Spiritism? OK I give up…

Spiritism: 15 million

The problem with the list I have been using to meditate on the relationship between religions and the environment is it is all inclusive…noting religions that have less adherents then the population of New York City. Not that I am making fun of or discounting any of the “smaller” religions…In fact in honor of CES’ web mistress I will post on the Unitarians no matter what BUT Spiritism? I am almost afraid to see what pops out of the search engine. Could it be spooks!


Allan Kardec (1804-69),


Allan Kardec (1804-69), “decoder” of Spiritism

Spiritism is a spiritualist philosophical doctrine, established in France in the mid-nineteenth century.

Spiritism, or French spiritualism, is based on books written by French educator Hypolite Léon Denizard Rivail under the pseudonym Allan Kardec reporting séances in which he observed a series of phenomena that could be only attributed to incorporeal intelligence (spirits). His assumption of spirit communication was validated by many contemporaries, among them many scientists and philosophers who attended séances and studied the phenomena. His work was later extended by writers like Leon Denis, Arthur Conan Doyle, Camille Flammarion, Ernesto Bozzano, Chico Xavier, Divaldo Pereira Franco, Waldo Vieira, Johannes Greber[1] and others.

Spiritism has adherents in many countries throughout the world, including Spain, United States, Japan, Germany, France, England, Argentina, Portugal and especially Brazil, which has the largest proportion and the greatest number of followers.[2]
OK where is Houdini when you need him?


*   Spiritism is a lesson of love and everlasting life in a continued pursuit of self-improvement and harmony with all the creation throughout multiple existences.
*   It is the collection of principles and laws, as revealed by the Superior Spirits, contained in the works of Allan Kardec, which constitute the Codification of Spiritism: The Spirits’ Book, The Mediums’ Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell and The Genesis According to Spiritism.
*   It is the promised Consoler which came, at the appointed time, to compliment and remind us of what Jesus taught, “reestablishing all things in their true meaning”, so bringing to Humanity the true basis for spiritualization.

But I forgot about mother earth and the New Agers.


Under the Spell of Mother Earth Chapter 5 


Welcoming the Goddess

Human Sacrifice



“Pagans at the Harvard Divinity School.  A Goddess-centered ritual at the University of Pennsylvania.  A feminist seder in Silver Spring.  New moon groups at a rabbinical seminary.  Women’s spirituality sessions at Appalachian State University, Wesleyan University, Brown …. What on earth is going on?”  (Judith Weinraub, The Washington Post)1 “In the beginning, there was no God.  There was the Goddess.  She peered into the great void and created the Heav­en and the Earth, and in this new domain women ruled.  The world was peaceful and both sexes worshiped Her.”  (Sonia L. Nazario, The Wall Street Journal)2

 “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done.” (Matthew 6:9-10)

LINDA, A STUDENT in elementary education at California State University at Sacramento, had to take a course titled “Curriculum and Methods in Elementary School Social Studies.” On the first day of class, her professor drew a large serpent on the chalkboard.  “This will protect you against evil forces,” he explained.  “What kind of a class is this?” wondered Linda.  A few weeks later, she wrote the following message to her mother who sent it on to me:

I absolutely hate it!  The teacher is wearing a crystal around his neck. If this gives you any idea – here are some of our text titles: When God Was a Woman, Myths to Live By, Return of the Goddess, Cows, Pigs, Wars and Witches, The Once and Future Goddess, etc.  If I didn’t have to be here, I would have walked out already.  I’m so amazed that this is our required class.  

Linda was being trained to teach Goddess spirituality.  As a Christian, she recognized the deception.  But what about her peers?  What kind of social studies will they be teaching their students?  And if the Goddess is spreading her pagan roots through public education, how are her values influ­encing the rest of the nation?

The Rise of Goddess Spirituality



During the mid-eighties, I searched local bookstores in vain for information on ancient Canaanite idol worship.  I wanted to understand God’s prophecy to Abraham con­cerning the time his descendants would enter the Promised Land.  God promised it would happen after 400 years of captivity, when the “sin of the Amorites” reached “its full measure.”3  As always, His timing would be perfect.  Israel would not be allowed to possess the land until Canaan’s degrading idolatry made it ripe for judgment.

Suddenly, in early 1990, books about Goddess worship burst into public view with voluptuous illustrations, they described the Babylonian religion that had captivated the Canaanites in earlier days.

