More About The Compressed Air Car – I want one of these.

I have been trying to track down more about this amazing car. As I understand it, the car is not in production but you can place an order for one by contacting the manufacturer directly. If you live in Europe apparently you can buy the car for $15,000. If you live in the USA, you will have to pay shipping costs which could add $5,000 to the cost. The text below is from Gizmag:

March 19, 2007 Many respected engineers have been trying for years to bring a compressed air car to market, believing strongly that compressed air can power a viable “zero pollution” car. Now the first commercial compressed air car is on the verge of production and beginning to attract a lot of attention, and with a recently signed partnership with Tata, India’s largest automotive manufacturer, the prospects of very cost-effective mass production are now a distinct possibility. The MiniC.A.T is a simple, light urban car, with a tubular chassis that is glued not welded and a body of fibreglass. The heart of the electronic and communication system on the car is a computer offering an array of information reports that extends well beyond the speed of the vehicle, and is built to integrate with external systems and almost anything you could dream of, starting with voice recognition, internet connectivity, GSM telephone connectivity, a GPS guidance system, fleet management systems, emergency systems, and of course every form of digital entertainment. The engine is fascinating, as is and the revolutionary electrical system that uses just one cable and so is the vehicle’s wireless control system. Microcontrollers are used in every device in the car, so one tiny radio transmitter sends instructions to the lights, indicators etc

There are no keys – just an access card which can be read by the car from your pocket.

Most importantly, it is incredibly cost-efficient to run – according to the designers, it costs less than one Euro per 100Km (about a tenth that of a petrol car). Its mileage is about double that of the most advanced electric car (200 to 300 km or 10 hours of driving), a factor which makes a perfect choice in cities where the 80% of motorists drive at less than 60Km. The car has a top speed of 68 mph.

Refilling the car will, once the market develops, take place at adapted petrol stations to administer compressed air. In two or three minutes, and at a cost of approximately 1.5 Euros, the car will be ready to go another 200-300 kilometres.

As a viable alternative, the car carries a small compressor which can be connected to the mains (220V or 380V) and refill the tank in 3-4 hours.

Due to the absence of combustion and, consequently, of residues, changing the oil (1 litre of vegetable oil) is necessary only every 50,000 Km.

Compressed Air Cars. I have seen the future and it is very good.

How would you like to go 200 miles for $2.00? Thats the claim for this car. If you charged the car with solar whoa, transportation with no pollution. Do not be fooled by its small size because it is made out of carbon composites so it is really tough. You drive in the middle which is cool. There business model is one of small regional assembly plants so it spreads jobs where ever it goes. Whoa you could knowck me over with a feather. How can we get one of those in Springfield, Illinois!

 The air car -  MDI - Moteur Developpement International
  Moteur Developpment International
The air car -  MDI - lifestyle, ecology, economy.  


Welcome to the future!

   After fourteen years of research and development, Guy Negre has developed an engine that could become one of the biggest technological advances of this century. Its application to Compressed Air Technology(CAT) vehicles gives them significant economical and environmental advantages. With the incorporation of bi-energy (compressed air + fuel) the CAT Vehicles have increased their driving range to close to 2000 km with zero pollution in cities and considerably reduced pollution outside urban areas.
   The application of the MDI engine in other areas, outside the automotive sector, opens a multitude of possibilities in nautical fields, co-generation, auxiliary engines, electric generators groups, etc. Compressed air is a new viable form of power that allows the accumulation and transport of energy. MDI is very close to initiating the production of a series of engines and vehicles. The company is financed by the sale of manufacturing licenses and patents all over the world

One More Day of Jokes on Planet Earth and I am done – it ain’t that funny day to day!

This site is real funny. I am only going to put a little of it up, but please visit. The site will put a smile on anyone’s face. 

You are here: > Directory > Humor

Alt. Energy Humor

The lighter side of light.  The gassier side of gas.

Finally found . . . the treasure at the end of the rainbow.

Waste to Energy: Treasure from Trash
(Thanks Nathan Allan)

* * * *

Galaxies Colliding



In the constellation of Pisces, some 100 million light-years from Earth,
two galaxies are seen to collide. (PhysOrg; Aug. 26, 2005)

(Which planet’s insurance policy would cover that one?)

