It’s jam band friday –
I wrote a letter to the editor to the State Journal Register about a scam here in the states Mira-Cool which I have panned here and last years version of it called CoolSurge..They are just outright frauds. These guys are a fraud of a higher order. I first ran into them here:
New Magnetic-Electric Device
Can Power Home From Near
Free Energy Source - By Penny Robins
The Cairns Post – Northern Queensland, OZ
- (Note – ‘Ergon’ refers to the local electricity supplier utility which used to be known as the FNQEB Far North Queensland Electricity Board).
- Two Cairns inventors yesterday unveiled a world first commercial machine which can power a house from a permanent, clean, green and virtually free energy source.
- The machine, developed by Brinsmead mechanical engineer John Christie and Edge Hil electrician Lou Brits, has an international patent pending and is expected to go on the market for $4000-$5000.
- Relying on the attraction and repulsion of internal magnets, the Lutec 1000 operates continually on a pulse-like current 24 hours a day – producing 24 kilowatts of power – once it is kickstarted from a battery source.
- The device is more than 500 per cent efficient, compared to a car which is less than 40 per cent efficient and loses power through heat and friction.
- No powerlines would be needed to distribute energy from the individual power sources.
- There is no heat, harmful emissions or airborne matter in the transmission.
- If it were not for the magnets, which have a life of 1300 years, and the battery pack, which has a life of about five years, the machine would be in perpetual motion.
- A demonstration of the motor from the carpeted study of Mr Christie’s Brinsmead home revealed the device in all its glory – bigger than the average cyclone back-up generator but much less noisy.
- M Christie and Mr Brits have been tinkering together on the motor in their spare time since they met in a Sheridan St cafe five years ago and began sharing ideas.
- One and a half years ago, the design was perfected and the pair lodged a patent with Brisbane patent attorneys Griffith Hack.
Here is their website but you can see it is “under construction”. I’ll bet.
Please note – as of 25 June 2010, this Website is undergoing reconstruction. We thank you for your patience.
Worlds leading Independent experts report confirms witnessing many times more electricity being generated than consumed by Lutec prototypes. Report available for download here. |
I show the alleged report but it is a PDF file and I don’t have the version that lets me copy stuff. You should read it. It’s a stitch.
As one critic put it:
Comment and Opinion
Lutec – all the energy that you can eat (13/4/2002)
One of the great nonsenses of pseudoscience that never seems to go away is the perpetual motion machine. They aren’t called that these days, of course, because everyone knows that such things are impossible. The new name is “free energy device”, but the principle is the same. A recent example of this genre is the Lutec 100, a generator which, according to the inventors, is 3000% efficient. The Lutec people once said that they were going to accept the $100,000 challenge from the Australian Skeptics, but for some reason they eventually lost interest. They were awarded the 2001 Bent Spoon Award for their efforts at overthrowing physics. I thought I would see where they were up to in their attempt to solve all the world’s energy problems, so I sent them the following email. I have not yet received a reply, but if I could predict the future I would say that the reply will either be a set of answers to some other questions or some abuse and patronising suggestions that I don’t understand what they are doing.
More next week