Our most popular local bookstore displayed thirty-one books on the Goddess.  Some titles, like those on Linda’s reading list, express today’s growing fascination with the mythical Earth Mother: The Goddess Returns; The Way of the Goddess – A Manual for Wiccan Initiation; The Serpent and the Goddess – Women, Religions and Power in Celtic Ireland; The Goddess Within, Goddesses in Every Woman, The Sacred Age of the Goddess; The Triple Goddess; The Once and Future Goddess …

Other titles joined Goddess worship to ecofeminism, fem­inine spirituality, and witchcraft: Priestesses; Kali-The Femi­nine Force; The Great Cosmic Mother – Rediscovering the Religions of the Earth; Myth and Sexuality; Drawing Down the Moon – Witches, Druids, Goddess Worshipers and Other Pagans in America Today; The Great Cosmic Mother,, The Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries – Feminist Witchcraft, Goddess Rituals, Spellcasting and other Womanly Arts.

Why this outpouring of publicity for the ancient God­dess?  Roger Woolger and Jennifer Barker Woolger gave an answer in their article “‘The Wounded Goddesses Within”:

Throughout the world, but most prominently in West­ernized countries, we are witnessing a reawakening of the feminine, a profound upheaval within the consciousness of women… Radical commentators have called it figuratively a “return of the Goddess,” because it seems to suggest the very antithesis of patriarchal society.4

The myths and practices that beckon seekers resemble those of Deep Ecology.  But followers of the Goddess express far more anger toward our male-dominated culture. To save the earth, they plan to …

  •  Replace the obsolete patriarchal system of a Father God which, they say, is squeezing our planet dry of resources, with the more compassionate culture of the ancient Mother Goddess.

  •  Revive the ancient myths, images, and rituals of the Goddess.

  •  Reclaim the power and sacredness of eroticism.

“Ecofeminism develops the connections between ecology and feminism that social ecology needs in order to reach its own avowed goal of creating a free and ecological way of life.”5 (Ynestra King in Healing the Wounds) 

Ecofeminists envision a world without authority figures or male saviors, “for the saving and sustaining power is in herself.”6 Filled with earth’s psychic energies and wisdom, we would each be free to do



A Wisdom Archive on The Gaia Hypothesis

Gaia Hypothesis

The Gaia Hypothesis proposes that our planet functions as a single organism that maintains conditions necessary for its survival. The truly startling component of the Gaia hypothesis is the idea that the Earth is a single living entity with the capacity of self regulation.



If you want to chat about it you can go to the site above. I don’t think the new agers have groups per se…the very idea of organizations is so OLD World. But they do have festivals:



Juche – a simple name for a nasty idea. Kim Il Sungism

Jodie Foster, Pregnant Man, Iran, Prince Philip, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, American Idol, Obama, China, Beyonce, Rolling Stones. (sorry for the deception but please read below)

Normally I wouldn’t bother to cover this but since it’s on the list I felt I needed to “dis” it as much as I could. I even took the time to get Buzzes top searches for the week to punch it up a bit. I even checked every category Energy Tough Love has to publicize this human indignity. The list of “Religions” that I used to start this meditation on the relationship between Religion and the Environment placed Juche well down on the list but with 18 million adherents that still alot of folks. I had never heard of it before and I even asked a couple of people if they had heard of it. Imagine my suprise when I typed it into a search engine and up popped this Prick who claimed he was god:



During his lifetime he forced millions of people in North Korea to worship him. Can you imagine anything more degrading or disgusting then a man who points a loaded gun at your head and demands that you treat him like a god. You must pray to him. Oh most Divine Leader. Makes me want to puke. But then he is followed by this buffoon:



Now they are “worshiping” something no better than a trained monkey. If they had an ENVIRONMENTAL group in North Korea, I wish them the best of luck but I ain’t gonna publish it. I ain’t even gona type it into a search engine. If anybody ever deserved to get a nuke shoved up his poop shoot. This would be it.