* * * *

Speed Demon


Instead of spanking, consider taking your kid for a ride and
giving him/her the manual windshield wiper assignment.
(Thanks Rich Kushinsky)

* * * *

Environmental Yucks continue – The real George Bush and other JOKES!

Remember I ran a stupid video where a kid was mimicking a Will Ferrell bit about George Bushes take on Global warming well. Here is a site where you can see the real deal.

Other funnies there:





Tha Thats All Folks…

Moose, Methane, and Madness in Finland

I have pledged to myself to be only funny for the next week. This energy efficiency stuff can get pretty grime, what with the US, China and India sucking the planet dry. 

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Burping moose

bad for the


Amidst all the talk about carbon dioxide emissions

and global warming comes news that Norway’s

national mascot may be contributing to the

destruction of the environment, through burping

 and other bodily functions.

Climate offender, me?


Moose is a faily common site in Norway.


The country’s so-called “King of the Forest” hasn’t been widely viewed as having any really nasty personal habits, surely none that could be considered an environmental threat.

But now some researchers linked to Norway’s technical university (NTNU) in Trondheim contend that moose are responsible for tons of gas emissions a year through their frequent burping and, well, farting.

“Shoot a moose and save yourself a climate quota,” joked moose researcher (and moose hunter) Reidar Andersen at NTNU to newspaper VG on Tuesday. He’s published a book on the life of a moose.

And he’s only half joking. The research web site has calculated that the annual gas emissions from a moose are equal to those from an individual’s 36 flights between Oslo and Trondheim.

A grown moose will burp and pass so much methane gas in the course of a year that it amounts to 2,100 kilos of carbon dioxide emissions.

Newspaper VG reported that a motorist would have to drive 13,000 kilometers in a car to emit the same.

Bacteria in a moose’s stomach create the methane gas, which in turn breaks down the plant fibers the moose has eaten. Excess gas is (ahem) farted out, and methane gas is considered more destructive than carbon gas. Cows are also a source of such gas emissions, while pigs and chickens are more environmentally considerate.

VG reported that 120,000 moose wander around in Norwegian

 forests. This year’s looming moose hunt

(elgjakt), which begins

September 25, will eliminate an

estimated 35,000 of them.

Grin and Bare it – can the environment be funny?

what the heck…its enviro humor. we all need to laugh about our obvious situation.

Environmental Cartoon #2



Sulfur dioxide

From too many people
with too many tummy
troubles eating too
many eggs


From overly burdensome
taxes on the rich, which
have lessened their ability
to buy fine lead crystal,
the preferred method
of lead sequestration


From the butts of
left-wing cows chewing
commie alfalfa they got
from a pinko farm co-op


From a series of secret space
probes that were sent to planet
Mercury by the Johnson, Carter,
and Clinton administrations that
have kicked up clouds of “mercury
dust,” which have now drifted back
to earth

Carbon Dioxide

From living, green plants, of
course, which exhale CO2.
(Anybody who couldn’t come up
with that one obviously hasn’t
spent enough time learning
how to misrepresent scientific



John Francis is one of the heppest cats ever.

>This man is amazing and if there is a heaven…he has a place.


Ped Dispenser

John Francis, a 'planetwalker'

who lived car-free and silent for

 17 years, chats with Grist

By Mark Hertsgaard

10 May 2005

Read more about: green living

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How long could you survive without your car? For the many Americans

 who think nothing of driving 10 blocks to buy a gallon of milk, the answer

is obvious. But before any of you dedicated pedestrians and die-hard

cyclists start feeling smug, try this question: How long could you survive

 without talking?


John Francis.

Photo: Courtesy of Planetwalk.

Chances are, nowhere near as long as John Francis did. After a massive oil

spill polluted San Francisco Bay in 1971, Francis gave up all motorized

transportation. For 22 years, he walked everywhere he went -- including

 treks across the entire United States and much of South America --

hoping to inspire others to drop out of the petroleum economy.

Soon after he stopped riding in cars, Francis, the son of working-class,

 African-American parents in Philadelphia, also stopped speaking. For

17 years, he communicated only through improvised sign language,

 notes, and his ever-present banjo. The environmental pilgrim says

he took his vow of silence as a gift to his community "because, man,

I just argued all the time." But it may have been Francis who benefited

most of all. For the first time, he found he was able to truly listen to

 other people and the larger world around him, transforming his approach

 to both personal communication and environmental activism.

