot on the patio to a flower bed in the front yard.


Finally, we have another Smart Solar product, the Blenheim Two-Tier Solar-on-Demand Fountain. This model offers a little something extra, with a two tier design that gives you the beautiful sound of running water flowing from the top bowl to the bottom. Made of resin, it features a black iron finish, which is something you don’t find in a lot of fountains and looks great in a modern outdoor space. But what really separates it is the Solar-on-Demand technology. It has a backup battery that stores the sun’s energy so it can run for up to 6 hours in the evening or when the sun’s not out. This feature has made it one of the most popular solar fountains on the market today.


If you’re thinking of more ways to do your part to be green while beautifying your home, try a solar fountain. No wires and no electricity costs – just a fun way to enhance your home and help the environment!


About The Author – Melissa Anne is a writer with OutdoorLiving.com/learning-center/ and a lifelong outdoor living enthusiast. For more on solar fountains, visit OutdoorFountains.com, where you can find everything from a solar pump to a solar bird bath.


More tomorrow.


DYI Green Energy For Homes – Another link request

This guys don’t realize it but I have posted about them before. They know what they are talking about.



DIY Green Energy | Home Made Energy

diy green energy for homesAre you sick and tired of having to pay huge energy bills? If you answer yes to this question, then DIY green energy is a sensible option for you. You can begin utilizing free, eco-friendly power and reduce your household power bill by more than 80% while doing your part in saving the Earth.

The most significant benefits of DIY green energy is the ability to make big savings in the long run. Bear in mind though that there are significant start up costs associated with the setting up of solar, magnetic or wind power, and it’ll require a bit of time before you start to enjoy the rewards.

Setting up green energy power is really an enjoyable task that can be done by yourself – there is no better satisfaction than the experience associated with getting this done yourself. The very first time I assembled a residential wind turbine involved a couple of weeks, however the thrill of seeing it working in motion is priceless.

There are numerous methods to construct your own homemade green energy generators online which depicts the procedure and show you which components are needed. Don’t ever doubt yourself and don’t forget that anyone can create a workable and effective machine by yourself.

If you wish to reduce your month-to-month electricity bill, become self sufficient or increase the value of your property, this is all merely an arm’s reach away using homemade energy. It is possible to construct DIY solar panels or wind power generator by using simple, straightforward, “any kid could understand it” instructions. We’ve placed together some terrific information on DIY solar panels and homemade wind turbines that will make a massive difference in saving energy if you put them into application.

Regardless of whether you’ve questions on home made green energy or don’t have the slightess idea what is green energy, we have answers for you here. Before you know it, your free electricity dreams will turn out to be a reality.


More tomorrow.


IEEE And A Link Request – I have gotten a lot of link requests

So today and for the next couple, I am going to put up those up here:


FERC Issues Major Rule to Encourage Grid Expansion

Fri, July 29, 2011

Blog Post: Most important power grid reform since the power system was opened to wholesale competition

More Smart Meter Pushback 
Wed, July 06, 2011

Blog Post: British review raises questions about cost of national rollout and claimed benefits

Planned U.S. Power System Experiment Means Some Clocks Will Speed Up 
Fri, July 01, 2011

Blog Post: Will anybody really know what time it is? Will anybody really care?

Flywheels Keep the Grid in Tune 
July 2011

Article: Spinning masses face off against big batteries in the half-billion-dollar market for grid stability

Saving Smart Meters From a Backlash 
August 2011

Article: Fears of irradiation from antennas threaten to smother smart meters in the crib


More tomorrow