And This Note Before We Leave China for the Primal – Indigenous Religions, whatever the heck that is?

primal-indigenous: 300 million



China’s massive but dwindling aquifers would be on track to run virtually dry if over-pumping continued, said Lester Brown, prominent US environmental policy advocate. At that point, its grain production would dive, severely exacerbating any food price increases that had already accumulated. Without rationally priced water, Brown predicted this scenario and a severe global food shortages as inevitable.At once an ecologist, author, farmer, and activist, Brown was one of the earliest pioneers of the modern environmental movement. He had worked in various capacities for the US Department of Agriculture, ultimately becoming the director of the International Agriculture Development Service in 1966. In 1974 he founded World Watch, a non-profit devoted to global environmental issues, and in 2001, the Earth Policy Institute.In 1995, Brown wrote a book entitled “Who Will Feed China?”, prompting worldwide attention and fierce debates in China on its role in affecting global food security.As part of the EO focus series on China’s rising food prises, Brown discussed with us the greater ecological significance in agricultural production.The key, he said, would be water.

Chinese Traditonal Religion Operates An Environmental Group? How do I write about this and avoid racism?

If you go back and look at the original list of the WORLD’S RELIGIONS there are roughly 1.5 billion people that fall into 2 pretty blurry categories. Easiest to deal with are th 1.1 billion,

Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion


Because I write about them everyday when I am not writing directly about Energy Issues, I am not going to do a post here.. The Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth and most of the other environmental nonprofits are of this group. Much harder to discuss though are religions like those of mainland China.


Chinese traditional religion: 394 million

Chinese Traditional Religion causes clouds in westerner’s minds. I mean it would be so easy to get all New Earthy here with cliches and stuff. Or make rude references to the television program Kung FU and  being like a “grasshopper” or make fun of Shanghai Knights and Jackie Chan


Western views

The absence of a proper name for this religion, associated with the absence of any canonical literature, have for a long time caused Chinese folk religion to be viewed by Westerners as a popularized version of an “authentic” religion, in the same way that the cult of the saints is viewed. Both in China and outside, adherents often describe themselves, or are described by others, as followers of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, or a mix among these.


Blurtit expands on this definition:

“Worship of animals, the sun, moon, earth, the heavens and stars has been a tradition of this religion. Various devotions in celebration of legends, festivals, folk gods and goddesses has been part of the Chinese culture for centuries. Mythical figures, “saints,” immortals, and demigods are part of the Chinese tradition.”

The real problem for many of the world’s religions from a Jewish/Christian/Islam perspective is that they lack a Messianic Character (Christ); they are largely oral and interpretive in nature; and they are not monetheistic. This is true of a post already put up that dealt with Hinduism, but even more true of Jainism and some others.

Yet many of these religions directly address the environment as being much more important than the current leaders of the food chain, and caution against the over use of resources such as energy.

I rarely ever get lucky, but on this topic I did. a guy named Austin Arensberg put together this enormous list of groups, mostly local NGOs, working on environmental issues in China and sharing a traditional perspective.

A partial list includes:

Green Earth Volunteers


Green Watershed

Green River

Nu River Project

China Rivers Network

Wild China

Han Hai Sha: Volunteer Website Dedicated to Desertification in China

China Green Foundation

Green Camel

Perspectives plateau

Contact: Marc Foggin
Phone: +86 0 976 889 2104
Email: marc_foggin@hotmail.com

Green Khampa
Contact: Mr. Ding Xiaotao
Phone: +(86) (0) 836 283 9119

Friends of Grasslands
Contact: Mr. DA Lintai
Phone: +(86) (0) 471 4312480

Green Campbell – Lanzhou Grasslands Research Institute

Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute
Contact: Dr. Liang Tiangang
Phone: + (86) (0) 0931 8662047, Fax: 86 0931 8497314
Address: P.O. Box 61, 730020, Lanzhou, Gansu Province

Snowland Great Rivers Environmental Protection Association
Contact: Gara Sandrup Rokai
Phone: + (86) (0) 971 6116 843, 0976 882 9088
Fax: 0976-8829099
uyohata@sina.com ,


Upper Yangtze Conservation Development Organisation
China Vetiver Network

China Biodiversity Conservation Foundation
Fujian Bird-watching Society
Fujian Fire Bird?
HongKong Bird-Watching Society
Xiamen Bird-Watching Society
Shenzhen Bird-Watching Society
Wetland of the Dongting Lake?

Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge
Siberian Tiger Park
Wuhan Baiji Dolphin Conservation Foundation
China Wildlife Conservation Association
Nature and Culture Conservation Club

Green Dalian
Friends of Nature

And a 2006 Worldwatch Institute article makes this point:


In this 2006 article by Lila Buckley, titled:

Maturing Environmental Movement Takes Uniquely Chinese Approach

“While many of their issues are familiar to activists around the world, environmentalists in China recognize that they must forge their own path. Speaking at the NGO Forum, Mei Yue, media director for Greenpeace China, explained how her organization tries to take advantage of environmental principles embedded in Chinese culture and philosophy. “Thinking locally in China involves traditional ideas of humanity in harmony with nature,” she said, noting that environmentalists need to stress more broadly the notion that this harmony is out of balance. “Then we can come up with uniquely Chinese understandings of new terms like ‘ecology’ and ‘sustainable development’ in order to solve our problems,” Mei explained.”

Unfortunately hindsight paints a less than hopeful Picture. The main point of the article is that Chinese Environmentalist are ready to dig in and fight. This last year brought global warming to China producing the first Heavey snowstorms during their New Year and ruining everyone’s holidays. The drought continued in the west and their deserts expanded and they drove the price of oil up over a 100$$$ per barrel.

And as usual the pretty pictures too:


Jewish Environmental Groups? I thought this could be a lot of fun

While I was working on the last 2 posts, a thought came to me. Are there religious based environmental and energy advocacy organizations around the the country or the world?


And quick as you can say Holly Moelly Batman, I find this site and they got pretty pictures too.


Israeli Environmental Issues and Organizations

Adam Teva V’Din: The Israel Union for Environmental Defense

Protection and restoration of Israel’s environment through research, grassroots organizing, litigation, and political advocacy.

Alma – Association for Environmental Quality
A citizens group involved in promoting the use of environmentally-friendly products and organically-grown produce, in encouraging industry to reduce waste, in advancing recycling and in forming an environmental youth movement.

The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies (AIES)
Email: info@arava.org
AIES offers the foremost environmental studies program in the Middle East. Participants come from The Palestinian Authority, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and a variety of other nations including the US, Canada, Sweden, China, and Australia.

Council for a Beautiful Israel
Email: cbi@israel-yafa.org.il
CBI is active in promoting environmental awareness, protecting the natural beauty of Israel, preserving historical sites, promoting the rehabilitation of run-down urban areas and developing public recreation sites and gardens.

Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME)/EcoPeace
Email: contact@ecopeace.com
A consortium of Egyptian, Jordanian, Israeli and Palestinian environmental non-governmental organizations that work jointly to promote sustainable development in the Middle East.

For Bicycles
Email: taba@bike.org.il
Local associations for the promotion of bicycles as a means of transportation in Israel’s cities.

Green Action
Email: info@greenaction.org.il
An association fighting against environmentally damaging projects by means of colorful demonstrations, attracting media attention to issues.

Greenpeace Mediterranean
Email: mmedia@diala.greenpeace.org

Green Course (Megama Yeruka)
Email: megama@green.org.il
Students’ group aimed at promoting environmental issues inside and outside the universities, colleges and other higher education institutes.

Heschel Center for Environmental Learning and Leadership
Email: heschel@heschelcenter.org
Integrates environmental ethics into Jewish and Israeli education through seminars, teacher training, curricula development, and research.

Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel (ICCI)
Email: iccijeru@icci.org.il
The ICCI is an umbrella organization of over 70 Jewish, Muslim and Christian institutions actively working towards interreligious and intercultural understanding in Israel and the region.

Israel Economic Forum for the Environment
Email: ecoforum@netvision.net.il
The forum encourages industry, transportation, agriculture and other economic sectors to incorporate environmental concerns into their development planning alongside economic and operational concerns.

Israeli Green Party

Israeli-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) (Environmental Programs)
Email: ipcri@ipcri.org

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
Email: jcpa@netvision.net.il
List of recent Jewish Environmental Publications

Jewish Global Environmental Network (JGEN)
Email: jgen@coejl.org
The mission of the JGEN is to develop partnerships and collaborative initiatives through which Jewish environmental leaders in Israel and around the world work together toward a sustainable future for Israel.

Jewish National Fund
Email: communications@jnf.org
Forestry and land reclamation in Israel; education; Israel trips; campus programming.

Kibbutz Lotan
Email: lotan-office@lotan.ardom.co.il
Email: lotan-programs@lotan.ardom.co.il
Kibbutz Lotan offers creative approaches for integrating the study of Liberal/Progressive Judaism, kibbutz, desert ecology, and environmental protection.