Francis started speaking again on Earth Day 1990. The very next day,

 he was struck by a car. He refused to ride in the ambulance, insisting

 on walking to the hospital instead. With a Ph.D. in land resources

(earned during his silence), he was later recruited by the U.S. Coast

 Guard to write oil-spill regulations and by the United Nations Environment

Program to serve as a goodwill ambassador.

Francis, the author of Planetwalker: How to Change Your World One Step at a Time,

 is now preparing for a second environmental walk across America. He

 spoke with writer Mark Hertsgaard about how social change happens,

 the decency he encountered among red-state Americans, and the

importance of bridging the chasm between white and black environmentalists.

If Europe Can Do It Why Can’t We? – because we got OIL GUYS as president and vice president

 Sorry about the look of the blog. My scanner did not do a very good job and I tossed

 the piece before I put this up. The point is that if we had not wasted the last 7 years on

two of the worst leaders we have ever elected at the worst time we could do it. George

Bush and Dick Cheney could be remembered as the Americans that killed the Planet.

Sunday, October 14, 2007



Cities act to prevent more climate





AXJO, Sweden—When this quiet city in southern Sweden decided in 1996 to wean itself off

 fossil fuels, most people doubted the ambi­tious goal would have any impact beyond the

town limits.

A few melting glaciers later, Vaxjo is attracting a green pilgrim­age of politicians, scientists and

business leaders from as far afield as the U.S. and North Korea seek­ing inspiration from a city

pro­gram that has allowed it to cut CO2 emissions 30 percent since 1993.

Vaxjo is a pioneer in a growing movement in dozens of European cities, large and small,

that aren’t waiting for national or internation­al measures to curb global warm­ing.

From London’s congestion charge to Paris’ city bike program and Barcelona’s solar power


, initiatives taken at the local level are being introduced across the continent — often influencing

national policies instead of the other way around.

“People used to ask: Isn’t it bet­ter to do this at a national or inter­national level?” said Henrik


 environmental controller in Vaxjo, a city of 78,000 on the shores of Lake Helga, surrounded

 by thick

pine forest in the heart of Smaland province. “We want to show everyone else that you can

accomplish a lot at the local level.”

The European Union, mindful that many member states are fail­ing to meet mandated emissions

cuts under the Kyoto climate treaty, has taken notice of the trend and is encouraging cities to

adopt their own emissions targets. The bloc awarded one of its inau­gural Sustainable Energy


awards this year to Vaxjo, which aims to have cut emissions by 50 percent by 2010 and

70 percent by 2025.

Stepping up for a cleaner Europe

There is a growing green movement afoot in European cities to curb global- warming

without waiting for national or international programs.

Cities controlling carbon dioxide emissions

Vaxjo, Sweden  stoppedusing fossil fuels in

1996; wood chips from sawmills replaced oil at

power plants

 Barcelona, Spain required new buildings in 2006 to install solar

panelsto generate 100 percent of energy for hot water.


Copenhagen, Denmarkintroduced apublic bike service

in 1995, allowing fine pick up and return of bikes at

dozens of stations

Stockholm, Copenhagen and London have set targets to cut CO2

emissions by 60 percent by 2025


SOURCES: City of Vaxjo; AP reporting

Bo­gota, the capital of Colombia, has reduced emissions with the Trans-Mileni

 municipal bus system and an extensive network of bicycle paths.

In Vaxjo, (pronounced VECK-shur), the vast majority of emis­sions cuts

 have been achieved at the heating and power plant, which replaced oil with

 wood chips from local sawmills as its main source of fuel. Ashes from the

 furnace are returned to the for­est as nutrients.

Without stronger na­tional policies promoting biofuels over gasoline, Vaxjo,

for one, will never reach its long-term target of becoming free of fossil fuels.

But it’s doing what it can locally. So-called “green cars” running on biofuels

 park free anywhere in the city. About one-fifth of the city’s fleet runs on biogas

produced at the sewage treatment plant.

Using biofuels instead of gaso­line in cars is generally considered to

 cut C02 emissions, although some scientists say greenhouse gases

released during the produc­tion of biofuel crops can offset those gains.

Vaxjo has also invested in ener­gy efficiency, from the light bulbs used

 in street lights to a new resi­dential area with Europe’s tallest all-wood

apartment buildings. Wood requires less energy to pro­duce than steel or

concrete. Although Vaxjo is tiny by com­parison, the C40 group, including major

 metropolitan centers such as New York, Mexico City and Tokyo, has been impressed

by the city’s progress and uses it as an example of “best practices” around the world.

“They’re a small town,” Reddy said. “Apply that to 7 million? It’s doable but its going

to take a lot longer.”


“We are convinced that the cities are a key element to change behavior and get results,”

said Pedro Ballesteros Torres, manager of the Sustainable Energy Europe campaign.

“Climate change is a global problem but the origin of the problem is very local.”

So far only a handful of Euro­pean capitals have set emissions targets, including Stockholm,

Copenhagen and London. Torres said he hopes to convince about 30 European cities to

commit to tar­gets next year.

While such goals are welcome, they may not always be the best way forward, said

Simon Reddy, who manages the C40 project, a global network of major cities ex­changing i

deas on tackling climate change.

“At the moment a lot of cities don’t know what they’re emitting so it’s very difficult to set

targets,” Reddy said.

More important than emissions targets, he said, is that cities draft action plans, outlining

specific goals needed to reduce emissions, like switching a certain percentage of the public

transit system to al­ternative fuels.

London Mayor Ken Living­stone’s Climate Action Plan calls for cutting the city’s C02

emis­sions by 60 percent in 2025, com­pared to 1990 levels. However, planners acknowledge

the cuts are not realistic unless the govern­ment introduces a system of car­bon pricing.

Barcelona, Spain’s second biggest city, has since 2006 re­quired all new and renovated

buildings to install solar panels to supply at least 60 percent of the energy needed to heat

 water. It’s not only in Europe that cities are taking action o

n climate change.

Several U.S. cities including Austin, Texas; Portland, Ore.; and Seattle

have launched programs to emulate Europe.

We run on local resources said plant manager Ulf Johnsson, scooping up a fistful of wood

chips from a giant heap outside the fac­tory.

He had just led Michael Wood, the U.S. Ambassador to Sweden, on a guided tour of

 the facility, which is considered state of the art. Not only does it generate elec­tricity,

but the water that warms up as it cools the plant is used to heating homes and offices

in Vaxjo.

Every week, foreign visitors ar­rive to see Vaxjo’s environmental campaign. Last year,

even a dele­gation of 10 energy officials from reclusive North Korea got a tour.

A similar but much larger sys­tem is in place in Copenhagen, Denmark’s capital, where

waste heat from incineration and com­bined heat and power plants is pumped through a

 purpose-built 800-mile network of pipes to 97 percent of the city.

Copenhagen is often cited as a climate pioneer among European cities. It cut (f02 emissions

 by 187,600 tons annually in the late ’90s by switching from coal to nat­ural gas and friofuels

at its energy plants. Its goal is to reduce emis­sions by 35 percent by 2010, com­pared to

1990 levels, even more ambitious than Denmark’s nation­al target of 21 percent cuts under

the Kyoto accord.

In 1995, the city became one of the first European capitals to in­troduce a public bicycle service that lets people pick up and return bikes at dozens of stations city-wide for a small fee. Similar initia­tives have since taken root in Paris and several other European cities.

Next, Copenhagen plans to spend about $38 million on vari­ous initiatives to get more resi­dents to use bicycles instead of cars.

Transport is one of the hardest areas for local leaders to control since traffic is not confined to a single area.

National Geographic Says We Have Some Carbon Breathing Room

>But as you saw in the last article Carbon Estimates are moving higher as quickly as you can print paper. Maybe thats part of the problem..hahahah
<OK when discussing this stuff you have to laugh or you cry.



To deal with global warming, the first step is to do the numbers.  




HOW IT WORKS.   Before the industrial revolution, the Earth’s atmosphere contained about 280 parts per million of carbon dioxide. That was a good amount—”good” denned as “what we were used to.” Since the molecular structure of carbon dioxide traps heat near the planet’s surface that would otherwise radiate back out to space, civilization grew up in a world whose thermostat was set by that number. It equated to a global average temperature of about 57 degrees Fahrenheit, which in turn equated to all the places we built our cities, all the crops we learned to grow and eat, all the water supplies we learned to depend on, even the passage of the seasons that, at higher latitudes, set our psychological calendars. Once we started burning coal and gas and oil to power our lives, that 280 number started to rise. When we began measuring in the late 1950s, it had already reached the 315 level. Now it’s at 380, and increasing by roughly two parts per million annually. That doesn’t sound like very much, but it turns out that the extra heat that CO2 traps, a couple of watts per square meter of the Earth’s surface, is


 Global warming presents the greatest test humans have yet faced. New technologies and new habits offer some promise, but only if we move quickly and decisively.

enough to warm the planet considerably. We’ve raised the temperature more than a degree Fahrenheit already. It’s impossible to precisely predict the consequences of any further increase in CO2 in the atmosphere. But the warming we’ve seen so far has started almost everything frozen on Earth to melting; it has changed seasons and rainfall patterns; it’s set the sea to rising.