Life and Environment
Email: sviva@sviva.net
An umbrella organization to coordinate environmental activities among Israel’s non-governmental organizations.

Ministry of Environment

Neot Kedumim
Email: Gen_Info@Neot-Kedumim.org.il
Nature reserve dedicating to restoring the flora and fauna of biblical Israel; publication of educational materials.

New Israel Fund
New Israel Fund pursues an integrated strategy of grantmaking, technical assistance and coalition building to support national and community-based public interest organizations in Israel.

Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI)
Email: international@spni.org.il
http://www.spni.org.il/e, birthright mission: http://israelnature.com/

Israel’s largest environmental organization advocates environmental protection and offers a wide variety of educational programs and tours.

American Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (ASPNI)
email: aspni@aol.com

Teva Adventure Israel
Email: info@tevaadventure.org
Teva Adventure is a new not-for-profit informal Jewish educational organization that combines outdoor, environmental & adventure education with Jewish programming.


National Geographic Magazine and State Journal Register Publish Fraudulent Advertisement

I will not even publish the advertisements because they are designed to rip off Senior Citizens, Poor People, and the less educated/intelligent. Let’s just say that the Amish Heater (HeatSurge) and the EdenPure Heater are the biggest rip-offs since FREE GOLD COINS. Deregulated Capitalism produces the acceptance of theft as the normal course of day. Remember the Snake Oil salesmen of the 1930’s. (There Baaaaaack) Well they are back and George Bush thinks they are cute. Yah know, “Only a stupid (make up your own derogative ethnic or class descripter) would buy one of those. Heck they deserve it.”

For the Record. The most efficient use of electricity is to use it to generate work. In other words it is most efficiently used to run pumps and motors. It is not an efficient way to generate heat (or light for that matter)…though that can be a reusable byproduct of the work. To use it purely to generate heat is incredibly wasteful, BUT any Watt used to generate heat can generate something like 500 degrees of heat if used as efficiently as possible. Neither heater listed above is efficient. Resistance heating is the most efficient use of that electricity if a Person must use it that way. Anyone can go to the local hardware store and buy one for 30$$$.

I can understand the State Journal Register ripping people off with its new “advertising is everything” attitude, but the National Geographic? That is atrocious:



   Just Wondering asked the

question; Do the Heat

 Surge Fireless Flame

heaters that the Amish sell

 really work?

Best Answer – Chosen by Asker

The ads (which are all over the country) are very misleading.

1. A coffee maker uses a large amount of electricity for about a minute. It’s true that the so-called “miracle” heater uses less electricity than a coffee maker DURING THAT ONE MINUTE. But you’re going to have the heater running for a lot longer than one minute a day. So it’s going to cost you a lot more to operate than a coffee maker does.

The heater will cost you around 12 cents per hour to operate. The average cost of electricity in the U.S. is 8 cents per 1,000 watts per hour, so 1,500 watts costs 12 cents per hour on average. This is true for ANY 1,500 watt electric heater.

2. The ads say that the heater produces an “amazing” 5,119 BTU (a measure of heat energy), but ALL 1,500 watt electric heaters produce 5,119 BTU. If an electric heater was 100% efficient, it would convert 1,500 watts of electricity into 5,120 BTU of heat. All electric heaters are nearly 100% efficient, and this has been true for decades. The “miracle” heater is no more efficient than any other electric hea




Let me offer my thinking on the edenpure heater as I sit, somewhat cold, in my office trying to decide whether or not to buy one. As I understand this, a quartz infrared heater is good at heating objects rather than the air. This can keep a person relatively warm in a cool room if they stay seated or at least within the arc of the infrared lamp. That makes it relatively more efficient than heating the entire space around them, even if the cost/btu looks unfavorable.

Welcome to the forums marc13.
Did you notice that they don’t give a BTU rating, or a wattage rating? Your assumptions about quartz heaters are correct, but infrared I’m not sure of. I haven’t found much about that type, but do take notice of what some of us have suggested as alternates to this thing. In the sites I visited from other boards, I didn’t see even one post recommending them (any style). The edenpure in EVERY case was concidered to be highly overpriced and very INefficient. JM ( Junkman462 summed it up very well, have a look.