No matter what we do now, that warming will increase some—there’s a lag time before the heat fully plays out in the atmosphere. That is, we can’t stop global warming. Our task is less inspiring: to contain the damage, to keep things from get­ting out of control. And even that is not easy. For one thing, until recently there’s been no clear data suggesting the point where catastrophe looms. Now we’re getting a better picture—the past couple of years have seen a series of reports indicating that 450 parts per million CO2 is a threshold we’d be wise to respect. Beyond that point, scientists believe future centuries will likely face the melting of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets and a subsequent rise in sea level of giant proportion. Four hundred fifty parts per million is still a best guess (and it doesn’t include the witches’ brew of other, lesser, green­house gases like methane and nitrous oxide). But it will serve as a target of sorts for the world to aim at. A target that’s moving, fast. If concentra­tions keep increasing by two parts per million per year, we’re only three and a half decades away.

Bill McKibben’s llth book on environmental topics, The Bill McKibben Reader: Pieces from an Active Life, will be published this winter.


So the math isn’t complicated—bul doesn’t mean it isn’t intimidating. So fai the Europeans and Japanese have even 1 to trim their carbon emissions, and th not meet their own modest targets. Me U.S. carbon emissions, a quarter of the total, continue to rise steadily—earlier thi we told the United Nations we’d be prod 20 percent more carbon in 2020 than we i 2000. China and India are suddenly starti produce huge quantities of CO2 as welL per capita basis (which is really the only s< way to think about the morality of the situJ they aren’t anywhere close to American 5) but their populations are so huge, andl economic growth so rapid, that they mal( prospect of a worldwide decline in emid seem much more daunting. The Chinese an rently building a coal-fired power plant i week or so. That’s a lot of carbon.

Everyone involved knows what the basid lines of a deal that could avert catastrophe « look like: rapid, sustained, and dramatic d emissions by the technologically advanced^ tries, coupled with large-scale technology! fer to China, India, and the rest of the develi world so that they can power up their emJ economies without burning up their coaL 1 one knows the big questions, too: Are sudd cuts even possible? Do we have the politic^ to make them and to extend them over

The first question—is it even possib usually addressed by fixating on some technology (hydrogen! ethanol!) and i: it will solve our troubles. But the scale problem means we’ll need many strategi years ago a Princeton team made one of assessments of the possibilities. Stephi and Robert Socolow published a paper i detailing 15 “stabilization wedges”-enough to really matter, and for which nology was already available or clear horizon. Most people have heard of them: more fuel-efficient cars, better-b wind turbines, biofuels like ethanol. newer and less sure: plans for building power plants that can separate carbon

 exhaust so it  can be “sequestered” underground. Those approaches have one thing in common:They’re more difficult than simply burning fos-sil fuel. They force us to realize that we’ve already had our magic fuel and that what comes next will be more expensive and more difficult. The price tag for the transition will be in the trillion dollars. Of course, along the way it will create myriad new jobs, and when it’s complete, it may be a much more elegant system. Once built the windmill, the wind is free; you don’t need to guard it against terrorists or build a massive army to control the countries from which it blows.  And since we’re wasting so much energy now, some of the first tasks would be relatively easy.  If we replaced every incandescent bulb that is burned out in the next decade anyplace in the world with a compact fluorescent,we’d make an impressive start on one of the 15 wedges. But in that same decade we’d need to build 400,000 large wind turbines—clearly possible, but only with real commitment. We’d need to follow the lead of Germany and Japan and seriously subsidize rooftop solar panels; we’d need to get most of the world’s farmers plowing their less, to build back the carbon in their soils have lost. We’d need to do everything all at once. As prescedents for such collective effort, people sometimes point to the Manhattan Project tobuild a nuclear weapon or the Apollo Program to put a man on the moon. But those analogies don’t really work. They demanded the intense concentration of money and intelligence on a single small niche in our technosphere. Now we need almost the opposite: a commitment to take what we already know how to do and somehow spread it into every corner of our economies, and indeed our most basic activities. It’s as if NASA’s goal had been to put all of us on the moon.