The Edenpure seems to be a hybrid system. It uses an infrared lamp to heat a copper heat-exchanger. That would make it less efficient that using the infrared to heat you directly, but potentially more efficient in heating the entire room, because the infrared is (might be?) more efficient than oil or gas in heating the heat-exchanger.

May I ask where you found this information? I’ve looked all over the place and couldn’t find anything more than the manufacturers *claims. Nothing about copper heat exchanger. 


If the room has relatively high humidity, this effect would be enhanced by the heat carrying capacity of the humidity (I just stepped over the bounds of what I think I understand).

But from what I understand, it doesn’t heat the room, just objects it’s pointed at.


As an investment, the Edenpure also has the advantage of any portable heat source in that it is portable. So I’m still a little skeptical, but still considering it. Like virtually all technologies, but might not be the best for all applications, but it might be the best for some.

At that price, I seriously doubt it. 


I’d appreciate any corrections on my thinking or understanding of thermodynamics. Thanks

Sounds like you have the jist of it, though I WILL bow to MANY others here.

Why would anyone pay 300 – 400$$$ for something you can get for 30$$$. The offending publications say “ITS LEGAL”. The answer is so is Pedophelia if you don’t get caught or 7 years after the event.

The Peak Oil People Are Unsure – Is this their halcyon dream or their worst nightmare?

The cost of oil is hovering around $110 per barrel and Gold is at $1000 a troy ounce.



And this is the AP’s take on it:


OPEC blames U.S. for

 fueling record oil prices




VIENNA, Austria — OPEC on Wednesday accused the U.S. of economic “mismanagement”

that it said is pushing oil prices

to record highs and rebuffed calls to boost output, laying the blame on the Bush administration.

Oil prices surged after the OPEC announcement and the re­lease of a U.S. government report

showing a surprise

drop in crude oil stockpiles. Light, sweet crude for April delivery jumped $5 to

settle at a record $104.52 per bar­rel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

The 13-nation Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries said it would maintain current

production levels because crude supplies are plentiful and demand is expected to weaken

during the second quarter.

OPEC President Chakib Khelil said the global market is being af­fected by what he called

“the mis­management

of the U.S. econo­my,” and that America’s problems were a key factor in the cartel’s

decision to hold off on any action.

“If the prices are high, definite­ly they are not due to a lack of crude. They are due to

what’s happening

in the U.S.,” Khelil said. “There is sufficient supply. There’s plenty of oil there.”

Khelil’s comments came one day after President Bush lashed out at the organization,

warning Tuesday:

“I think it’s a mistake to have your biggest customers’ economies slowing down as a

re­sult of higher energy prices.”

White House spokesman Dana Perino said Wednesday that Bush

was “disappointed” OPEC didn’t do more to rein in prices, which some say are pushing

the U.S. economy into recession.

Analyst John Hall, of John Hall Associates in London, said OPEC probably should have

added oil to the market as Bush had asked.

“But in this time of intense geopolitical tension, it would be difficult for Saudi (Arabia) or

any other producer to

acquiesce sim­ply because President Bush had asked them to,” he said. “In the short

term, any true respite for the

 consumer is still out of reach.”

The Net result is without dispute, Gasoline Prices Skyrocketed:


Gas prices on April 17 or 18 2007. Data for EU countries were provided by the AA Motoring Trust. Prices are listed in U.S. dollars
United Kingdom




































Czech Republic
















United States












Saudi Arabia




Joel Lou from the EPA cites these prices for Europe as of March, 2008


(U.S. Dollars per Gallon)

Date Belgium France Germany Italy Netherlands UK US
3/10/2008 8.37 7.95 8.24 8.07 8.91 8.10 3.44

Did the Saudi’s really blame our Mortgage Fraud Scandal and Economic Collapse for the high price of Oil? No matter what, however, our shattered Economy and resulting dollar devaluation will do nothing but drive up the price of oil further. 


Taylorville Energy Center Is A Very Bad Idea – Pump Poison where they can’t monitor it

FutureGen was a bad idea because it made Deep Well Injection (DWI) look like a possibility in Central Illinois. And get this it cost NOTHING. The Government didn’t spend a dime nor did the Energy Industry. But, it accomplished so much. FutureGen:

1. Got the citizens excited and made the appearance of their acceptance.

2. Got the State of Illinois hooked into something that does not exist…Clean Coal Technology.

3. Produced studies that claim that DWI will work in Central Illinois – its the Sandstone…its the sand stone..its.

4. Glossed over the toxics produced and the huge amounts of water it will consume.

5. Coopted the Energy and Environmental Groups

6. Paved the way for the real threat which is in Decatur and Taylorville in a classic bait and switch move.


Taylorville Energy Center Receives Final Air Permit, Environmental Appeals Board Denies Sierra Club Appeal
             Project Can Begin Once Illinois Lawmakers Act
TAYLORVILLE, Ill.--(Business Wire)--In a critical milestone for the development of clean coal
technologies, the U.S. Environmental Appeals Board denied the Sierra
Club's appeal of the air permit granted to the Taylorville Energy
Center. The project is now poised to move forward once enabling
legislation is passed by the Illinois General Assembly.
   On June 5, 2007, following a two year application process, the
Illinois EPA granted the first U.S. air quality permit for a
commercially-sized Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power
generating facility to the Taylorville Energy Center (TEC), a $2
billion, 630-megawatt project being developed by Christian County
Generation LLC (CCG).

In CES’ last blog I covered what was in Coal because gasification uses huge amounts of it. Why? because gasification is only interested in the Hydrogen it can get out of the stuff, plus many of the elements they won’t use are flammable


thus they contribute to the BTWs in coal when it is burned. As a result they will need 2 or 3 times the amount of coal to produce the same amount of Electricity. Logically then they are going to produce at least 2 to 3 times the toxics and probably more. In the past, gasification sites just dumped all that nasty stuff on the ground. That has produced a fair amount of Superfund Sites and the irony is that one of them is in Taylorville. The second irony is that that site hasn’t even been cleaned up yet, and Tenaska wants to start another one.

But these people think its just a dandy idea:


While these people talk out of both sides of their mouths:


Tenaska Proposes Nation’s First New Conventional Coal-fueled Power Plant to Capture Carbon Dioxide – February 19, 2008

Captured CO2 would be sequestered in the Permian Basin and help recover more than $1 billion of West Texas oil annually.

Tenaska, Inc. is developing a site near Sweetwater, Texas, upon which to construct a technologically advanced coal-fueled electric generating plant able to capture up to 90 percent of the carbon dioxide (CO2) that would otherwise enter the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide would be sold for use in enhancing oil production in the Permian Basin, resulting in geologic storage.    

Did they coopt the Environmental and the Energy Groups who are supposed to stop this stuff? You bet your jammies they did:

   EAB questioned Sierra Club's arguments given the organization's
numerous past statements supportive of IGCC technology:
   For a number of years, Sierra Club has argued that IGCC technology
should be adopted as the best available control technology for
limiting air pollutant emissions from the burning of coal to produce
electrical power.

What Is In Coal Anyway – eww yuck

For a long time I have wondered why there was not an easy place to go to get a list of what all is in coal without having to know the periodic table by heart, have a degree in geology or understand energy industry techo speak. I understood (I thought) what was in a clump of the nasty dusty stuff BUT it was never easy to understand. This was purposely made worse by disengenious efforts by the industry to say, “it varies from sample to sample”. The implication was that there was just no way to tell.

Periodically (yes yes it’s a pun), I would find something like this:


 Coal is largely composed of organic matter, but it is the inorganic matter in coal—minerals and trace elements— that have been cited as possible causes of health, environmental, and technological problems associated with the use of coal. Some trace elements in coal are naturally radioactive. These radioactive elements include uranium (U), thorium (Th), and their numerous decay products, including radium (Ra) and radon (Rn). Although these elements are less chemically toxic than other coal byproducts.


But even that little snippet should cause the casual reader to ask why have they been putting millions of tons of the above substances in our air, and why are they throwing that stuff away when it’s worth money? Sometimes big money? Those are good questions but you ain’t seen nothin yet.


So what is in coal besides carbon? When asked this question I usually say EVERYTHING. Think about it. Coal is nothing but rotted forests and shallow seas that were sealed over by geological upheavals of one sort or another. The geological upheavals puts pressure on the rotting vegetation and animals which hydrogenates the whole stinking mess into oil. If enough time passes, and the liquids solidify it turns into coal. So every element that was in that forest or in that shallow sea is in that coal or oil. I know this seems simple but really its what happens to dead things under heat and pressure.