Not all the answers are technological, of course—maybe not even most of them. Many of the paths to stabilization run straight through our daily lives, and in every case they will demand difficult changes. Air travel is one of the fastest growing sources of carbon emissions around the world, for instance, but even many of us who are noble about changing lightbulbs and happy to drive hybrid cars chafe at the thought of not jetting around the country or the world. By now we’re used to ordering take-out food from every corner of the world every night of our lives— according to one study, the average bite of food has traveled nearly 1,500 miles before it reaches an American’s lips, which means it’s been mari­nated in (crude) oil. We drive alone, because it’s more convenient than adjusting our schedules for public transit. We build ever bigger homes even as our family sizes shrink, and we watch ever



bigger TVs, and—well, enough said. We need to figure out how to change those habits.

Probably the only way that will happen is if fossil fuel costs us considerably more. All the schemes to cut carbon emissions—the so-called cap-and-trade systems, for instance, that would let businesses bid for permission to emit—are ways to make coal and gas and oil progres­sively more expensive, and thus to change the direction in which economic gravity pulls when it applies to energy. If what we paid for a gallon of gas reflected even a portion of its huge envi­ronmental cost, we’d be driving small cars to the train station, just like the Europeans. And we’d be riding bikes when the sun shone.

The most straightforward way to raise the price would be a tax on carbon. But that’s not easy. Since everyone needs to use fuel, it would be regressive—you’d have to figure out how to keep from hurting poor people unduly. And we’d need to be grown-up enough to have a real conversation about taxes—say, about switching away from taxes on things we like (employment) to taxes on things we hate (global warming). That may be too much to ask for—but if it is, then what chance is there we’ll be able to take on the even more difficult task of persuading the Chinese, the Indians, and all who are lined up behind them to forgo a coal-powered future in favor of something more manageable? We know it’s possible—earlier this year a UN panel estimated that the total cost for the energy tran­sition, once all the pluses and minuses were netted out, would be just over 0.1 percent of the world’s economy each year for the next quarter century. A small price to pay.

In the end, global warming presents the great­est test we humans have yet faced. Are we ready to change, in dramatic and prolonged ways, in order to offer a workable future to subsequent generations and diverse forms of life? If we are, new technologies and new habits offer some promise. But only if we move quickly and deci­sively—and with a maturity we’ve rarely shown as a society or a species. It’s our coming-of-age moment, and there are no certainties or guar­antees. Only a window of possibility, closing fast but still ajar enough to let in some hope. D

% Warming Trends For more on climate from National Geographic and NPR, visit climateconnections and

How to Cut Emissions

Scientists warn that current C ~ emissions should be cut by at least half over the next 50 yea-s to avert a future global warming disaster. Princeton researchers Robert Socolow and Stephen Pac have described 15 “stabilizatio-wedges” (far right) to realize that goal using existing technologies Each carbon-cutting wedge wou< reduce emissions by a billion me: tons a year by 2057. Adopting a-combination of these strategies that equals 12 wedges could iovm emissions 50 percent.

3.7 metric tons of CO2 emissions contains a metric ton of carbon


Al Gore Wins the Nobel Prize – nah nah nu nah nah

The above link will take you to a hysterical video that fuses a bit by Will Ferrell from Saturday Night Live and a kid (maybe 15 or 16 years old) lip sysnching the bit. The bit itself is funny and without his image it shows how well Farrell does George Bush II’s voice. But there is something about adding the kids image that ratchets up the hilarity level. It sums up the Bush administrations attitudes towards not only energy, but the environment as well. And the kid get George Bush’s ADD like movements so much better than Will.

Al Gore in this blog’s estimation may be single handedly responsible for saving this planet. Think how far we would have come on this issue if he had been President for last 7 years. No Nukes…like the Satan Dick Cheney is currently trying to spend 50 billion dollars on, and no pulling out of the Kyoto Accords. Instead we would have had massive spending on Solar and Wind. The economy must shift. Thank god Al Gore recognizes it. And told the rest of the world.