People in the Coal and Oil Industry like to hide what is in oil and coal behind tons of gobbeldegook, jargon and hems and haws about sample size, type of coal and location. But that is because they want to stay in business (read: steal your resources and make huge profits) and they do not want you to know what they are throwing into your water and your air with gay abandoned.

This list is culled from the National Coal database for Illinois, so it is based on mostly bituminous coals and yes amounts of elements vary from coal sample to coal sample…But not as much as the normal person would assume. I have listed the elements in 3 tiers based roughly on the amounts present in the tested samples. The first tier is the Bulk of the makeup of coal that is not carbon, the second tier elements are usually referred to the Volatiles, and the third tier are what are usually referred to as Trace elements. We will come back to that issue of “trace” elements after the list.

Take your pick of 2 below for our science favorite (Sesame Street Music) – The Periodic Table!


Standard periodic table





Major Ingredients In Coal (besides carbon)













In Alphabetical Order the Slightly Rarer Ingredients































The Trace Elements




































This is roughly 80 elements out of the current total number of 117, some of which either do not occur on earth, like irriduim, or do not occur in nature. Primitive Capitalist had excuses for all this waste, the elements were either to hard to retrieve, their was no one to tell them to do so, or even that this waste had no effect. Fact of the matter is that they were just ignorant and lazy. When someone would bring up curbing pollution, they would just dismiss it as a waste of money or too expensive. But in reality NOT throwing things away makes money. Everytime Corporations have been forced to curb a pollutent, they have made money off the process. All extraction is is an engineering problem and these days it is not even that much of a problem. Yet the Energy Companies still persist in making these kinds of claims and now they have come up with a new dangerous way not to do it.


This issue of what is in Coal is really important when it comes to Deep Well Injection of waste. More on that Tomorrow.

FutureGen Is A Very Bad Idea – At least as formulated now

As I have said many times, collaboration between Environmentalists and Industry is never a good idea because the Environmentalists have to sacrifice some of their integrity to participate. We have no time for that now. Every little bit of the Earth that is unsullied is now sacred.




How can a project that has 2 of its own web sites and a Wikipedia listing be so wrong? Well let’s see COST?

Officials vow to

 not give up on


Durbin blames politics for decision to scrap plant


CHAMPAIGN — Officials promised Wednes­day to fight the Department of Energy’s decision to scrap a futuristic, low-pollution power plant planned for central Illinois, but the leader of the state’s congressional delegation seemed resigned to its end.Sen. Dick Durbin said he hopes to fund the $1.8 billion FutureGen power plant through ear­marks in the federal budget, but wasn’t opti­mistic it would work.“If the administration doesn’t support it, we’ve seen that this president is willing to use his veto pen over and over again,” Durbin said. “Without the support of the administration, it’s an uphill struggle.”Durbin spoke not long after Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said publicly what he’d told members of Illinois’ congressional delegation and Illinois economic development officials in a private meeting Tuesday.Rather than spend money on FutureGen, which was to have been built by a consortium of coal and power companies in Mattoon using mainly federal funds, the DOE plans to put its fi­nances into a handful of projects around the country that would demonstrate the capture and burial of carbon dioxide from commercial power plants.“This restructuring … is an all-around better deal for Americans,” Bodman, an Illinois native, said in making the announcement to scuttle the program.The department will now solicit industry ap­plications for participation in the new projects. The idea is for the government to pay for build­ing the carbon capture and storage facilities and industry to build the modern coal-burning power plant. Each project would be designed to capture 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, the lead­ing greenhouse gas linked to global warming, of­ficials said.The coal and power companies planning to build the plant, known as the FutureGen Al­liance, issued a statement saying it “remains committed to keeping FutureGen on track” but it was unclear how that would be possible without the federal funding.FutureGen was envisioned as a unique re­search project that would trigger development of a virtually pollution-free coal plant where carbon dioxide emissions would be captured and buried deep beneath the earth.


For a listing of the last ten AP postings on FutureGen go here.

Click on the Length of Search box and pick Archive, the type in FutureGen in the submit Box and click submit.

The Project escalated in cost from 750,000 million $$$ to 1.8 billion $$$ in a little less than 5 years. That is more than enough to build a “new generation” nuke on the same site. But think about this. What would it actually cost. We all know that typical Utility Construction Projects come in with at least 20% cost over runs and sometime as high as 40% is acceptable. Which means that the real cost would likely hover at just under 3 billion $$$. Can anyone say Too Cheap To Meter???